Felix Mukwiza Ndahinda
Dr. Felix Mukwiza Ndahinda is an Honorary Associate Professor at the University of Rwanda’s College of Arts and Social Sciences, and a Consultant. He was formerly an Assistant Professor at Tilburg Law (The Netherlands, from 2009 to 2017). He also worked as an Associate Legal Officer for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda in Arusha-Tanzania (2009) and has been involved in various projects and consultancies. He holds a Ph.D. from Tilburg University (2009) and an LLM from the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights (Sweden-2006). His academic interests cover indigenous rights/issues, transitional Justice, peacebuilding, identity politics, and victimology. He has authored several publications covering these themes, including Indigenousness in Africa: A Contested Legal Framework for Empowerment of ‘Marginalized’ Communities (Springer/Asser Press, 2011), “The Bemba-Banyamulenge Case before the ICC: From Individual to Collective Criminal Responsibility”, International Journal of Transitional Justice 7 no.3 (2013); and, “Debating and Litigating Reparations in the Rwandan Context’, in C. Ferstman & Mariana Goetz (eds.), Reparations for Victims of Genocide, War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity, 2nd edn, Brill.