Nick Shay
Lynn K (Nick) Shay is a Professor of Oceanography in the Ocean Sciences Department at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. Shay’s research focuses on mesoscale air-sea interactions and coastal ocean processes for both weak and strong winds such as tropical cyclones (e.g., hurricanes). The approach is to use remote sensing techniques from both satellite (radar altimetry) and high frequency radar techniques to understand the air-sea interface in combination with in-situ measurements such as profiling floats and expendable profilers both of which can be deployed from research aircraft or ships. These experimental data are cast within 3-dimensional ocean and coupled models working with colleagues from various institutions to examine these complex interactions and assess the impact of surface conditions on the subsurface ocean physics in the mixed layer and thermocline.Shay teaches graduate courses on Air-Sea Interaction, Waves and Tides and Coastal Ocean Circulation and advises graduate students in the Ocean Sciences and Meteorology and Physical Oceanography programs. Shay directs the Upper Ocean Dynamics Laboratory in the Department of Ocean Sciences where students have an opportunity to design experiment and conduct research.

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