What the Pope’s fight with Donald Trump accidentally teaches us about IslamByHaroon MoghulPublishedFebruary 21, 2016
Sweden: The snow-white slate onto which US presidential candidates project their fantasiesByHaroon MoghulPublishedFebruary 10, 2016
Why more American Muslims are celebrating Christmas this yearByHaroon MoghulPublishedDecember 22, 2015
Dear Americans trying to torch Qurans: You’re doing it wrongByHaroon MoghulPublishedDecember 14, 2015
Trump’s star will fade, but the damage to America’s reputation has already been doneByHaroon MoghulPublishedDecember 13, 2015
America’s obsessive fear of Islam is distracting us from the real problem of gun controlByHaroon MoghulPublishedDecember 3, 2015
Putin accuses Turkey of funding terror, but his own policies help ISIL, tooByHaroon MoghulPublishedNovember 26, 2015
Five symbols Donald Trump could use to identify the Muslims in America’s midstByHaroon MoghulPublishedNovember 22, 2015
The Muslim world won’t defeat ISIL until it agrees on a definition of IslamByHaroon MoghulPublishedNovember 19, 2015
Only a real Islamic caliphate can stand up to the sham of ISILByHaroon MoghulPublishedNovember 11, 2015
Dubai’s reckless foreign policy is putting it on a path to disaster—and fastByHaroon MoghulPublishedOctober 28, 2015
Canadian voters just took a bold stand against Stephen Harper’s IslamophobiaByHaroon MoghulPublishedOctober 20, 2015
Saudi Arabia’s last best chance may be an alliance with IsraelByHaroon MoghulPublishedOctober 10, 2015
In China’s “other Tibet,” Xi Jinping is using human rights rhetoric to oppress an entire peopleByHaroon MoghulPublishedOctober 1, 2015
Mecca belongs to all Muslims, and Saudi Arabia shouldn’t be allowed to run itByHaroon MoghulPublishedSeptember 25, 2015