We all strive to have dynamic careers: challenging work that can inspire and bring meaning into our lives. But what should you do if you’ve lost the spark and find yourself simply going through the motions?
I set out to answer this question on Quartz’s new podcast FWD: Thinking. I interviewed Ryan Fitzgibbon who left his job at IDEO with the simple (yet audacious) design challenge of “rebranding gay” and Manoush Zomorodi on how sexual harassment allegations at WNYC abruptly propelled her into starting a women-led podcast company. Our five guests shared the tactics they used to recreate their careers. They told us about how they organized their finances, networked their way into new industries, and navigated new identities. And now it’s your turn.
What questions do you have?
Whether you’re looking to take on a stretch challenge in your current role or launch your own company, you probably face a series of questions, such as:
- What are important skills to develop as you prepare to recreate your career?
- What steps can you take to uncover your “passion?”
- Is it irresponsible to change careers if you have kids?
- What if you make the jump and realize you’ve made a terrible mistake?
We’ve got answers. I’ll take what I learned from our guests (as well as my own experience taking the leap from Wall Street and as a contributing editor for Quartz at Work) to answer your questions here (and our Instagram account).
How to submit a question
Email us your questions at fwdthinking@qz.com and be sure to include:
- A specific question; we know every situation is unique yet strive to make the answers as universal as possible
- A brief description of yourself including your years of experience, role, and industry
We will remove all identifiers (names and companies) from both questions and answers to preserve all parties’ privacy. And once you’ve submitted your question, make sure you’re caught up on all the FWD: Thinking episodes on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify or Stitcher.