2013 June
6/30/2013 - Why the miniseries is the future of television
6/30/2013 - The complete guide to being interviewed on TV
6/30/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—US factory output, NSA faces heat, employees need social media, don’t count on flood insurance
6/30/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—US factory output, NSA faces heat, employees need social media, don’t count on flood insurance
6/30/2013 - Protestors throughout Egypt tell Morsi to leave
6/30/2013 - Why the US doesn’t use cyber-weapons to attack its enemies more often
6/30/2013 - Why more companies should encourage their employees to use social media
6/30/2013 - Happy new fiscal year! A lot changes on July 1, the favorite day of bureaucrats
6/29/2013 - Russia won the long battle of pipeline politics, but now what does it do?
6/29/2013 - How do you “vet” a Syrian rebel? Answer: You can’t
6/29/2013 - America’s recognition of gay marriage came too late for some of us
6/28/2013 - India’s new surveillance network will make the NSA green with envy
6/28/2013 - An alleged money laundering scheme, fronted by 10 million bars of soap
6/28/2013 - In Asia, Uber goes from disruptor to luxury brand, for now
6/28/2013 - Why factories won’t close if you buy a 3D printer
6/28/2013 - India’s plus-size fashion scene is catching on
6/28/2013 - DirecTV has the edge right now among bids to buy Hulu
6/28/2013 - Parents are raising their kids and Klout scores, one glamshot at a time
6/28/2013 - That 200-year-old French exam everyone says is obsolete? It looks a lot like the SAT
6/28/2013 - How Nokia makes money on a $20 phone
6/28/2013 - The humanities are not in crisis. It’s just that more people are going to college
6/28/2013 - There are so many new designer drugs that governments can’t ban them fast enough
6/28/2013 - A brand new reason US companies aren’t spending their cash hoard
6/28/2013 - Why Chinese telecom giant Huawei could buy BlackBerry
6/28/2013 - Meet the likely new boss of China’s $500 billion sovereign wealth fund
6/28/2013 - Chinese mobile phone company Xiaomi has a bigger valuation than BlackBerry
6/28/2013 - The most important person entering US government you’ve never heard of
6/28/2013 - How to stay in the US if you didn’t get an H-1B—and if you’re extraordinary
6/28/2013 - Why you’ll share this story: The new science of memes
6/28/2013 - The trillion-dollar opportunity that could save health care
6/28/2013 - How millions of selfies helped sell a TV show
6/28/2013 - Entrepreneurs need not apply: Companies shun the self employed
6/28/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas Edition—Japan stops deflating, a four-star Edward Snowden, three-person IVF
6/28/2013 - How to get to the top of Reddit: lessons from the banning of Quickmeme
6/28/2013 - The most hated man on China’s internet shouldn’t expect any “get well soon” emails
6/28/2013 - Thailand’s $11 billion flood project halted, doubts raised over S. Korean contractor
6/28/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe Edition—Defending Abenomics, Google’s gaming console, Goldman’s scavenger hunt
6/27/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe Edition—Defending Abenomics, Google’s gaming console, Goldman’s scavenger hunt
6/27/2013 - With new Android gaming console, Google goes to war on Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft and Apple
6/27/2013 - Immigration reform passes the US Senate; now begins the hard part
6/27/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—BlackBerry sales, Bernanke’s successors, Bangladesh slapped, PayPal in space
6/27/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—BlackBerry sales, Bernanke’s successors, Bangladesh slapped, PayPal in space
6/27/2013 - Counterfeiters and Adidas are throwing Nike off its stride in China
6/27/2013 - Karl Rove: Republicans are looking at up to 450 data points about each US household
6/27/2013 - US CEOs now earn 273 times the typical worker’s pay
6/27/2013 - PayPal Galactic isn’t grounded in reality, but it’s the ultimate fantasy of digital money purveyors
6/27/2013 - Don’t get overly excited about the UK’s new shale gas findings
6/27/2013 - Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales is only worth $1 million
6/27/2013 - The state of US trade with Africa as Obama visits
6/27/2013 - How does the Queen manage to keep on beating the UK property market?
6/27/2013 - All the headaches facing the two lucky winners of Myanmar’s mobile licenses
6/27/2013 - Bangladesh will get a very public slap on the wrist—but nothing beats cheap labor
6/27/2013 - The US needs to start encouraging saving—even if it means raising interest rates
6/27/2013 - Chinese bloggers assail the country’s one-child policy planners
6/27/2013 - Deceit, fraud, and first world problems: How BRICS graduated to the sports big leagues—and now regret it
6/27/2013 - Why Germany’s employment miracle continues
6/27/2013 - Japan is banking on friendly robots like these to save its economy
6/27/2013 - If Switzerland is not a country of extremes, why does it exasperate me so?
6/27/2013 - America, you may now thank Wall Street for your housing recovery
6/27/2013 - Inside the epic, all-night, Goldman Sachs scavenger hunt
6/27/2013 - Pulling a Snowden in China: Human rights lawyer demands surveillance info
6/27/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas Edition—EU bailout agreement, Mandela worsens, Ikea refugee housing
6/27/2013 - For all the angst about Abenomics, South Korea actually looks ok
6/27/2013 - Europe’s banks are once again the weak link in Europe
6/27/2013 - Thailand is buying record numbers of smartphones, but it’s Facebook that people really want
6/27/2013 - If the Fed wants to “taper” this year, it had better hope the US economy speeds up
6/27/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe Edition—EU bailout agreement, Portuguese protests, Ikea refugee tents
6/26/2013 - US ambassador to China visits Tibet amid wave of self-immolations
6/26/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—Portuguese protests, paper purchasers, Dish defeat, defecting diplomats
6/26/2013 - Spain’s latest economic casualty: One of its top restaurants
6/26/2013 - The end of DOMA means the beginning of financial equality for same-sex couples
6/26/2013 - Too much collaboration is hurting worker productivity
6/26/2013 - Having a bigger desk can make you more dishonest
6/26/2013 - These days, a good IPO strategy requires keeping tabs on Ben Bernanke
6/26/2013 - China’s biggest commercial bank tells the central bank to go stand in the corner
6/26/2013 - Walmart just lost its third country head in Asia in two years
6/26/2013 - China’s ghost cities epitomize the problem with printing money Paul Krugman-style
6/26/2013 - Investors are tired of giving their money to tech founders without strings attached
6/26/2013 - Argentina’s war on US dollars is backfiring on its central bank—to the tune of $9 billion
6/26/2013 - Austria, Korea, Norway, the UK and the US are the worst countries for the gender wage gap
6/26/2013 - Internet car start-ups look to the new mayor of Los Angeles for a helping hand
6/26/2013 - Inside Google’s culture of relentless self-surveying
6/26/2013 - Read the US Supreme Court’s historic gay marriage decision in plain text
6/26/2013 - Why Barnes & Noble could still thrive selling digital books without the Nook
6/26/2013 - The DOMA decision on gay marriage could speed up employment protection for gays and lesbians too
6/26/2013 - Beijing is more important to Australia than its new prime minister
6/26/2013 - What the Chinese leadership’s meeting attire says about its corruption crackdown
6/26/2013 - The world’s largest and most controversial seed company posts weak earnings
6/26/2013 - Gold’s ugly selloff explained, in three charts
6/26/2013 - Billionaire Marc Rich invented the job of the buccaneering metals trader
6/26/2013 - Chinese ethnic violence kills 27 in a pitched and bloody battle
6/26/2013 - How long before Apple ditches Intel in the only segment that counts?
