Today in membership—A conference call on Silicon Valley and Washington, DC

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Hi members!

I hope you’ve had a great week so far. Today, we’re wrapping up our field guide on politics and Silicon Valley—a relationship that is increasingly shaping the world we live in (particularly here in the US).

Reporter Michael Coren has been examining the various seams of political thought and power within America’s tech capitol, from his state of play memo outlining the different camps in Silicon Valley; to his roster of power players in the region; to his Q&A with former British prime minister Tony Blair; to his analysis of the deteriorating relationship between Palo Alto and Washington, DC; to his toolkit providing all kinds of resources to continue learning about these two power centers.

We also had our regular weekly servings of Private Key, as well as a travel article on how booking a truly “green” hotel is not as easy as it looks.

Next week, we take a look at the largest financial firm many people have never heard of: Ant Financial, the banking arm of Alibaba, and the company that’s causing executives from Morgan Stanley to JPMorgan Chase to look over their shoulder.

Join us today at 11am ET/4pm GMT for a conference call with Quartz reporter and field-guide author Michael Coren to talk Silicon Valley and politics. You can click on this link to add the call to your Google calendar, or join us at this location. If you’re calling in, dial +1 408 740 7256 in the US or +44 203 608 5256 in the UK; for both numbers, the meeting code is 722 994 440.

Have a great and restful weekend,

Sam Grobart
membership editor