Andrew Mines
Andrew Mines is a Research Fellow at the Program on Extremism, where he helps lead PoE's efforts on the Capitol Hill Siege database. He is the audio editor of the podcast Mosul and the Islamic State, an Investigator with the National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center (NCITE), and a contributor to the Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET). Andrew also researches the Islamic State's "Khorasan Province" (ISKP) in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region, and is co-authoring a book publication on the group for release in 2022. He is a graduate of The University of Chicago, and is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Forensic Psychology at The George Washington University. He has published opinion pieces in multiple outlets including The Conversation, Washington Post, Dallas Morning News, The Interpreter, Lawfare, CTC Sentinel, Just Security, and GNET, and has provided TV and radio commentary for various affiliates at ABC, BBC, Bloomberg Radio, CBC, CBS, C-SPAN, Fox, NBC, and NPR, as well as commentary for other news outlets.

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