For Quartz members—charts, decision-making, and Covid-19

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Hi, [%first_name | Quartz member%],

My favorite advice from Quartz’s chart style guide is to treat every chart like a sentence: It should make one point clearly. This week we published that and other advice on making better charts in a tip sheet for members. We also published a reading list on working with data.

Together, they cover everything from when to use a table instead of a chart to how bad Covid-19 data visualizations are misleading the public. And we’ve included links to some of our data experts’ favorite resources, including free textbooks on data visualization and statistics.

Happy charting.


As more governments ease lockdown restrictions, it’s up to business leaders to make massive decisions and plans with limited information and few precedents. To understand what their brains are negotiating behind the scenes, we brought together a panel of experts in neuroscience, economics, psychology, and leadership for a workshop on crafting strategy amid stress and ambiguity.

The panel covered the role of emotions, stress, and intuition in good decision-making, along with how to think clearly about risk. You can watch the whole event or read the recap here.


Here are a few updates from our briefing on how the pandemic is affecting the economy:

  • Restaurant consultant Aaron Allen’s conservative estimate for the industry globally has 10% of restaurants closing and 20% restructuring.
  • The number of new cases in the US is on the rise again, following many states’ decisions to lift stay-at-home orders.
  • Black Americans in certain age groups are as much as nine times more likely to die of Covid-19 than similarly aged whites, and overall their fatality rate is nearly four times that of whites, according to new data.
  • Restrictions on the UK’s hotels, movie theaters, pubs, and restaurants are being eased. They’ll be allowed to reopen on July 4.

See what else has changed since you last visited here.


Each week we publish a field guide just for you, and we want to hear what you think about them. Let us know why you read them and what you’d like to see from them in this 3-minute survey. Thanks in advance for your help!

Best wishes for a relaxing and restorative weekend,

Walter Frick
Membership editor, Quartz

Heather Landy contributed to this email.