Mark Zuckerberg is a busy guy.
The billionaire CEO is not only running one of the highest profile companies in the world, he’s also trying to eradicate disease, fix education, connect everyone, and generally make the world a better place for his daughter.
All that means he’s a bit too occupied to actually run his own Facebook profile. For that, Zuckerberg has a team of a dozen or so Facebook employees, according to Bloomberg. They’re charged with crafting posts, uploading professionally shot videos and photos, and deleting comments from trolls.
Once upon a time, Zuckerberg was criticized for being too private online while his company encouraged users to share everything. But in recent years, he’s been using his Facebook profile to show a softer, and sometimes more grown-up, side. Scroll through Zuckerberg’s timeline these days, and you’ll find a birthday video tribute for his dog, a photo of him jogging through Beijing (no face mask), and a stream of a town hall he hosted with Indian prime minister Narendra Modi.
Most recently, Zuckerberg’s team is showing how much he”gets” Middle America. The Facebook chief’s latest PR campaign, a promise to visit all 50 states this year, kicked off in Texas, where he attended a rodeo, hung out with a 12-day-old calf, and squeezed in some volunteer hours.