6/26/2013 - The US got Edward Snowden’s middle name wrong on extradition documents
6/26/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas Edition—Gay marriage ruling, Obama’s safari, private equity cannabis
6/26/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe Edition—UK austerity, Obama’s safari, goldbug rout, mile-high heist
6/25/2013 - Chen Guangcheng on Taiwan’s latest parliament brawl: This is young democracy
6/25/2013 - How Edward Snowden’s encrypted insurance file might work
6/25/2013 - The family tree of Qatar’s new emir, the fourth-oldest son, who has 23 brothers and sisters
6/25/2013 - Bahrain hikes public spending despite rising deficits to buy peace
6/25/2013 - One-fifth of US employees are undermining the companies they work for
6/25/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—UK austerity, EU accession, B&N losses, midair heists
6/25/2013 - Everyone’s passwords suck—and why pretty soon it won’t matter
6/25/2013 - Gogo is ready to land with its monopoly of in-flight Wi-Fi
6/25/2013 - More advice to foreign businessmen on how not to get held hostage in China
6/25/2013 - Obama talked about climate change like a man itching for a ferocious battle
6/25/2013 - Dish is still without a deal, which may be good news for Clearwire
6/25/2013 - Maybe AirAsia Japan’s problem was that Japan just doesn’t need three low-cost airlines
6/25/2013 - A few examples of Edward Snowden’s potential legal adviser in action
6/25/2013 - Just one small problem with smart watches: They’re all terrible
6/25/2013 - The new new paradigm? The slower pace of global trade
6/25/2013 - Why Taco Bell is beefing up its protein offerings
6/25/2013 - The sad death of the minimum wage, and how to save it the George W. Bush way
6/25/2013 - Those cool Silicon Valley offices? More like secretly evil empires
6/25/2013 - Want to get the next Facebook update before anyone else? Move to New Zealand
6/25/2013 - The latest threat to embattled gas giant Gazprom isn’t shale—it’s wood pellets
6/25/2013 - Barnes & Noble’s best hope may be to get rid of the Nook, but who would buy it?
6/25/2013 - Solid US data is just the thing to soothe Fed worries
6/25/2013 - Square’s newest product, the Stand, takes aim at the old school cash register
6/25/2013 - This 75-year-old law should protect Americans from unpaid internships
6/25/2013 - The best applicant isn’t always the right one for the job
6/25/2013 - China’s bankers sufficiently terrified—for now
6/25/2013 - Say goodbye to Hollywood: Rules for importing the perfect China blockbuster
6/25/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas Edition—Obama’s climate moves, Snowden’s diplomatic discord, Qatar’s emir abdicates
6/25/2013 - Cash-rich Japanese financial firms are hoovering up Southeast Asia’s life insurance companies
6/25/2013 - The war over fracking in California has just begun
6/25/2013 - China’s Communist Party says controversial PX chemical is not harmful, might even taste good
6/25/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe Edition—Afghan presidential palace attacked, Obama’s climate plan, Snowden hunting
6/24/2013 - Three crucial questions about the Google-Waze anti-trust review
6/24/2013 - Snapchat’s complete inability to make money is the reason it’s worth $800 million
6/24/2013 - Map: How to stay out of reach of US extradition treaties
6/24/2013 - The most persuasive word you can use in a meeting is “yeah”
6/24/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—Snowden elusive, Berlusconi banned, and plant math
6/24/2013 - What the Fed and the People’s Bank of China have learned from Alan Greenspan
6/24/2013 - One risk of doing business in China: Getting held hostage
6/24/2013 - Drinking coffee doesn’t cramp creativity; it helps drive it
6/24/2013 - Saudi Arabia’s crackdown on illegal immigrants is a boon for local businesses
6/24/2013 - Why Carrefour is struggling to keep up with Chinese shoppers
6/24/2013 - How to get important people to respond to your emails
6/24/2013 - The Supreme Court sent the Fisher case back, but make no mistake: Affirmative action is dead
6/24/2013 - Why we keep coming back for mergers even though they don’t work
6/24/2013 - Ireland’s disastrous bank bailout emerged from banker’s “arse”
6/24/2013 - Neiman Marcus filing for an IPO doesn’t mean a sale is off the table
6/24/2013 - China Chart Check: The People’s Republic’s wild market ride
6/24/2013 - A “climate bomb” puts Xi Jinping’s environmental promises to the test
6/24/2013 - Where in the world is Edward Snowden? Havana-bound journalists will have 12 hours to think it over
6/24/2013 - Inequality can be a good thing
6/24/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas Edition—Snowden’s world tour, China’s squeeze tightens, Supreme Court week
6/24/2013 - China’s central bank finally broke its silence; Shanghai equities went into rout
6/24/2013 - Corrupt Chinese officials end up in padded rooms, forced to consider why they chose “the dark path”
6/24/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe Edition—Snowden on the run, China’s shadow banking crackdown, Mandela critical
6/23/2013 - In the weird, dematerialized future of manufacturing, companies like AtFAB ship information, not parts
6/23/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—Snowden on the run, Vodafone in Germany, extreme-weather architects
6/23/2013 - BRICS, VISTA, BROOMS—Just because it’s an acronym doesn’t mean it’s an investment opportunity
6/23/2013 - Photos: Supermoon casts its brilliant glow over Earth
6/23/2013 - Introducing the new profession of extreme-weather architect
6/23/2013 - Why the revolt of the global middle class is a good thing
6/23/2013 - Portugal: Here’s why you should invest in us
6/23/2013 - US surveillance leaker Edward Snowden left Hong Kong on a flight to Moscow
6/22/2013 - New crowdfunding site gets YouTubers a regular paycheck
6/22/2013 - Don’t miss the bigger picture: Thy selfie is not thyself
6/21/2013 - Apple’s new pay package for Tim Cook reflects the company’s new normal
6/21/2013 - Happy birthday, Edward Snowden: The US just charged you with espionage
6/21/2013 - The scary reality of China’s debt crisis
6/21/2013 - Behind the massive protests in Brazil: 40 million new taxpayers
6/21/2013 - Mortgage security zombies are still crawling through the US financial system
6/21/2013 - Starbucks is raising prices even though coffee beans are at a three-year low
6/21/2013 - New in-flight rules will give Americans 100 million more hours with their gadgets
6/21/2013 - Why the first Starbucks in China closed today
6/21/2013 - Why China’s central bank may have no idea what it’s doing
6/21/2013 - India picks up a new ally in fighting gold addiction
6/21/2013 - Sony is re-launching its SmartWatch, but consumers will probably continue to ignore it
6/21/2013 - How to get a bigger bonus: Don’t ask for it in cash
6/21/2013 - Chinese students and their parents fight for the right to cheat
6/21/2013 - Why the real estate and marriage markets are at odds in China
6/21/2013 - With 3D printing, you’ll be able to replicate the world’s famous sculptures
6/21/2013 - Greece suddenly looks a lot worse than you may think
6/21/2013 - St. Petersburg isn’t full of police and drunks, like the media would have you believe
6/21/2013 - What America will look like with immigration reform—and without it
6/21/2013 - This is what it looks like when a million Brazilians take to the streets
6/21/2013 - China throws a bucket of liquidity on its smoldering credit crisis
6/21/2013 - An electric car hasn’t reached your garage, but a natural gas-fueled vehicle might
6/21/2013 - The United Kingdom boasts the world’s leading e-commerce market
6/21/2013 - The world’s tallest building will basically be a giant stack of trailer homes
6/21/2013 - Why techies should be rooting for US immigration reform
6/21/2013 - Here are the nine most beautiful banknotes in the world
6/21/2013 - Who needs the NSA? Your dishwasher is already watching every move you make
6/21/2013 - The plot thickens: Meet the colorful cast of characters in the Chen Guangcheng saga
6/21/2013 - Not pleased with your yield-less investments? Invest in doom!
