Today in membership: Join our sovereign-wealth conference call

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Hi members!

We’re wrapping up our field guide on sovereign-wealth funds this week. If you missed anything we published, here’s a quick recap:

  • Our state of play memo lays out in revealing detail the scope of these national-wealth investment funds, and how they’re upending markets and industries with multibillion-dollar bets.
  • A Q&A with Angela Rodell, the head of Alaska’s Permanent Fund, the largest sovereign-wealth fund in the United States.
  • An essay about how sovereign-wealth managers still love western Europe and the US, Brexit and Trump be damned.
  • A look at how New Zealand, with a comparatively small sovereign-wealth fund, has managed to be the global leader in investing in renewable and alternative sources of energy.
  • Our interactive questionnaire lets you play sovereign-wealth-fund manager.

Today we are also publishing our Toolkit: Now that you’re up to speed on SWFs, check out our handpicked resources to stay informed about their latest doings.

Friday means Consummate Consumer, and this week we have an easy-to-employ, nine-step strategy that will radically improve your privacy online. The whole program takes less than 20 minutes and will make you annoyingly opaque to online snoops.

Today is also our live, members-only video conference call about sovereign-wealth funds, with this week’s field guide author, Max de Haldevang. Come ready to ask questions! The 30-minute call will start at 11 am ET/3 pm GMT at this link. If you use Google Calendar, you can add the call to your calendar here. Login info is in the invitation. If you’re on another calendar, don’t worry—we’ll be adding more integrations in the weeks ahead.

We want to hear from you! Please send comments, questions, and Facebook countermeasures to

Here’s to a rewarding day,

Sam Grobart
membership editor