When ride-sharing apps Uber and Lyft created carpooling services in 2014, some people thought it would be fun to use chance encounters with other passengers on their routes as a speed dating opportunity. These love-seekers argued that “there’s something quite romantic about two people sitting in the backseat of a car,” and some developed habits of asking women co-passengers ”Where are you headed?” (nothing creepy about that!).
Pundits called ride-sharing cars the “four-wheeled yentas,” “the new Tinder,” and, you know, a way “to get laid now.” One driver ran a dating game show in his car.
Some people found this trend cute. Others found it irritating. Uber has now cleared up where it stands on the issue. In an updated set of community guidelines the company released this week, it wrote:
“It’s OK to chat with other people in the car. But please don’t comment on someone’s appearance or ask whether they are single…And don’t touch or flirt with other people in the car. As a reminder, Uber has a no sex rule. That’s no sexual conduct between drivers and riders, no matter what.”
Riders and drivers who violate this policy can be removed from the platform. While the policy addresses incidents of sexual assault (though perhaps not seriously enough), it also clearly asks users to not think about Uber as a dating app.