Quartz Africa Weekly: Slow internet, West African diets, not crying for Cecil

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella in Kenya
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella in Kenya
Image: (Brian Smale)
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Five stories from this week

Why South Africa’s largest mobile network, Vodacom, failed to grow M-Pesa. There are a myriad of reasons the world’s leading mobile money service hasn’t been able to transfer its success to South Africa. Sibusiso Tshabalala finds out why.

Why your internet connection is slow wherever you are in Africa. You might blame your local ISP for the amount of time it takes web pages to load if you’re on the continent, but it increasingly has to do with the location from which your pages are being served.

A Chinese media company is taking over East Africa’s booming pay-TV market. StarTimes has edged out South African media powerhouse DStv with a mix of cheaper TV bundles targeting lower income households, writes Omar Mohammed.

Kenya‘s inspiring technological transformation. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella writes in Quartz Africa on the power of technology to transform lives in Kenya by creating opportunities for everything from basic communications to fostering entrepreneurial spirit.

West Africans have some of the healthiest diets in the world. People in Mali, Chad, Senegal and Sierra Leone enjoy healthier diets than people in western countries according to a new study, writes Lily Kuo.

Other things we liked

When China met Africa. World Bank economist Tehmina S. Khan on therange of trade opportunities a well-managed relationship between China and its African country partners can offer both sides.

In Zimbabwe, we don’t cry for lions. Zimbabwean Goodwell Nzou writes in the New York Times of the disparity between the care shown for the killing of Cecil the lion and care shown towards ordinary locals. “We Zimbabweans are left shaking our heads, wondering why Americans care more about African animals than about African people.”

Why a richer Africa means more migrants.The gap between income levels in Africa and Europe is massive and is likely to be so for some time. And here’s the rub; as Africans get that bit richer, more are likely to try their luck.

This week, keep an eye on

Ghana’s doctors are threatening to discharge all patients and quit en masse. They will walk out if strike demands are not met by Thursday August 13. Members of the Ghana Medical Association have been on strike for over a week arguing for the government to improve their benefits.

South Africa’s statistical agency, Stats SA, releases the country’s June mining output data on Friday, August 14. The second quarter has been challenging for this sector, as it battles with intensified electricity load shedding,imminent job losses and falling commodity prices—hampering the performance of the sector.

Chart of the week

Africa’s millionaires are in Nigeria, Egypt, South Africa with some in Kenya too Since 2000, the number of people in Africa with assets worth $1 million or more has grown by 145%. This is twice the global average over the same time.