9/30/2013 - The US government has shut down: Does that mean the Tea Party won?

9/30/2013 - Japan is about to dive off its own version of the fiscal cliff

9/30/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—US shutdown, Abe’s tax plan, Peru’s dirty gold, China’s gold stickers

9/30/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—US shutdown, Abe’s tax plan, Peru’s dirty gold, China’s gold stickers

9/30/2013 - Twitter’s IPO avoids delay: SEC says it can stay open for weeks if government shuts down

9/30/2013 - You can now make money helping the US military convert to solar power

9/30/2013 - Germans may be too cheap to keep their economy growing

9/30/2013 - Venezuela isn’t telling the truth about its oil industry

9/30/2013 - Unilever falls victim to the emerging market currency crunch

9/30/2013 - The amount most people are willing to pay for an app is $0—until they’ve actually downloaded it

9/30/2013 - Why we shouldn’t write off cursive

9/30/2013 - Peru exports more illegal gold than cocaine, and it’s the world’s biggest exporter of cocaine

9/30/2013 - KKR is betting $556 million that your next washing machine will be Made in China

9/30/2013 - Common mistakes MBAs make when trying to get hired at a startup

9/30/2013 - Mark Cuban can work basketball referees, but can he work the SEC?

9/30/2013 - There’s a quiet revolution taking place in Indian manufacturing

9/30/2013 - 10 surprising economic trends that rule the world

9/30/2013 - Investors are starting to doubt America’s willingness to pay its bills

9/30/2013 - Brits now experiencing an “unprecedented squeeze on living standards”

9/30/2013 - Siemens lays off 15,000—this is what happens when you put a CFO in charge

9/30/2013 - Britain’s new cyberwar strike capabilities may just be political posturing

9/30/2013 - Nukes and oil trading: Yes. Golf courses and porn: No. More on Shanghai’s “Free” Trade Zone

9/30/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—US shutdown shenanigans, Italy’s government teeters, Cuban on trial, sleepy airline pilots

9/30/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—US shutdown shenanigans, Italy’s government teeters, Cuban on trial, sleepy airline pilots

9/30/2013 - The medical device industry is trying to turn the US government shutdown to its advantage

9/30/2013 - Strange bedfellows Pope Francis and Xi Jinping champion religion over the love of money

9/30/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Shutdown shenanigans, Shanghai trade zone, Berlusconi’s bravado, sleeping airline pilots

9/30/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe edition—Shutdown shenanigans, Shanghai trade zone, Berlusconi’s bravado, sleeping airline pilots

9/29/2013 - Now that “Breaking Bad” is over, AMC looks to break good with another show

9/29/2013 - Not so fast with those cheers for China’s rebound—manufacturing activity nearly flat

9/29/2013 - The Hong Kong stock exchange on Beijing’s influence and staying relevant after Alibaba

9/29/2013 - Twitter plans to make its IPO filing public this week

9/29/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—Shutdown shenanigans, Shanghai trade zone, Berlusconi’s bravado, sleeping pilots

9/29/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Shutdown shenanigans, Shanghai trade zone, Berlusconi’s bravado, sleeping pilots

9/29/2013 - Who will notice a US government shut down? Public workers, foreign governments and people with the flu

9/29/2013 - Your future ultra-fast internet connection just launched into space

9/29/2013 - Six things that could send US-Iranian relations back to the freezer within weeks

9/28/2013 - How the NSA builds social graphs of Americans with phone, email, and location records

9/28/2013 - For Kenya’s Ismaili Muslims, eight funerals for those killed in the name of Islam

9/28/2013 - Where Nokia went wrong with Elop’s golden parachute

9/28/2013 - How Converse went from bankruptcy to a $1.4 billion business

9/28/2013 - Why the company behind Candy Crush won’t be the second coming of Zynga

9/28/2013 - Digital motion sickness will be the occupational disease of the 21st century

9/28/2013 - Quartz Weekend Brief—Climate change, Jinro soju, Rajan’s magic, Zapruder’s mystery

9/28/2013 - Quartz Weekend Brief—Climate change, Jinro soju, Rajan’s magic, Zapruder’s mystery

9/27/2013 - Quartz Weekend Brief—Climate change, Jinro soju, Rajan’s magic, Zapruder’s mystery

9/27/2013 - Quartz Weekend Brief—Climate change, Jinro soju, Rajan’s magic, Zapruder’s mystery

9/27/2013 - The world honesty rankings are far from “honest”