6/21/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas Edition—Snowden’s escape route, timing the Fed taper, China relents on credit crunch
6/21/2013 - Indonesia tells Singapore to stop whining about its life-threatening pollution levels
6/21/2013 - Six positives to consider before you run for you life from the markets
6/21/2013 - Tesla introduces robot mechanics to swap out electric car batteries
6/21/2013 - China’s banking brinkmanship: an engineered financial crisis, explained
6/21/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe Edition—Markets continue to plunge, China liquidity injection, fake cow pyramid scheme
6/20/2013 - Just how likely is China to execute anyone for fouling up the environment?
6/20/2013 - Why the Indian rupee is on a downward spiral and nobody knows how to stop it
6/20/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—Kuroda speaks, Tesla swaps, Sprint bids, squids stolen
6/20/2013 - The US farm bill is globally stupid, too
6/20/2013 - Wealthy Chinese are moving to Hong Kong by way of Gambia
6/20/2013 - It’s no accident Facebook made Instagram’s new videos exactly as long as a television commercial
6/20/2013 - This is what Singapore’s record-high pollution looked like today
6/20/2013 - Greg Mankiw needs to update his econ textbook for the 21st century
6/20/2013 - We’re now farming more fish than cattle
6/20/2013 - How James Gandolfini changed TV forever
6/20/2013 - Just for today, Ben Bernanke seems to also be the central banker of Germany and Switzerland
6/20/2013 - Investors in this alleged Japanese Ponzi scheme lost $4.34 billion betting on fake cows
6/20/2013 - English is no longer the language of the web
6/20/2013 - David Beckham’s plan to pad his retirement fund in China results in a Shanghai riot
6/20/2013 - Apathetic shareholders can be as much of a problem for companies as hostile ones
6/20/2013 - Our favorite charts of 2013 so far
6/20/2013 - Argentina caught a Chinese ship trying to steal 180 tonnes of its squid
6/20/2013 - Ben Bernanke spooked global markets—a lot
6/20/2013 - Ground Control to Major Wang: Meet Chris Hadfield’s YouTube successor in space
6/20/2013 - Rocket Internet’s Lazada wants to be Southeast Asia’s Amazon, and it just scored another $100 million to get there
6/20/2013 - Couchsurfing’s downfall is a stark lesson in choosing profits over a do-gooder customer base
6/20/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas Edition—Bernanke’s fallout, China’s deepening woes, Google’s failed brainteasers
6/20/2013 - Google admits those infamous brainteasers were completely useless for hiring
6/20/2013 - Watch the progressive desperation of HSBC’s chief China economist as the manufacturing sector tanks
6/19/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe Edition—Eurozone bailout plans, Fed un-easing, frequent flier crackdown
6/19/2013 - The only winners of the NSA debacle are companies that protect your online privacy
6/19/2013 - The US just chucked this human trafficking grenade at Russia and China
6/19/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—Data deluge, Fed’s timeline, new age dating
6/19/2013 - Stratasys just acquired MakerBot, the one 3D printing firm that could have disrupted it
6/19/2013 - Like the G8, the Swiss aren’t ready to give up secrecy just yet
6/19/2013 - The next phase of China’s global soft power push is exporting higher education
6/19/2013 - America, meet your newest neighbors: the Nigerians
6/19/2013 - Amazon is staffing up for its $600 million cloud for spooks
6/19/2013 - After Tinder, kids of the future may be asking “Mommy, which app did you meet Daddy in?”
