40 companies transforming the world of business

40 companies transforming the world of business
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In August 2020, Quartz started publishing something we loosely called the Company Email—a weekly spotlight on a different company that’s in the news. To mark a year of this email, we’ve summarized 40 of these profiles, categorized high-school superlative style.

Image for article titled 40 companies transforming the world of business
Image for article titled 40 companies transforming the world of business

Some of the companies we covered because they’d just gone public (Coursera, Casper, Coinbase) or had a great quarter (AstraZeneca, Twitch); others had a tumultuous year (WeWork, Boeing, AMC). Still others are fixtures of global business and we thought it was worth stepping back and explaining what exactly they do (BlackRock, McKinsey, and yes, Costco).

If you’ve been reading along, we hope you’ve learned a little about the companies driving the news and the forces behind the global economy. And as a Quartz member, you can expect The Company, now one of several emails just for our members, to be in your inbox every Thursday.

Click here to view the PDF version or to download the PowerPoint file. Let us know what what company you think we should feature next at members@qz.com.

Here are the companies we cover in the deck, in alphabetical order, with links to our profiles of them: