Forty years ago, Bob Marley paid his own way to play Zimbabwe’s iconic independence concertByOlu AlakePublishedApril 18, 2020
The significance of three African NHS doctors being among first to die in UK’s coronavirus battleByOlu AlakePublishedApril 4, 2020
African governments should brace themselves for a “prime minister Boris”ByOlu AlakePublishedMay 29, 2019
British charities can’t help their White Savior Complex when it comes to AfricaByOlu AlakePublishedMarch 6, 2019
Britain will have to give up its last African colony thanks to the UN—and BrexitByOlu AlakePublishedFebruary 27, 2019
What it’s like to be an ethnic minority in post-Brexit Britain right nowByOlu AlakePublishedJuly 3, 2016
How Beyoncé is winning over some of her most avowed skeptics (including me)ByOlu AlakePublishedMarch 17, 2016
Britain now has enough MPs of African heritage to form the fourth largest party in ParliamentByOlu AlakePublishedMay 14, 2015
When UK PM Cameron attended a Nigerian church it showed the rise of the African voteByOlu AlakePublishedApril 28, 2015
Nigeria’s Goodluck Jonathan concedes, saving his legacy, and his country from chaosByOlu AlakePublishedMarch 31, 2015