9/27/2013 - India’s tablet revolution will change the world sooner than you think

9/27/2013 - A US government shutdown could hamstring the SEC and CFTC—and slow IPOs like Twitter’s

9/27/2013 - How to save the world from climate change with $50,000 and an ocean-going robot

9/27/2013 - Private equity just dropped $40 million on prime London real estate to shave milliseconds off trade times

9/27/2013 - Shutting down the US government may be the smartest decision Republican hardliners have made all year

9/27/2013 - Four fresh charts show the fortunes of US consumers looking up

9/27/2013 - The creators of the Candy Crush Saga just filed for a secret IPO thought to be valued at more than $5 billion

9/27/2013 - The US Federal Reserve leaves holes through which its statements could leak out early

9/27/2013 - We are so far away from the cashless society, reveals new study from Mastercard

9/27/2013 - Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh asks these interview questions to get people off their script

9/27/2013 - The old-fashioned letter-writing campaign behind Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk’s fight for Florida’s spaceport

9/27/2013 - The world’s best scientists agree: On our current path, global warming is irreversible—and getting worse

9/27/2013 - France may have finally learned what entrepreneur means

9/27/2013 - Canada’s unions are getting bigger but aren’t necessarily stronger

9/27/2013 - Myanmar offers a “gold rush” for investors, with all the risks that implies

9/27/2013 - More than a third of Brazilians who travel to the US go to the happiest place on earth

9/27/2013 - 19 charts that will restore your faith in the global economy

9/27/2013 - Our obsession with cows is causing almost 10% of global warming emissions

9/27/2013 - Plastic with invisible images may allow swipe-free payments and stop someone from stealing your car

9/27/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—Climate change “unequivocal,” Japanese inflation, Iranian nuclear pact, GTA stock market

9/27/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Climate change “unequivocal,” Japanese inflation, Iranian nuclear pact, GTA stock market

9/27/2013 - Alibaba taunts Hong Kong as its investors back plan for a New York IPO

9/27/2013 - How to map wealth in Africa using nothing but mobile-phone minutes

9/27/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe edition—Japanese inflation, Syria resolution, Mulally and Microsoft, giant hornet attacks

9/27/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Japanese inflation, Syria resolution, Mulally and Microsoft, giant hornet attacks

9/26/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—Japan’s inflation, Italy’s budget, stock-exchange glitches, termite poop

9/26/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Japan’s inflation, Italy’s budget, stock-exchange glitches, termite poop

9/26/2013 - China is the only market where Nike sales fell last quarter

9/26/2013 - Bill Gates admits that CTRL-Alt-Delete was a mistake

9/26/2013 - Meet the newest big solar developers: Native Americans

9/26/2013 - 200 million women are missing from the internet

9/26/2013 - How to securely institute BYOD in the workplace

9/26/2013 - How to add the entirety of a Windows computer to a Mac

9/26/2013 - “Too big, too powerful and too influential”—why British lawmakers are obsessed with Google

9/26/2013 - High-achieving students are better off in worse schools

9/26/2013 - Global wealth management: banks’ panacea or failing dream?

9/26/2013 - The world’s biggest cargo shipper says trade is back

9/26/2013 - Thank you global warming: Giant hornets are killing dozens in China and eating bees across Europe.

9/26/2013 - The only thing Italians are still spending money on is looking good

9/26/2013 - The interview is really as good as it gets

9/26/2013 - The world’s largest collection of magic memorabilia is worth more than $200 million

9/26/2013 - Nokia’s outgoing CEO has a great excuse for not returning his €19 million bonus

9/26/2013 - Richard Branson has just initiated a nationwide scavenger hunt for a lost GoPro camera

9/26/2013 - The chart showing that the US job market looks ‘normalized’

9/26/2013 - How to manage your inbox so you don’t miss a life-changing opportunity

9/26/2013 - The slow-moving iPhone 5C just got even cheaper—at least in China

9/26/2013 - Sweden’s H&M is catching up to rival Zara by touting more upscale apparel

9/26/2013 - US student debt: $1.2 trillion, and rising

9/26/2013 - A list of all the reasons why JP Morgan may be facing the biggest bank fine ever

9/26/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—Abe’s “womenomics,” US-Iran icebreaker, earnings kickoff, bathroom M&A

9/26/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Abe’s “womenomics,” US-Iran icebreaker, earnings kickoff, bathroom M&A

