Boston is looking to Google AI to curb road traffic. Boston will use the technology from Google’s “Project Green Light” to improve traffic light timing.
Google uses its AI to measure traffic trends and recommend minor switches to traffic lights. Boston said traffic fell more than 50% at stoplights where it tested the tech, CBS reported. Google has also worked with transit authorities in India, England, Israel, and Germany. According to the company, Project Green Light is live in over 70 intersections in 13 cities. Boston and Seattle are the only two U.S. cities where the tech is in use.
Cities’ goals are often to create organized traffic flows, but Google’s aim is to reduce emissions.
“Green Light reflects Google Research’s commitment to use AI to address climate change and improve millions of lives in cities around the world,” the project’s site says.

Boston is focused on using the tech to improve road safety. Mayor Michelle Wu said to journalists Thursday, “[W]e’ve been trying to improve streets, make buses more reliable, create more opportunities for safety so that we’re not asking people to take their lives into their own hands.”
Boston has some of the worst traffic in the world, according to CBS. It’s also one of the U.S. cities where drivers are most likely to get into a car accident.
“But this is a place where we know that even small tweaks can go a long way with traffic. Sometimes it’s just a matter of how long a particular light stays green going one direction in the intersection versus the cross street.”