Our call on the Luanda Leaks starts in 15 minutes

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Join Quartz’s Pete Gelling and Max de Haldevang at 11am ET to discuss Max’s reporting on the “Luanda Leaks.” Click here to join.

For the last eight months, more than 120 journalists in 20 countries around the world combed through a trove of more than 715,000 leaked emails, contracts, and other documents related to the sprawling business empire of Isabel dos Santos, the billionaire daughter of Angola’s longtime former president. The leaked documents reveal how dos Santos siphoned hundreds of millions of dollars in public money out of one of the poorest countries on the planet.

On the call, they’ll discuss:

  • The relationship between dos Santos and several Western consulting and accounting firms.
  • Why the banking industry walked away before consultants did.
  • How Quartz’s AI studio helped investigative journalists report on these leaks.

We’ll be taking questions and comments live on the video call. You can also send questions in advance to members@qz.com. And you can find recordings of our past video calls here.

If you’d like to dial in, use the following numbers:

UK: 0800-014 8469
USA: 866-226 4650

For all of the numbers, the access code is 722 994 440.

To add our complete schedule of conference calls to your Google calendar, click here.