This pool has closed. You can make your predictions for episode four, here.
The fireside chats and misty-eyed reunions are over. The army of the dead has crested the hill and has its sights upon Winterfell. Viewers of Game of Thrones are girding themselves for the remaining episodes of the final season to be filled with the HBO show’s characteristic bloodshed and carnage.
Welcome to Quartz’s Game of Thrones Death Pool.
Now is the time to lay your bets upon who—or what—will kick the bucket next. To consider: Which character has nearly completed their redemption arc or storylines? Who stands a real chance of sitting on the Iron Throne? Will the Night King and his White Walkers be defeated, and if so, what further battles await to kill more of our favorite characters?
After nearly 70 episodes of build up, winter is most definitely here, and its army is likely to take some fan-favorite peripheral characters—translators, wildlings, devoted aides, and sexy blacksmiths—into its ranks.
To keep things simple for our death pool, however, we have stuck to the show’s 12 most prominent characters, most of whom have been with us since early episodes of the show. Who will survive to see spring? And will there even be an Iron Throne to sit upon after all this?
The pool for episode has closed, but your predictions proved very accurate. Let’s see if you can do it again for episode four.