6/19/2013 - How Google dodged anti-trust law to buy Waze
6/19/2013 - The Fed statement looks taperific to markets
6/19/2013 - There are more people displaced by war and other conflicts than two decades ago
6/19/2013 - US teachers are not adequately prepared to do their jobs
6/19/2013 - Hong Kong is rolling in more millionaire money than Singapore
6/19/2013 - Making safe transportation safer
6/19/2013 - Coal-spewing Hebei factories are killing 40 Beijing babies a year
6/19/2013 - How Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, and other business chiefs hold ruthlessly effective meetings
6/19/2013 - The mysterious firing of the Men’s Wearhouse “like the way you look” guy
6/19/2013 - How encrypted video is redefining the mobile experience
6/19/2013 - How elite universities are killing the American dream
6/19/2013 - Fedex is betting that people won’t be sending more stuff by air anytime soon
6/19/2013 - Here’s how metadata on billions of phone calls predicts terrorist attacks
6/19/2013 - China’s central government is dueling its banks over the country’s cash crunch
6/19/2013 - If content is king, video is heir to the throne
6/19/2013 - Why the G8 pact to stop paying terrorist ransoms probably won’t work—and isn’t even such a great idea
6/19/2013 - Abenomics is working today, at least for corporate Japan
6/19/2013 - You probably didn’t read the most telling part of Orwell’s “1984”—the appendix
6/19/2013 - Thanks to a new trade deal, China could up its tequila intake by 2400% in five years
6/19/2013 - Meet Wang Jianlin, Chinese billionaire and potential Bond villain
6/19/2013 - To succeed in India, a company must meet these three criteria
6/19/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas Edition—Interpreting the Fed, Dish hangs up on Sprint, Tesla recall, billion-year-old water
6/19/2013 - Thailand is retreating from its disastrous rice subsidy program, but not enough
6/19/2013 - Singapore is choking on smoke and pointing the finger at Indonesia, which is pointing right back
6/19/2013 - Bernanke may have one more Fed revolution left up his sleeve
6/19/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe Edition—Fed speaks, Britain’s bank sale, NSA plays defense, ancient water tastes terrible
6/18/2013 - The US immigration bill is the economic reform we’ve all been waiting for
6/18/2013 - Why Huawei wants Nokia: Smartphones aren’t as dominant as you think
6/18/2013 - The Chinese version of Zara is going after Brazilian shoppers
6/18/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—Fed meeting, peace talks with Taliban, bus fares in Brazil
6/18/2013 - The Google footnote that perfectly captures US government surveillance secrecy
6/18/2013 - A start-up’s plan to make US health care cheaper: Tell people what it costs
6/18/2013 - The secret to viral success is there is no secret to viral success
6/18/2013 - Why Canada will quickly forgive its deviant mayors
6/18/2013 - The US government lets sugar farmers charge inflated prices, and now it’s paying them, too
6/18/2013 - Q&A with Google’s Avinash Kaushik: Marketing without shouting
6/18/2013 - China’s pricey seafood fetish is pushing fish prices to record highs
6/18/2013 - Why GM’s car sales are cratering in Europe while Ford’s are almost steady
6/18/2013 - Jack Lew’s signature loses a few loops for its US currency debut
6/18/2013 - Say goodbye to the company’s summer softball tournament—and all those emails about practicing for it
6/18/2013 - 3D opera, Shakespeare on Twitter, and donkeys on Google+: How the performing arts got wired
6/18/2013 - A Prius costs $154,000 in Singapore and people are still buying them
6/18/2013 - Cory Booker says Washington could use a small-town mayor with a big view
6/18/2013 - North Korea’s new rich love buying refrigerators, but not for what you’d think
6/18/2013 - Burma’s beautiful version of hacky sack is driving its neighbors nuts
6/18/2013 - Robots won’t be stealing our paychecks in the future—they already have
6/18/2013 - The new scourges of the sea: Nigerian pirates
6/18/2013 - Brazilians spend as much as 26% of their income to ride the bus
6/18/2013 - The average destination of international flights from every country in the world
6/18/2013 - Here’s what’s behind the Chinese cash crunch
6/18/2013 - Here’s what will really happen to global growth if China’s economy suddenly tanks
6/18/2013 - Americans gave away online privacy to advertisers long ago
6/18/2013 - For want of a bus fare…What are Brazilians really protesting about?
6/18/2013 - Academia 101: Talk about careers and the big picture before the nitty gritty
6/18/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas Edition—Waiting for the Fed, Brazil protests grow, royal babies
6/18/2013 - High-frequency trading is bad for normal investors, researchers say
6/18/2013 - This cult brand made Indians the world’s biggest rum drinkers
6/18/2013 - How to satisfy China’s insatiable demand for cookies
6/18/2013 - There’s something murky about China’s housing market—and it’s not the pollution
6/18/2013 - Seven things that could derail a US-European free trade agreement
6/18/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe Edition—Fed waiting begins, Kabel Deutschland counterbid, Brazilian protests, sex toy patents
6/17/2013 - Millions of young Chinese are about to experience “the worst year in history to graduate”
6/17/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—Fed meeting, trade pacts, big jets, royal baby mania
6/17/2013 - Sometimes even Steve Jobs got his Apple news from rumor sites
6/17/2013 - People joining the US workforce today are less educated than those leaving it
6/17/2013 - China may soon peddle discount drones to the developing world
6/17/2013 - 5 signs that China is about to fall off of a debt cliff
6/17/2013 - Why acquaintances, not friends, will help you find a job
6/17/2013 - Apple says it can’t read your iMessages. What about everything else?
6/17/2013 - Greece may be struggling for bailout money, but venture capital is pouring in
6/17/2013 - The Czech Republic’s corruption-fighting prime minister gets nabbed for ties to corruption
6/17/2013 - While investors flee emerging markets, the Middle East and North Africa are emerging as oases
6/17/2013 - Ford gives up on turning its cars into smartphones
6/17/2013 - US economic data: Yes, it’s still good
6/17/2013 - How mobile payments might be the global money-laundering machine criminals have dreamed about
6/17/2013 - Behind the facade of Turkey’s recent economic growth
6/17/2013 - What bling-loving Buddhist monks reveal about Thailand’s economy
6/17/2013 - San Francisco, not Silicon Valley, is the hub for US venture capital
6/17/2013 - This man lost his house because his Kickstarter was too successful
6/17/2013 - Why Telefónica has become a prime acquisition target
6/17/2013 - The real reason to fight nuclear power has nothing to do with health risks
6/17/2013 - Asia’s richest man is betting $1.26 billion on the trash crisis
6/17/2013 - China has a new aggressive action plan to reduce pollution, but will it be enough?
6/17/2013 - Preserved “thousand-year old” eggs in China are even more toxic than they sound
6/17/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas Edition—G8 summit, Boeing vs. Airbus in Paris, Snowden leak burns Brits, Google’s Internet balloons
6/17/2013 - Just how cozy is New York University’s relationship with China?
6/17/2013 - Abenomics will fail if Japan doesn’t address its debt problem. Here’s the crucial way forward
6/17/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe Edition—G8 summit, Czech PM scandal, NYU’s China kowtow
6/16/2013 - The center of the international airline industry is in the middle of rural Poland
6/16/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—G8 summit, North Korea’s offer, ballons that beam internet
6/16/2013 - The free market can actually help us control our privacy
6/16/2013 - Here are some of the most expensive pieces of paper in the world
6/15/2013 - Ten things HR departments don’t understand about hiring
6/15/2013 - Iran’s only moderate presidential candidate wins in a landslide
6/14/2013 - How hedge funds can help Detroit avoid bankruptcy
6/14/2013 - Soon, a bunch of expired French food will suddenly be OK to eat
6/14/2013 - This company successfully thwarted investors’ efforts to rein in executive pay
6/14/2013 - Kickstarter almost enabled a $120,000 fraud, and it’s not the first
6/14/2013 - Why Amazon is like the cable company of the future
6/14/2013 - China just failed to sell all of its short-term debt and a worsening cash crunch is to blame
6/14/2013 - Fellas, Facebook is allowing your profiles to be used for this disgraceful new hot or not app
6/14/2013 - Thanks, EU, but Iceland isn’t so keen on joining any more
6/14/2013 - If you’re hiding something from the US government, using Microsoft products may be a bad idea
6/14/2013 - Johnson & Johnson is treating Chinese customers like “second-class” citizens, say the Chinese media
6/14/2013 - When workers go on disability, it could have more to do with depression than pain
6/14/2013 - The next version of Android will be aimed at low-end phones and emerging markets
6/14/2013 - Japan wants to monitor the elderly with robots, which says a lot about what’s wrong with Abenomics
6/14/2013 - How a restaurant with no cash registers and no prices makes money
6/14/2013 - Just thinking about money can make you more evil, researchers say
6/14/2013 - People are okay with nuclear waste dumps in their backyards—unless you try to pay them for it
6/14/2013 - How Mitsubishi UFJ could skirt Thailand’s foreign ownership regulations for control of Bank of Ayudhya
6/14/2013 - A race to colonize shoals in the South and East China Seas will destroy the very fishing stock Asia is fighting over
6/14/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas Edition—Iranian elections, Turkish compromise, Toyota’s new faces, Happy Birthday©
6/14/2013 - Asian universities are leaping up the league tables, but China is getting left behind
6/14/2013 - On social media at least, Iran’s reformist-backed presidential candidate looks like a shoo-in
6/14/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe Edition—Iranian elections, Murdoch divorce, patent-free DNA
6/13/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—Iranian elections, human gene patents, UPS’ mind-boggling math
6/13/2013 - A recent history of protest drones, from Zuccotti Park to Taksim Square
6/13/2013 - Bitcoin lovers: This is what it looks like when the US wants to destroy a currency
6/13/2013 - Asians are the fastest growing ethnic group in the US
6/13/2013 - Did NYU kick out a dissident because the Chinese government told it to? Probably not
6/13/2013 - China is silent on Edward Snowden but Chinese state media are having a field day
6/13/2013 - Why flying first class increases your carbon footprint by six times
6/13/2013 - A Supreme Court loss on human gene patents is just what Myriad—and the biotech industry—need
6/13/2013 - Two revisions in 24 hours: That’s how bad India’s economic statistics are
6/13/2013 - Building trust through transactions: the four drivers of loyalty
6/13/2013 - Why US shopping malls will never die
6/13/2013 - Google now takes one of every three dollars spent on digital advertising—and one of every two on mobile
6/13/2013 - Kanye West is even more important than Kanye West thinks—really
6/13/2013 - The world’s leading producer of orange juice is getting squeezed
6/13/2013 - Is the Nikkei bear market the death knell for Abenomics?