9/26/2013 - Angela Merkel’s not looking as victorious as she did a few days ago

9/26/2013 - Mistreatment of Nepali workers in Qatar goes way beyond the World Cup

9/26/2013 - François Hollande is vying to become the least popular French president in history

9/26/2013 - The updated knowns and unknowns of Shanghai’s soon-to-launch Free Trade Zone

9/26/2013 - Raghuram Rajan alone cannot save India’s economy

9/26/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe edition—US-Iran icebreaker, Abe’s “womenomics,” JP Morgan’s mounting legal bill

9/26/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—US-Iran icebreaker, Abe’s “womenomics,” JP Morgan’s mounting legal bill

9/25/2013 - Once again the Winklevoss twins get beaten launching their big idea: a bitcoin trust

9/25/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Iran icebreaker, US debt deadline, JP Morgan’s billion legal bill, ugly iPhones

9/25/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Iran icebreaker, US debt deadline, JP Morgan’s billion legal bill, ugly iPhones

9/25/2013 - North Korea doesn’t need China’s exports to build its nuclear weapons program

9/25/2013 - China’s plans to cut coal pollution will unleash another environmental catastrophe instead

9/25/2013 - Investors are getting worried about US debt, so they’re buying US debt

9/25/2013 - The regenerative power of America’s newest locomotive fleet

9/25/2013 - India’s Tata is opening Saudi Arabia’s first all-women business service center

9/25/2013 - The rent may be too damn high—but it’s not high enough for these landlords anymore

9/25/2013 - American Express sells half of its business travel unit

9/25/2013 - Westgate shopkeeper: “In between spates of gunfire, we carried out the bodies of the dead.”

9/25/2013 - You can now visit 85,000 square miles of the UK in Minecraft

9/25/2013 - Nike’s new unofficial China sponsor: Bo Xilai

9/25/2013 - If you’re into diamonds and have $60 million to spare, Sotheby’s has just the thing for you

9/25/2013 - My problem with Janet Yellen is her lack of financial experience—not her gender

9/25/2013 - Eyewitness to Kenya massacre: “I can hear their voices calling out to me to help them. It is why I cannot sleep at night.”

9/25/2013 - Transparent electronics show how Samsung’s flexible smartphone could work

9/25/2013 - The debt ceiling fight is here

9/25/2013 - 44% of Americans 65 and older are not on the internet and don’t want to be

9/25/2013 - How to hire millennials—and weed out the bad ones

9/25/2013 - US business spending has a slight pulse, but that’s not saying much

9/25/2013 - If Chinese people aren’t consuming, why are they spending like crazy on cars?

9/25/2013 - If Alibaba is really gone, what’s the point of Hong Kong?

9/25/2013 - Car-crazy Thailand, the “Detroit of Southeast Asia,” emulates the Motor City in more ways than one

9/25/2013 - If they follow the Swedish model, Europe’s nationalized banks won’t return to private hands until 2028

9/25/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—French austerity, Alibaba ditches Hong Kong, UN inspectors return to Syria

9/25/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—French austerity, Alibaba ditches Hong Kong, UN inspectors return to Syria

9/25/2013 - China’s rotten fruit scare is unlikely to bruise US apple juice imports

9/25/2013 - Has the US missed the best chance to solve its immigration problem?

9/25/2013 - China’s wealthiest families score $720 billion in undeclared “gray income”

9/25/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe edition—French austerity, JP Morgan’s $3 billion mortgage tab, UN inspectors return to Syria

9/25/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—French austerity, JP Morgan’s $3 billion mortgage tab, UN inspectors return to Syria

9/24/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—French austerity, US-Iran diplomacy, $9.8 billion chip deal, robots and wages

9/24/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—French austerity, US-Iran diplomacy, $9.8 billion chip deal, robots and wages

9/24/2013 - Here’s the TED talk from the British-Australian architect killed in the Nairobi mall attack

9/24/2013 - Italian court seizes solar power plants linked to Suntech scandal

9/24/2013 - Netflix is doing to TV what steam-powered printing did to books

9/24/2013 - You know times are tough when Italians are taking more antidepressants

9/24/2013 - If China is using rotten fruit to make juice, there’s a chance you’re drinking it

9/24/2013 - E-commerce and bricks-and-mortar retail don’t have to hate each other

9/24/2013 - The country where an iPhone costs up to $3,500

9/24/2013 - America’s cheese consumption has skyrocketed in the past four decades

9/24/2013 - New York attorney general labels early data releases “insider trading 2.0”

