Our “Game of Thrones” poll accurately predicted the first death in the Battle of Winterfell

Quartz “Game of Thrones” Season 8 Death Poll
Quartz “Game of Thrones” Season 8 Death Poll
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This post contains spoilers for season 8 episode 3 of Game of Thrones.

The Battle of Winterfell went down last night. Some died, some lived.

Here’s Quartz’s Game of Thrones death pool, which 2,492 readers had filled out by the time the third episode of season 8 aired, guessing the order of the HBO show’s central characters’ deaths. Did you guess it right? (You can still rank the remaining characters here.)

And here’s how Quartz readers, on average, ranked the 12 main characters:

Our readers got one thing right: Theon Greyjoy, who received most death votes, was the first top-tier character to bite the dust. The next of the 12 on our list to go, the Night King, was placed in the middle of the pack, in the fifth spot.

The average could only tell us so much, however. As the distribution of rankings show, readers couldn’t agree on the fate of the Night King, while opinion was pretty united about Theon:

Here’s the distribution of how the other characters were ranked:

Who do you think now would likely to die in the remaining three episodes? There’s still time. Get predictions ready, and cast your votes here.