Uber riders may be getting to their destinations, but they’re leaving behind some pretty unique items.
According to Uber’s latest Lost & Found Index report, riders lost more than just their wallets, clothing items, and headphones.
The snapshot, which includes some of most surprising and most popular items left behind in Ubers, found that some riders left behind their frontal hair toupees, tubs of surgical implants, and even a whole smoked pork belly.
Here are the 10 most unique items riders left behind, according to the company:
- Frontal hair toupee
- Hot sauce and a breathalyzer
- A leaf, that the rider said is “much needed”
- Two containers with spiders
- A Beyoncé fold up fan
- A tray of meat pie
- A ceramic cat
- Jar of oysters
- A personalized blanket with a picture of a rider and their dog
- Small rat skeleton prop
The annual report also found that Miami is the most forgetful city, while red is the color most often lost, and Fridays are when riders are most likely to forget their phones.
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