9/24/2013 - It’s time to kill the idea that Amazon is killing independent bookstores

9/24/2013 - This is what counts as restraint in executive pay: bonuses that quadruple your salary

9/24/2013 - This is why I deleted my LinkedIn account

9/24/2013 - Confirmed: The iPhone 5s is massively popular in China, 5c sales lagging

9/24/2013 - Thank you, readers: Quartz turns one year old today

9/24/2013 - US housing could do with a bit of cooling off

9/24/2013 - Don’t blame robots for America’s falling wages: Blame trade

9/24/2013 - The latest in China’s global resources binge: a 12.5% stake in the world’s biggest potash-maker

9/24/2013 - Day four of the terrorist attack on Nairobi’s Westgate mall, and the fighting continues

9/24/2013 - Yes, higher mortgage rates really do hurt the economy

9/24/2013 - The Bo Xilai guide to doing time in a Chinese prison, the not-so-hard way

9/24/2013 - Marvel’s next mission: conquer primetime television, and save Disney’s ABC Network

9/24/2013 - Lonelier and poorer: the incredibly depressing future for Americans

9/24/2013 - Almost half the jobs Americans thought were safe will soon be done by robots

9/24/2013 - The number of killer thunderstorms could jump 40% by 2070

9/24/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—Iran-UN talks, China’s selective unblocking, Kenya mall siege endgame, black hole fireworks

9/24/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Iran-UN talks, China’s selective unblocking, Kenya mall siege endgame, black hole fireworks

9/24/2013 - What it looks like when an airport destroys the neighborhood around it

9/24/2013 - Quartz Headline Generator

9/24/2013 - These are the skills you need to get a $173,000 job as the NSA’s privacy officer

9/24/2013 - Stanford University mired in a family feud over the diaries of Chiang Kai-Shek

9/24/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe edition—UN General Assembly, BlackBerry buyout, Chrysler IPO, black hole fireworks

9/24/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—UN General Assembly, BlackBerry buyout, Chrysler IPO, black hole fireworks

9/23/2013 - It’s the British, not the Chinese, that US companies in Tanzania should fear

9/23/2013 - China will unblock Facebook, Twitter and The New York Times to boost its new free trade zone

9/23/2013 - Venezuela’s government is now in the toilet-paper business

9/23/2013 - This is the single best reason to upgrade to iOS 7

9/23/2013 - Chrysler just called its union’s bluff by filing for an IPO

9/23/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia edition—UNGA, BlackBerry buyout, Brotherhood banned, black holes

9/23/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—UNGA, BlackBerry buyout, Brotherhood banned, black holes

9/23/2013 - Subsidized mobile phones, cheap bottled water and other goodies that will determine the outcome of India’s elections

9/23/2013 - Blackberry is getting bought at 6% of its peak stock price

9/23/2013 - Cheat sheet: Here are the bits of BlackBerry investors want to flip for a profit

9/23/2013 - China reportedly just bought 5% of Ukraine (but the Ukrainian partner denies it)

9/23/2013 - South America is the worst place to buy an iPad

9/23/2013 - Why a new rule allowing hedge funds to advertise could be the biggest change to US capital markets since the 1930s

9/23/2013 - One in ten kids globally are child laborers—and that’s considered good news

9/23/2013 - The world’s best-selling liquor brand now has the US in its sights, and it doesn’t need a liquor license

9/23/2013 - Let finance handle your workplace wellness program, not HR

9/23/2013 - How Apple sold 9 million iPhones this weekend

9/23/2013 - What Apple won’t tell you: The iPhone 5s is outselling the 5c nearly four-to-one

9/23/2013 - By 2015, China will be the world’s largest consumer of processed food

9/23/2013 - The biggest winners at this year’s Emmys didn’t win the biggest awards

9/23/2013 - Three signs Brazil could be awakening from its economic slumber

9/23/2013 - America’s top colleges are feeding the rich and keeping out the poor

9/23/2013 - No, the US student debt bubble isn’t popping

9/23/2013 - Angela Merkel’s Monday morning to-do list

9/23/2013 - How the Chinese government could seize Bo Xilai’s villa on the French Riviera

9/23/2013 - WeChat’s latest money-making schemes: celebrity wake-up calls and app-enabled vending machines

9/23/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—Merkel celebrates, manufacturing surges, Nairobi seige, iPhone fingerprint hack

9/23/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Merkel celebrates, manufacturing surges, Nairobi seige, iPhone fingerprint hack

