If you thought election 2016 was horrible, then 2020 will be much, much worseByScott SmithPublishedNovember 9, 2016
To avoid another Brexit let’s stop treating citizenship as a birthrightByScott SmithPublishedAugust 16, 2016
Amazon wants to know everything about you by having a robot talk to youByScott SmithPublishedSeptember 4, 2015
Soon American highways could be overrun with self-driving trucksByScott SmithPublishedFebruary 25, 2015
Taking video of people harassing your family can get you busted in the EU for privacy violationsByScott SmithPublishedDecember 15, 2014
Edward Snowden threw a bucket of hot water on Scandinavia’s quest to house the world’s dataByScott SmithPublishedJune 8, 2014
The ultra rich are starting to like the risks involved in asteroid miningByScott SmithPublishedMarch 5, 2014
How space travel will help broaden your vacation-home options here on EarthByScott SmithPublishedMarch 4, 2014
There’s a job contemplating the future of Hershey’s Kisses—a great sign for AmericaByScott SmithPublishedFebruary 24, 2014
The chase for the Higgs boson is about to get bigger, faster, and costlier—but we need itByScott SmithPublishedFebruary 15, 2014
It’s time for all politicians to start campaigning via hologramsByScott SmithPublishedJanuary 28, 2014
India’s upcoming mission to Mars is a chance to best Russia and ChinaByScott SmithPublishedOctober 24, 2013
It’s stronger than steel and paper thin, but graphene isn’t living up to its promiseByScott SmithPublishedOctober 15, 2013