6/13/2013 - The importance of the code you don’t write
6/13/2013 - Guess who’s moving to Germany: Greece
6/13/2013 - The world is approaching Peak Meat, producing 7 times more than in 1950
6/13/2013 - Emerging markets are freaking out about the global flight from risk
6/13/2013 - Once the world’s best performing fashion retail stock, Mulberry is faltering
6/13/2013 - As world frets about emerging market sell-off, the US recovery rolls on
6/13/2013 - Apple may finally be caving to consumers who want a phablet
6/13/2013 - The plunging Hang Seng suggests another awful year for Hong Kong IPOs
6/13/2013 - Russia’s ban on “homosexual propaganda” shows the Kremlin is still the ultimate puppetmaster
6/13/2013 - How China’s solar boom fizzled and went bust
6/13/2013 - Still got your money in emerging markets? Here’s what to worry about—and where
6/13/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas Edition—RBS ousts its CEO, Lululemon insider share sale, bushels for Buffett
6/13/2013 - Soccer star Lionel Messi used the same trick as Apple to cut his tax bill
6/13/2013 - Nicaragua still thinks it can build a better canal than Panama after 200 years of trying
6/13/2013 - China’s poisoned soil is widespread, and a state secret—so citizens are mapping it themselves
6/13/2013 - CEO Stephen Hester—”the embodiment of fat-cat capitalism”—gets the boot from RBS
6/13/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe Edition—Asian markets plunge, Greeks on the street, defending Big Surveillance
6/12/2013 - A cry for help from a forced Chinese labor camp was real after all
6/12/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—Apple’s court date, tire deal, Swiss secrecy, ALL-CAPS
6/12/2013 - Apollo snaps up Cooper Tire in the latest bold US buy from an emerging-market firm
6/12/2013 - The euro may be safe for now—but Europe can’t keep relying on the ECB to do its dirty work
6/12/2013 - Iran can’t shop at Costco any more
6/12/2013 - Is building more cities the answer to China’s economic problems?
6/12/2013 - Meet Obama’s lawyer at the NSA, the next guy about to undergo some serious surveillance
6/12/2013 - Amazon and eBay’s chief rival in India is giving the outsiders a leg up
6/12/2013 - The biggest threat to the global economy could come from outer space
6/12/2013 - The secret to bringing down India’s birth rate: get more women to watch soap operas
6/12/2013 - Yes, credit cards are making you a bad person
6/12/2013 - Now that Steve Jobs is dead, Kanye West is the Steve Jobs of culture, says Kanye West
6/12/2013 - Why the Facebook innovation machine doesn’t work on mobile devices
6/12/2013 - The world’s biggest sterilizer of women isn’t China—it’s India
6/12/2013 - Here’s why Facebook’s investors find Facebook so baffling
6/12/2013 - Internet companies should resist going the way of telephone companies on surveillance
6/12/2013 - Vietnam now exports more electronics than sneakers and t-shirts
6/12/2013 - Japan’s April machinery orders slip in a blow to Abenomics
6/12/2013 - A stronger euro and bad weather are hitting the world’s biggest fashion retailer
6/12/2013 - Phat, Chocolate, Remember—When Chinese employees pick their English names
6/12/2013 - See how much faster your Wi-Fi could be if there were more spectrum
6/12/2013 - In April, euro zone factories were surprisingly busier, thanks to…France
6/12/2013 - PRISM just gave Russia a great excuse to step up its war on social networks
6/12/2013 - Economists looked even closer at Reinhart and Rogoff’s data—and the results might surprise you
6/12/2013 - China is “outsourcing” pollution internally to meet carbon emissions targets
6/12/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas Edition—FX fixed, UK growth, H&R Block, NSA kids
6/12/2013 - China overreaches after French documentary on Tibet, ensuring that everyone will now watch it
6/12/2013 - Deep in the hundred acre wood, where Xi and Obama play
6/12/2013 - Developing market investors are in retreat and everyone has a different explanation
6/12/2013 - Cheaper than China: Samsung boosts investment in Vietnam manufacturing
6/12/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe Edition—Facebook and Google want transparency, new looks for old companies, angry Legos
6/11/2013 - Prada is losing its sheen in South Korea
6/11/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition— Turkey tense, US immigration progress, and the 1984 obsession
6/11/2013 - In Sudan, the threats sound like war but it’s only the way they talk
6/11/2013 - Kenyan authorities are mistaking a new local currency for a separatist movement
6/11/2013 - Greece is becoming an emerging market
6/11/2013 - Drone builders prepare to create immigration reform’s lucrative border panopticon
6/11/2013 - A bunch of kids pissed off about cold food and mojitos are bringing accountability to India
6/11/2013 - Parents aren’t relying on iPads and smartphones to babysit their kids
6/11/2013 - America’s biggest mortgage lender: Don’t freak about rising rates
6/11/2013 - HP’s affair with mobile tech is one more nail in the coffin for Wintel computing
6/11/2013 - Greece just shut down its state broadcaster in an attempt to balance the books
6/11/2013 - NSA leaker Edward Snowden gets his wish: “Change”
6/11/2013 - Even in the world’s richest country, it takes smartphones to end internet inequality
6/11/2013 - Can Mulberry’s creative director give Coach the makeover it needs?
