This is what it looks like when a million Brazilians take to the streets

Brazil protester holds up flag.
Brazil protester holds up flag.
Image: Reuters/Ueslei Marcelino
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Brazil protest graphic
A map of Brazil’s recent major protests.
Image: Reuters

The biggest protests to hit Brazil in over 20 years just got a whole lot bigger.

Yesterday, Brazilian dissenters called for people across the country to rally, and rally they did. More than a million people in some 100 cities across Brazil took to the streets last night. Some even put the number of protestors at closer to 2 million.

While the vast majority of protests were non-violent, many people resorted to throwing stones, looting storefronts, lighting cars on fire and pulling down street signs and lamp posts. Brazilian police responded with blockades, pepper spray and tear gas. More than 40 people were injured, and at least one person has died.

This is what the mayhem looked like.

Brazil protests
Protesters gathered for a new wave of massive demonstrations in Brazil on Thursday evening to denounce poor public services and government corruption.
Image: AP Photo/Nelson Antoine
Brazil protests
Demonstrators participate in one of many protests around Brazil’s major cities in Belem, at the mouth of the Amazon River.
Image: Reuters/Paulo Santos
Demonstrators fight during a protest in Recife City.
Demonstrators fight during a protest in Recife City.
Image: Reuters/Marcos Brindicci
Bloodied protester in Brazil
There was violence between protesters, too. Here, a bloodied demonstrator in Sao Paulo who claims to have been attacked by another demonstrator, walks away from the crowd during one of many protests around Brazil’s major cities.
Image: Reuters/Stringer
Looting in Brazil
Amidst the chaos, looters hit the city. Here, a bank that was attacked during an anti-government protest in Rio de Janeiro is covered in shattered glass.
Image: AP Photo/Felipe Dana
Brazilian police shooting tear gas
Police responded to protests with tear gas and blockades. Here, military police fire tear gas at protestors during an anti-government demonstration in Rio de Janeiro.
Image: AP Photo/Victor R. Caivano
Protestor confronts police
Here, a protestor confronts a blockade of police in Rio de Janeiro.
Image: AP Photo/Felipe Dana
Tear gas protests
Demonstrators protesting against the government of Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff in front of the National Congress in Brasilia confronting smoke screens and tear gas.
Image: Reuters/Ueslei Marcelino
Guards protest Presidential palace
Army soldiers stood guard in defense of the presidential palace during a protest in Brasilia.
Image: AP Photo/Eraldo Peres
Protestor walks next to fire
Protestors have made a point of championing their country’s flag. Here, a demonstrator holds a flag next to a fire during a protest against the Confederations Cup and President Dilma Rousseff’s government.
Image: Reuters/Ueslei Marcelino