New to video games? Come play with us

New to video games? Come play with us
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Two people walk into a bar and start playing a video game. Both get sucked in, and they spend most of their free time over the next week playing obsessively. One comes away inspired and energized. The other ends up feeling ashamed that they “wasted” so much time. Same game, same level of fun, two different emotional outcomes.

A few Quartz writers got hung up on this problem a few weeks ago. The gamers among us wanted to evangelize for the art form they adore; the non-gamers weren’t convinced there were games out there worthy of their time and attention.

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Our bot studio’s way to solve this problem? Design a hands-on gaming challenge—we’re calling it the Quartz Gaming Club. It’s an interactive six-week dive into the wide world of gaming, with stops along the way to discuss how and why games drive important shifts in business, technology, and culture. Each week we tackle a different game genre in a chat adventure intended to help you (and us) better understand gaming and ourselves.

We’re hosting the club on Facebook Messenger, a platform those of you who have chatted with us in the past will be familiar with. There, we’ll give you your weekly gaming assignment, hear about your experience with the games, and discuss each title properly.

Join us here, click “get started” to begin, and you’ll soon get your first assignment.