Aaron Robotham
Aaron Robotham did his PhD at the University of Bristol between 2005-2008. This involved analysing the contents of groups of galaxies discovered in the Australian led 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey. He subsequently moved to St Andrews in the UK and began working on the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey, which had a large amount of observing time on the Anglo-Australian Telescope in NSW. Using this data Aaron constructed common groups of galaxies, and used this information to infer the dark matter contents of the local Universe. In order to continue working on GAMA, and to move nearer to collaborators, Aaron moved to ICRAR/UWA in Perth in 2011. Initially this was only meant to be a short trip, but he has stayed there ever since. He continues to be involved in GAMA, and is also now working closely with Australian radio astronomers and simulators who model the Universe in order to understand what we see.

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