Evert Kleynhans
Evert Kleynhans is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Military History at the Faculty of Military Science of Stellenbosch University. He is also the Editor of the journal Scientia Militaria: South African Journal of Military Studies, and he serves as the Assistant Director of the Southern African Chapter of the Second World War Research Group.He holds a PhD in Military Sciences from Stellenbosch University, and has published a wide range of refereed academic articles in national and international journals and chapters in books. His first book for the popular market, Hitler's Spies: Secret agents and the intelligence war in South Africa, was published by Jonathan Ball in 2021.His research interest, and potential supervision, includes the full extent of the South African participation in the world wars, the impact of weather and terrain on warfare in Africa, counterinsurgency warfare in Africa, and the wider milieu of war and society in Africa.

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