Today in membership: A toolkit for sneakers

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Hi members!

I hope you’ve enjoyed our weeklong field guide on the burgeoning sneaker industry. In case you missed any of it, here’s what we covered:

A state of play memo outlining the ways sneakers have taken over fashion
How sneakers became the new “it bag”
A look at where and how sneakers are made
An examination of the the robust—and growing—resale market for sneakers
A look back at how sneakers became an object so highly valued
A conference call talking about the rise of sneakers and what it means for fashion

We close out the week with a toolkit of vital sneaker resources. If you want to keep abreast of what’s happening in the world of high-tops and trainers, this list will serve as a valuable guide.

Outside of athletic footwear, membership remained busy. We had our Tuesday and Thursday edition of Private Key, which looked at how crypto backers want special regulatory treatment (but it probably won’t happen) and the rationalist’s case for bitcoin, respectively. On the heels of Apple’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference, we did a conference call with Quartz’s technology editor, Mike Murphy. And we started off the week with another episode of our member’s-only video series, Because China, which looked at China’s homegrown film industry.

Next week, we’re covering the rapid ascent of Israel as a global food-technology capital. The desert nation is basically living in an environment that, thanks to global warming, many other territories are headed toward. Creating new ways to secure food and water in that kind of climate has been a priority for Israel, and the lessons it has learned may prove useful to the entire globe.

Here’s to a restful and enjoyable weekend,

Sam Grobart
membership editor