** ADVANCE FOR SUNDAY, AUG. 26 ** Psychic and Tarot card reader Otis Biggs reads a spread of Tarot cards as a positive sign for New Orleans’ future, Friday, Aug. 10, 2007, in the incense-perfumed Bottom of the Cup Tea Room in the French Quarter, where the diminutive Biggs has been telling fortunes for 32 years in New Orleans. (AP Photo/Cheryl Gerber)
** ADVANCE FOR SUNDAY, AUG. 26 ** Psychic and Tarot card reader Otis Biggs reads a spread of Tarot cards as a positive sign for New Orleans’ future, Friday, Aug. 10, 2007, in the incense-perfumed Bottom of the Cup Tea Room in the French Quarter, where the diminutive Biggs has been telling fortunes for 32 years in New Orleans. (AP Photo/Cheryl Gerber)
Image: AP Photo/Cheryl Gerber