Lilly Cheng Immergluck
Lilly Immergluck, MD, MSCR, FAAP is Professor of Microbiology and Pediatrics and the Director of the Pediatric Clinical Translational Research Core at the Clinical Research Center at Morehouse School of Medicine. She also is an adjunct Associate Professor at Emory University's Rollins School of Public Health and is Research Director for the Pediatric Emergency Medicine Associates group in Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Immergluck is a pediatrician, a pediatric infectious disease specialist, and health services researcher, who has spent over 20 years studying the impact of antibiotic resistant infections and vaccine preventable conditions in children. Over the last decade, she has tried to address how children’s socio ecological conditions impact their health and wellness. In 2015, she was awarded a five year grant from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to apply geospatial statistical modeling to understand the impact of socio environmental factors which affect the transmission and spread of community associated antibiotic resistance infections in otherwise healthy children.