Rebecca Cokley
The director of disability at the Center for American Progress, Rebecca Cokley is second-generation disability raising a third in the nation’s capitol. She joined the organization after spending four years as the executive director of the National Council on Disability, an independent agency charged with advising Congress and the White House on issues of national disability public policy. Before that, Rebecca served in the Obama Administration for four years, which included time at the Departments of Education, Health & Human Services, and a stint at the White House where she oversaw diversity and inclusion efforts. Rebecca has spent the last 15 years helping to build stronger and deeper connections across civil rights communities and continues to see cross-movement solidarity as the only means of surviving these next years. She has spoken at numerous conferences and federal commissions including but not limited to Netroots Nation, New York City Comic-Con, Amazon, Google, and the U.S. Commission for Civil Rights. She is currently working on her first two books.