If “golden showers” is the worst Russia has on Trump, America has nothing to worry about

Unrequited love?
Unrequited love?
Image: AP Photo/Mindaugas Kulbis
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To: President Vladimir Putin
The Kremlin

From: Joseph Q. Public, American citizen

Jan. 11, 2017

Dear Vlad,

You don’t mind if I call you, Vlad, do you? I wanted to write you about your close relationship with our president-elect, Donald J. Trump.

I read recently that your intelligence agents had collected some “compromising and salacious personal information” on The Donald. A memo about this was said to be generated by a former agent of MI-6, one of Britain’s premier spook agencies, so our US news media has taken this allegation seriously.

But, really, golden showers? You say the “perverted sexual acts” worthy of blackmailing a US president consisted of renting a hotel room in Moscow where Trump hired some prostitutes to “perform a golden showers (urination) show in front of him” on the bed that president and Mrs. Obama supposedly slept in?

Vlad, by your own admission in an interview with Bloomberg News, you clearly have no understanding of American culture or domestic political life.

This is a country that endorses gay marriage. It celebrates the freedom of choosing your own gender. One of our most decorated male athletes at the age of 66 decided he was in fact she and ended up on the cover of Vanity Fair in a corset. We are having so much oral sex that throat cancer rates among men have shot up. Our young people publicly declare themselves to be polyamorous (Vlad, that means they sleep with lots of different people, with consent). Way back in the 1990s one of our most popular female vocalists released a coffee-table book called Sex that showed bondage, full nudity, scenes with a dog, and scenes from a New York sex club.

You do know, don’t you, that the US president-elect is a twice-divorced man whose fourth child was born out of wedlock? And the mother of that child claimed he gave her “the best sex I ever had“?

If the best dirt you’ve got on a our highest elected official is he hired a bunch of girls to pee on a bed, we’ve got nothing to worry about. You don’t understand freedom and democracy enough to upset it.


Joe Q. Public