6/11/2013 - As Dubai’s economy rebounds, so do all its bad habits
6/11/2013 - Chinese local governments are padding their balance sheets with billions in fake assets
6/11/2013 - The indicator every Turk is watching to see if the protests are hurting the economy
6/11/2013 - Barack Obama and Xi Jinping’s summit shifted the state of US-China relations
6/11/2013 - Lululemon shares: Downward dogs
6/11/2013 - How digital currencies democratize tax evasion
6/11/2013 - How Iceland became a paradise for whistleblowers, renegade chess-prodigies, and pirates
6/11/2013 - People are now running from bonds. Running.
6/11/2013 - America’s improving economy is lousy news for Apple bond holders
6/11/2013 - The Sony vs. Microsoft price war is a side-show to the death of console gaming itself
6/11/2013 - How the government outsourced the business of spying to Silicon Valley
6/11/2013 - Wake up, Latin America, it was never your leaders who drove growth
6/11/2013 - Prada is expanding to smaller Chinese cities as its global growth slows
6/11/2013 - Apple’s latest creation is a woman named Mieko Haire
6/11/2013 - Why you should be cautious about the next oil boom forecast that you hear
6/11/2013 - April data show that the UK recovery is really happening
6/11/2013 - Pakistan may un-block YouTube—or it may just block all of Google
6/11/2013 - In defense of liquified pig corpses
6/11/2013 - The one woman who will benefit from the catastrophic floods in Europe
6/11/2013 - Sleeping German banker accidentally transfers €222,222,222.22
6/11/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas Edition—Snowden checks out, Softbank raises Sprint bid, Turkey police retake Taksim, spicy food genes
6/11/2013 - Election season, Cambodian style: Opposition lawmakers are ousted
6/11/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe Edition—Snowden checks out, SoftBank sweetens Sprint offer, new Apple gadgetry
6/10/2013 - Softbank tries anew to gain upper hand against Dish Network in bidding war for Sprint
6/10/2013 - Edward Snowden and the magical world of security clearances
6/10/2013 - Apple’s streaming radio service won’t win without on-demand play
6/10/2013 - Remember Lululemon’s CEO with this chart, not see-through yoga pants
6/10/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—Immigration debate, S&P outlook, Greek gas, fit pets
6/10/2013 - Even age-old lead-acid batteries are a terrible market
6/10/2013 - Apple’s signal strength indicator in iOS 7 will lie to you in a whole new way
6/10/2013 - More evidence that Thomson Reuters data may be leaking out earlier than it’s meant to
6/10/2013 - Apple’s new operating system presages the fusion of desktop and mobile software
6/10/2013 - The NSA just made it official: Americans are guilty till proven innocent
6/10/2013 - McDonald’s breakfast as eggonomic indicator
6/10/2013 - Canadians are now much deeper in debt than Americans
6/10/2013 - Fueled by cheap credit, two Thai tycoons spend $27 billion on acquisitions
6/10/2013 - Half the United States’ most skilled workers don’t have a bachelor’s degree
6/10/2013 - Facebook: the next blue chip stock?
6/10/2013 - What we learned from Zach Sobiech’s death: The emotional side of big data
6/10/2013 - A Google-Waze deal would push Israeli M&A volume to its highest levels to date
6/10/2013 - Think US snooping is bad? Try Italy, India or…Canada
6/10/2013 - America’s outsourced spy force, in seven charts
6/10/2013 - For some reason, S&P has growing confidence in American politicians
6/10/2013 - Chinese internet users call for an Edward Snowden of their own
6/10/2013 - Here’s what to expect from Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference
6/10/2013 - Tablets are for middle-aged people, smartphones are for 20-somethings, says Pew
6/10/2013 - Who loses if Google acquires Waze for $1.3 billion? Israeli tech companies
6/10/2013 - Greek deflation slowed in May—and that’s a bad thing
6/10/2013 - Why Iran’s election will likely bring a nuclear thaw, and a new round of tussles with the West
6/10/2013 - Bangladesh’s garment exports increased in May, despite the catastrophic factory collapse a month before
6/10/2013 - Want a job? Stop complaining and start solving someone else’s problems
6/10/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—a whistleblower in Hong Kong, Apple’s big event, Japan bounces back, Hollande’s dream
6/10/2013 - A few bits of good news have reversed the downward slide of Japan’s markets
6/10/2013 - Next move China—Will Hong Kong (or Beijing) refuse to extradite the NSA leaker?
6/9/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe edition—Apple’s new products, NSA whistleblower in hiding, Nazi diary, invisibility cloaks
6/9/2013 - Edward Snowden’s lesson to both businesses and the NSA: Your IT people are your biggest risk
6/9/2013 - “We hack everyone everywhere”—What the NSA whistleblower reveals about the agency’s activities abroad
6/9/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia edition—WWDC, Lulu’s bottom line, NSA whistleblower, immortality
6/9/2013 - Forget dowries: Chinese men have to pay up to $24,000 to get a bride
6/9/2013 - The Guardian reveals its whistleblower on NSA surveillance: Edward Snowden
6/9/2013 - Google’s purchase of Waze would deal a death blow to other companies’ mapping efforts
6/9/2013 - World’s first commercial cyborg scuttles onto Kickstarter
6/9/2013 - The high-security, high-concept vault where Deutsche Bank will store $9 billion of gold
6/8/2013 - Steep drop in exports signals China’s GDP growth is even worse than first thought
6/8/2013 - CEOs in Spain and Italy have the highest pay in Europe
6/8/2013 - India is surviving on less food than it did four decades ago
6/8/2013 - The US government is surveilling Americans on the internet and building anti-surveillance technology for Iranians
6/7/2013 - The NSA has tons of data, but where is it keeping it all?
6/7/2013 - Why the NSA has access to 80% of online communication even if Google doesn’t have a “back door”
6/7/2013 - Why you feel bad about money: Ostrogoths.
6/7/2013 - Why Wal-Mart’s $15 billion stock buyback may not be as great as it seems
6/7/2013 - Indonesia’s push for low-cost, green cars has automakers salivating
6/7/2013 - China’s cinema giant is moving on to James Bond yachts
6/7/2013 - This chart explains why cities are at the center of innovation
6/7/2013 - This is not a Turkish Spring and isn’t likely to be
6/7/2013 - Simple math shows why the NSA’s Facebook spying is a fool’s errand
6/7/2013 - Wall Street bankers say “Game of Thrones” is just like real life for them
6/7/2013 - Sweden’s strange mix of Silicon Valley and refugee immigrants
6/7/2013 - China’s leading credit-rating agency gets Europe’s OK to topple the “hegemony” of Western rivals
6/7/2013 - Could the NSA be spying on the wife of China’s president?
6/7/2013 - Some companies pay executives extra to fly on their own private jets for vacation
6/7/2013 - Apple probably drank 6% of Samsung’s milkshake
6/7/2013 - Seven of the most important, but least viewed, charts on US jobs
6/7/2013 - If the US is in a new housing bubble, where are all the home-building jobs?
