James Walker
James Walker has authored or co-authored five books: Crack of the Bat: A History of Baseball on the Radio, 2015, University of Nebraska Press. Centerfield Shot: A History of Baseball on Television, 2008, University of Nebraska Press. Winner, 2009 SABR/Sporting News Research Award. The Broadcast Television Industry, 1998, Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Television and the Remote Control: Grazing on a Vast Wasteland, 1996, New York: Guilford. The Remote Control in the New Media Environment, 1993, Westport, CT: Praeger In addition, he's published over 40 scholarly articles and made over 100 conference presentations on television programming, political communication, and media effects. James has been quoted on media issues in many publications The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Chicago Sun-Times, The New York Times, TV Guide, Psychology Today, and on many television and radio programs. He has produced and hosted over 500 television programs, and produced and hosted hundreds of radio interviews and award winning public service announcements.

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