Outraged programmers forced a rare concession from Facebook on its open-source softwareByKeith CollinsPublishedSeptember 28, 2017
A gigantic Chinese social-media platform is offering iPhones for citizen censorsByJosh HorwitzPublishedSeptember 28, 2017
You can buy the world’s first fidget spinner phone in India for $20ByAnanya BhattacharyaPublishedSeptember 28, 2017
Smart cities are great. Human-centric cities are (again) the futureByNaveen RajdevPublishedSeptember 27, 2017
Siri will now search the web with Apple’s smartphone competitor instead of its computer rivalByDave GershgornPublishedSeptember 25, 2017
With his new book, Satya Nadella takes control of the Microsoft narrativeByLila MacLellanPublishedSeptember 25, 2017
After 70 years, we’ve finally figured out how to build a better microwaveByKatherine Ellen FoleyPublishedSeptember 25, 2017
Facebook’s stance on the dangers of its platform is a lot like the NRA’s stance on gunsByKeith CollinsPublishedSeptember 23, 2017
How Congress could regulate Facebook vs. how Mark Zuckerberg wants to do it himselfByHeather Timmons and Keith CollinsPublishedSeptember 22, 2017
One in five central banks say they will be using blockchain tech by 2019ByJoon Ian WongPublishedSeptember 21, 2017
Alibaba founder Jack Ma says to be a successful leader you need EQ, IQ, and LQByLila MacLellanPublishedSeptember 20, 2017
Lloyd’s of London wants to insure self-driving airplanes and ships. Regulators (and the public) won’t let themByMichael J. CorenPublishedSeptember 20, 2017
Equifax hacking victims are now able to use a free chatbot to help sue for damagesByLianna BrindedPublishedSeptember 13, 2017
Jack Ma just celebrated Alibaba’s birthday with a Michael Jackson-inspired dance numberByJosh HorwitzPublishedSeptember 12, 2017