6/7/2013 - Will robots boost middle class unemployment?
6/7/2013 - Xi and Obama’s summit has everyone thinking about sex for some reason
6/7/2013 - Canada adds the most jobs per month since 2002
6/7/2013 - The complete US jobs report for May in two simple charts
6/7/2013 - The economic case for the US to legalize all drugs
6/7/2013 - For India’s Ambani brothers, nothing says I love you like a $2.1 billion business deal
6/7/2013 - The US economy added 175,000 jobs in May, and the unemployment rate rose to 7.6%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
6/7/2013 - The funny thing about where Americans stand on taxes and immigration
6/7/2013 - Democracy, autocracy, or people’s republic: your information is fair game for everyone
6/7/2013 - North Korea and South Korea are back at the negotiating table
6/7/2013 - Why the rest of the world is hankering for America’s bull semen
6/7/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas Edition—US jobs day, Xi’s come-back line for Obama, Korean relations thaw anew
6/7/2013 - NSA surveillance just gave China’s president the perfect come-back line
6/7/2013 - Myanmar’s Aung San Suu Kyi wants to be president—but getting there is another story
6/7/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe Edition—US snooping secrets, European floods, Chinese exam day, Putin is single
6/6/2013 - A brief history of the US government’s awful graphic design
6/6/2013 - PRISM is bigger than anything that came before it—but no-one knows how much bigger
6/6/2013 - How total could US government surveillance be?
6/6/2013 - LightInTheBox’s solid opening day could renew US investor love affair with Chinese IPOs
6/6/2013 - The NSA whistleblower who guessed exactly what was going on, six months ago
6/6/2013 - Will users outside the US disconnect their Google, Facebook, Yahoo, AOL, Microsoft and Apple accounts now?
6/6/2013 - You, too, can spy with the NSA—and make $42,209 to $81,204 a year
6/6/2013 - China’s new way of tackling pollution is to make companies buy environmental insurance
6/6/2013 - Twitter boosts its privacy cred with its absence from the NSA’s surveillance program
6/6/2013 - Google, Facebook, Microsoft, others allegedly allow the US government to “watch your ideas form as you type”
6/6/2013 - If you had a bank account in the Cayman Islands, why would you pay taxes on it?
6/6/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—Chinese exams, Europe’s floods, government spying, candy crackdown
6/6/2013 - It’s not just the US—most countries are spying more on their citizens these days
6/6/2013 - American households have recovered the $16 trillion in wealth destroyed during the crisis
6/6/2013 - Thai trader relied on Facebook friend for alleged insider trading in Smithfield Food deal
6/6/2013 - Why fixing the world’s busiest border crossing could save the US billions
6/6/2013 - The world’s worst college entrance exam is getting a little more fair
6/6/2013 - Self-interest can make the world a better place—for animals, at least
6/6/2013 - Yen suddenly strengthens in possible bet against Abenomics
6/6/2013 - Rumor has it that MakerBot may be ready to cash out
6/6/2013 - How to read the signs at tomorrow’s US-China “shirt-sleeves” summit
6/6/2013 - Of course the NSA wants to know everything about you—so does everybody else
6/6/2013 - What other countries can learn from Britain’s experience with China’s Huawei
6/6/2013 - With things looking less bad in Europe, the ECB pats itself of the back
6/6/2013 - Portugal is poorer today than at the start of the century
6/6/2013 - Happiness comes from intention, not luck
6/6/2013 - A close look at interest rates shows some scary trends in China’s growing debt load
6/6/2013 - IMF’s own Greece post-mortem shows why it should have steered clear of the euro crisis
6/6/2013 - Jobless rates climb to some scary new highs in France and Greece
6/6/2013 - Here’s one way to fix India’s sorry state of philanthropy
6/6/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas Edition—NSA snooping, Chinese setbacks in Africa, Turkish Grand Theft Auto
6/6/2013 - The revolution will not be carbonated: Pepsi in talks to buy SodaStream
6/6/2013 - Setbacks in Ghana and Gabon demonstrate increased pushback against China in Africa
6/6/2013 - China selectively opens the Great Firewall for special events
6/6/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe Edition—NSA snooping, Chinese setbacks in Africa, 3D-printed Barbies
6/5/2013 - SAC Capital to remain a hedge fund amid client redemptions, but it’s too early to claim victory
6/5/2013 - Qatar and UAE enter epic battle to win emerging market status
6/5/2013 - Italian banks are losing lots of money, but at least it’s not because they’re getting robbed
6/5/2013 - Zynga CEO Mark Pincus said layoffs will save the company, but the market doesn’t believe him
6/5/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—ECB rates, Brazilian tax, IKEA’s new chairman, bull sperm
6/5/2013 - Today’s Chinese shoppers are the American Jews of the 1950s, says American Apparel
6/5/2013 - Pundits who hate tipping don’t understand how essential it is to the US economy
6/5/2013 - “Le binge drinking” is on the rise in France, despite less drinking overall
6/5/2013 - Checklist: All the reasons Yahoo is going to acquire Foursquare
6/5/2013 - The one thing that makes a company last forever
6/5/2013 - Saudi Arabia bans messaging app Viber. WhatsApp and Skype could be next
6/5/2013 - Brazil is waving the white flag in the supposed currency war
6/5/2013 - The US has sent nearly $2 million worth of bull sperm to Iran this year
6/5/2013 - This is who wins in a wine war between China and the EU
6/5/2013 - The 15-millisecond head start that led to $28 million in trades
6/5/2013 - IKEA’s new chairman likes PAX wardrobes, and that’s about all we know
6/5/2013 - Why northern Europe is home to surprisingly large “shadow economies”
6/5/2013 - Here’s why Apple’s huge profits are actually a curse
6/5/2013 - Vegetarians live longer, but it’s not because they don’t eat meat
6/5/2013 - NATO wants to fight the spectre of cyberwar but it’s doing it half-heartedly
6/5/2013 - The secret to a relaxing vacation: Send all your email to the trash
6/5/2013 - China offers a new environmental report, filled with state secrets
6/5/2013 - In the future, we may control drones with our minds
6/5/2013 - Welcome to the UK recovery, finally
6/5/2013 - The sharing economy isn’t sharing its wealth with you
6/5/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas Edition—JP Morgan’s Alabama money pit, Vodafone’s India tax bill, Google’s electoral powers
6/5/2013 - Shinzo Abe’s “third arrow” fails to impress investors who wanted a bigger boost
6/5/2013 - Amazon and eBay just started a battle for the last major e-commerce frontier
6/5/2013 - Apple and Samsung are fighting tooth and nail, but it’s Chinese smartphone makers they should be worried about
6/4/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe Edition—Abenomic’s third arrow, Chrysler’s recall defiance, Google’s electoral influence
6/4/2013 - Chrysler defies the US government’s request to recall 2.7 mln Jeeps—not that it had much choice
6/4/2013 - BBC determines it’s incapable of accurately reporting the time
6/4/2013 - US bounties for West African terrorists are lavish, but don’t get any ideas
6/4/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—Australia GDP, new PM in Pakistan, and the latest acquisition for IBM
6/4/2013 - China accounts for $6.3 billion of the US’s new $8 billion trade shortfall
6/4/2013 - The 37 front companies that the US government says enrich Iran’s leaders and circumvent sanctions
6/4/2013 - Why patent trolls will laugh in the face of the US government’s weak attempts to fight them
6/4/2013 - What Amazon’s push into online groceries is really about
6/4/2013 - For the sake of its economy, Turkey better learn to embrace us “looters”
6/4/2013 - What happened to Tank Man, China’s most famous Tiananmen Square protester?
