What's a better way to fund tech in the US?Silicon Valley Bank's failure is the perfect moment to rethink how we finance innovation.
Public tech bank: A newer dealIn the wake of SVB's collapse, this episode imagines another option for the US government in financing tech…
Indian numerals: Crystal meth, fake numbers, and travel bugsA weekly wrap of the Indian economy, by the numbers
Online voting: Yes or noEstonia pioneered online voting in its elections almost two decades ago. Could the US replicate its success?
Could online voting become mainstream in the US?Online voting has a plethora of potential benefits but also several obstacles preventing it from widespread adoption.
Single-use plastics: The message in a bottleSingle-use plastics are a problem, but why is it often the duty of consumers to do something about it?
What you should know about single-use plasticsA fast-paced economy and high-consumption lifestyle significantly contributed to the development of single-use…
Indian numerals: A gold high, GoFirst grounded, record dividendsA weekly wrap of the Indian economy, by the numbers
Why do generative AI tools hallucinate?ChatGPT, Bard, and Bing are gaining traction but their outputs may not always be grounded in facts.
AI hallucinations: Turn on, tune in, beep boopChatbots aren't always right. Researchers call these faulty performances "hallucinations."
Superapps: There can be only oneDespite antitrust scrutiny, the dream of building a superapp in the US persists.
How WeChat gave rise to the age of superappsComparing two very different tech ecosystems in the US and China.
Smart homes: Built to crashWe fill our houses with the Internet of Things, but the technology leaves much to be desired.
Indian numerals: High flyers, low salaries, and an obscure shipping firmA weekly wrap of the Indian economy, by the numbers
Why are World’s Fairs (mostly) obsolete?The very technology they debuted made them lose their relevance.
The World’s Fair: Tech’s bygone showcaseWorld's Fairs provided a glimpse into new inventions and technologies from across the globe.