The European Union has resettled less than 0.1% of the refugees it has pledged to relocate, according to new data.
In September, EU lawmakers established a total quota of 160,000 refugees to resettle from Syria, Iraq and Eritrea. But so far, as thousands arrive every day in Italy and Greece by sea, only 116 people have actually been resettled, or transferred to the countries that agreed to take them permanently reports the Guardian.
Out of the 116, 86 refugees arrived in Italy, of which 48 are going to Finland, and 38 to Sweden, according to data from the European Commission released Tuesday. Thirty people are on their way from Athens to Luxembourg.
What’s more, in the 14 EU states that have agreed to take in refugees, only 1418 spots have been prepared for the refugees. These dismal numbers come as the United Nations’ refugee agency announced that October was another record month in the migration crisis, with 218,394 new arrivals, roughly the same amount as in the entirety of 2014.
About 770,000 asylum applications have been filed across the EU in the first nine months of 2015.