There are 624 public companies with no women on their boards. Here’s the list

Outside looking in.
Outside looking in.
Image: Reuters/Damir Sagoli
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There are more women on corporate boards than ever, but they still only occupy 16% of all available seats in the Russell 3000, an index of the 3,000 largest US companies. And 624 companies still have no women directors at all.

Here’s a list of those companies, searchable by name, stock symbol, or headquarters city. The data is courtesy of Equilar, which collects information on public company executives and boards of directors from proxy statements and regulatory filings. The list reflects the Equilar database on Sept. 30, based on the most recent filings available for these companies.

Update: This post has been updated to add Equilar’s methodology, and to remove a company, Penumbra, which added a female board member in April.