Quartz Weekend Brief—GM in perspective, baseball’s future, overfishing, sexbots

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Whether it was 13, as GM says, or 74, as Reuters asserts, the lives lost in cars fitted with the automaker’s faulty ignition switches are a tragedy. GM this week began its long march to rehabilitation by admitting to a “pattern of incompetence and neglect” that led millions of cars to be fitted with the faulty switches over nearly a decade.

But still, let’s keep some perspective.

From 2003 to 2010, the period in question, 287,586 people died in the US in car crashes, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. That’s 98 people every single day. In 2010 alone, the agency estimates (pdf), 3,353 lives would have been saved if only everyone riding in a car always wore a seatbelt, and another 708 if every motorcyclist always wore a helmet. That’s 11 lives saved every day. “Distraction-related” accidents, which include texting or phone-calling while driving, killed 3,328 people in 2012 alone; nine lives every day.

And of course, that’s just in the US. Worldwide, around 1.24 million people die in road accidents each year.

Why is there so much scandal around GM’s ignition switches, while the daily scandal of carnage on the roads is, on most days, largely forgotten? GM should certainly fix its culture, which seems to discourage employees from reporting potentially fatal problems. But if just a fraction of the energy spent on chastising GM went into improving daily road safety, it could save a lot more lives. —Gideon Lichfield

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Five things elsewhere that made us smarter

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Be happy with sugar. Is sugar bad for you? And what kind of sugar? Agave syrup was once touted as a healthy substitute for refined sugar, but now doctors are warning that the fructose in it is even worse. Is it all just fashion? James Hamblin in the Atlantic takes a cool, calm, and ultimately non-committal look at the medical claims around sweet stuff.

Our best wishes for a relaxing but thought-filled weekend. Please send any news, comments, sexbot designs, and pre-GIS maps to hi@qz.com. You can follow us on Twitter here for updates throughout the day.

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