6/4/2013 - Apple’s getting into ad-based radio, despite its terrible track record with advertisers
6/4/2013 - More than 40% of managers that are sent abroad fail
6/4/2013 - Sean Parker’s $10 million destruction of a park epitomizes what’s wrong with Silicon Valley
6/4/2013 - Why there will be no catastrophic spike in US interest rates
6/4/2013 - Online streaming is steaming but pay TV probably doesn’t need to worry—yet
6/4/2013 - Eerily normal Instagram photos from Tiananmen Square on the anniversary of the massacre
6/4/2013 - When an economist tells you something that is based on a theory or a model, you should be very skeptical
6/4/2013 - Israel may be the first country to hit peak Wi-Fi
6/4/2013 - Why Amazon just splurged on Dora, SpongeBob, and Blue
6/4/2013 - Is importing Malawians to take unskilled jobs a fix for South Korea’s ageing crisis—or “slave labor”?
6/4/2013 - IBM is upping its game in cloud computing—and so is everyone else
6/4/2013 - Surfwear companies like Billabong are in trouble, brah
6/4/2013 - Silicon Valley may be losing its edge to New York, London and San Francisco
6/4/2013 - Imagine reading this: “A White House counsel known for his shoes”
6/4/2013 - College tuition in the US isn’t climbing as fast as you think
6/4/2013 - A smart member of the global warrior elite “discovers” the next big threat
6/4/2013 - China’s plan to survive the 3D-printing revolution: Own the market
6/4/2013 - Irish real estate: Still a disaster
6/4/2013 - US regulators designate new non-bank mega-firms
6/4/2013 - Why everything geeks think they know about Kickstarter is wrong
6/4/2013 - Increased scrutiny from China’s securities regulator led to hundreds of IPO withdrawals
6/4/2013 - How Turkey’s chaos has undercut Kurdish and Israeli oil and gas ambitions
6/4/2013 - Japan could add hundreds of billions to its GDP with more women in the workforce
6/4/2013 - There’s an EU trademark for these Polish pretzels—but few actually pass muster
6/4/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas Edition—China remembers May 35th, splitting RBS, Disney inflation
6/4/2013 - This startup captured $200 million of people’s savings by turning financial advice into an algorithm
6/4/2013 - Weibo users play cat-and-mouse (and duck) with Chinese censors on Tiananmen anniversary
6/4/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe Edition—Istanbul protests, Tiananmen anniversary, illegal kindergarten
6/3/2013 - Most of China’s kindergartens are illegal and unlicensed, and that can be fatal for kids
6/3/2013 - Ireland’s see-no-evil tax policy is antagonizing the people it owes money to
6/3/2013 - Everyone who’s attending Bilderberg, the world’s most elite conference
6/3/2013 - Getting paid by your employer to be healthy works—except when it doesn’t
6/3/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—Istanbul protests, Zynga cull, SAC’s funds, jaywalking
6/3/2013 - At the heart of Turkey’s political upheaval is a whirlwind of authoritarian building
6/3/2013 - Now that Americans are buying homes, Detroit’s Big Three are coming back
6/3/2013 - Steve Cohen should worry less about Picassos and more about fleeing big clients
6/3/2013 - China is the only nuclear weapon state expanding its nuclear arsenal
6/3/2013 - When it comes to salary negotiations, ask for a precise number
6/3/2013 - Execs from Apple and publishing houses calling each other idiots
6/3/2013 - Avaya’s delayed IPO appears to be back on track amid a hot market for public offerings
6/3/2013 - Bling sales surged in Hong Kong in April. So much for China’s anti-corruption push
6/3/2013 - Who’s laughing now? Hulu has billion-dollar bidders
6/3/2013 - Google now spends more on lobbying than Lockheed Martin
6/3/2013 - Why China’s citizens are being punished for jaywalking
6/3/2013 - How to finally get along with your spouse: Get divorced
6/3/2013 - Why is South Korea bellyaching about the yen when it’s running a $6 billion trade surplus?
6/3/2013 - Former BP CEO John Browne says gay marriage is good business and of strategic importance
6/3/2013 - China may look like it’s gaining in space but it’s running the wrong race
6/3/2013 - Weak US factory data makes markets think the Fed won’t scale back QE so quickly
6/3/2013 - Wealthy countries are creating more jobs by creating worse jobs
6/3/2013 - Just like that, Japan’s Nikkei has erased nearly half its gains for the year
6/3/2013 - The simple way to let consumers judge a product before it even hits the market
6/3/2013 - 80% of Samsung’s microchip revenue comes from arch-nemesis Apple
6/3/2013 - Exports buoy European manufacturing, but deflationary pressure looms
6/3/2013 - Vietnam just broke up an anti-Chinese protest it wholly agrees with
6/3/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas Edition—Turkish riots, Apple in court, China weakens, Europe stabilizes
6/3/2013 - A horrific factory fire in northeastern China shows just how badly industry needs reform
6/3/2013 - China patches cracks in the Great Firewall ahead of Tiananmen anniversary
6/3/2013 - A tale of two PMIs shows China’s growth conundrum
6/2/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe Edition—Quartz Daily Brief—Turkey riots, Prague floods, China slows, Wikileaks on trial
6/2/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—e-books trial, Wikileaks trial, Manhattan mega-deal, globesity
6/2/2013 - Wall Street pay for Stanford MBAs is exploding, while Silicon Valley salaries plateau
6/2/2013 - Why East Timor’s GNP is four times as high as its GDP
6/2/2013 - US v. Apple: What they’re really fighting over as the antitrust case goes to trial
6/2/2013 - Why would-be marijuana moguls have their work cut out for them
6/1/2013 - Co-founder Murthy is back, but what troubled Infosys needs most is a break from the past
6/1/2013 - Turkey’s park protest proves problematic for prime minister
6/1/2013 - Why Better Place failed with swappable batteries—and your cars might just use them one day
6/1/2013 - Unhappy with its tax bill, Yahoo’s CFO hints at rethinking terms of Alibaba deal
6/1/2013 - American wealth isn’t even half of what it was before the big crash
6/1/2013 - By 2050, one in five people in Africa will be Nigerian