Hania Zlotnik
Hania Zlotnik is currently an independent consultant. Until January 2012, she was the director of the Population Division of the United Nations in New York. During her career at the Population Division, which began in 1982, she worked on international migration, internal migration, and urbanization, mortality, and population estimates and projections. She is currently a member of the Board of Population Connection and a member of the Leadership Council of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network. She holds a PhD in Statistics and Demography from Princeton University and is a graduate of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Her work has spanned the field of demography, covering the analysis of fertility, mortality, and migration with emphasis on their quantitative aspects. She has edited or written United Nations reports on international migration and development, female migration, levels and trends of urbanization, population distribution and migration, and population estimates and projections.

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