9/23/2013 - The other casualty in the Nairobi mall massacre: Kenya’s economic progress

9/23/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe edition—Merkel celebrates, China thrives, Nairobi siege, audacious oil thieves

9/23/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Merkel celebrates, China thrives, Nairobi siege, audacious oil thieves

9/23/2013 - A-listers skip the Emmys to follow the real Hollywood money to China

9/22/2013 - Angela Merkel scores big with voters, but now needs to win over bitter rivals to govern

9/22/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—Merkel victorious, Kenya’s terror siege, Usagi Vs. China, audacious oil thieves

9/22/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Merkel victorious, Kenya’s terror siege, Usagi Vs. China, audacious oil thieves

9/22/2013 - Even the Chinese government can’t command progress on electric cars

9/22/2013 - Wednesday’s Federal Reserve announcement was leaked, says a financial market analyst

9/22/2013 - The economist who predicted the financial crisis just sounded another alarm—it would be wise to listen this time

9/22/2013 - Merkel set to surpass Thatcher as Europe’s longest-serving female leader

9/22/2013 - The complete, concise history of al-Shabaab, the group behind the Kenyan mall attack

9/22/2013 - Companies get worse at truly innovating the more financial analysts cover them

9/22/2013 - Hong Kong got lucky and was spared the worst of the strongest storm of 2013

9/21/2013 - Bo Xilai is sentenced to life in prison, but already has pledged to return to politics

9/21/2013 - Eyewitnesses to the Kenya mall attack: “I was very sure they were going to come in any moment”

9/21/2013 - Terrorists stormed a Kenyan mall and killed at least 39 people

9/21/2013 - How to steal 100,000 barrels of oil a day, and get away with it

9/21/2013 - The scientific reason why you’re always stuck in traffic

9/21/2013 - Quartz weekend brief—Central bankers, beeronomics, plutonium shortages, gangs on Facebook

9/21/2013 - Quartz weekend brief—Central bankers, beeronomics, plutonium shortages, gangs on Facebook

9/20/2013 - Quartz weekend brief—Central bankers, beeronomics, plutonium shortages, gangs on Facebook

9/20/2013 - Quartz weekend brief—Central bankers, beeronomics, plutonium shortages, gangs on Facebook

9/20/2013 - BlackBerry announces a $1 billion loss and a doomed plan to dig itself out

9/20/2013 - Buy an iPhone, save a whale

9/20/2013 - The world’s best selling alcohol is finally traveling West

9/20/2013 - Here’s a $1,000 Steelcase office chair designed with your gadgets in mind

9/20/2013 - 15 big decisions that can’t be made until Angela Merkel is re-elected

9/20/2013 - Quit your job, move to North Dakota and start drilling for gas

9/20/2013 - Apple’s iOS 7 includes a surprise: a ticket to the next generation of the internet

9/20/2013 - Can Somalia’s new female central banker break crony capitalism there?

9/20/2013 - The line for new iPhones vs. the line for cronuts

9/20/2013 - Betting on natural disasters has been one of the best investments since the financial crisis

9/20/2013 - This handshake would be the most important moment at next week’s UN meeting

9/20/2013 - Pinterest launches monetizing strategy, without the money part

9/20/2013 - Global warming is causing Alaska to rise and Boston to sink

9/20/2013 - There are 629 words you won’t be allowed to register as a web address

9/20/2013 - Raghuram Rajan is the latest central banker to pull a Bernanke surprise

9/20/2013 - Warren Buffett: “We’re having a hard time finding things to buy.”

9/20/2013 - At last, the US and China—the world’s biggest carbon emitters—move to cut coal

9/20/2013 - Walt Mossberg’s 22-year mission to make computers easier to use

9/20/2013 - This is how the fear of government snooping takes its toll on tech companies

9/20/2013 - China’s spending 39% of its GDP paying off debts

9/20/2013 - The 10 cities most threatened by a damaging natural disaster

9/20/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—India’s surprise rate hike, US debt vote, Hong Kong typhoon, Oktoberfest economics

9/20/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—India’s surprise rate hike, US debt vote, Hong Kong typhoon, Oktoberfest economics

9/20/2013 - Singapore-Jakarta is the world’s fastest-growing airport route—and that’s bad news for Indonesia

9/20/2013 - Recycling bins in the City of London tracked people’s movements for over two months

9/20/2013 - A super typhoon is headed for Hong Kong: here’s what you need to know

9/20/2013 - AllThingsD founders are in talks to value their new venture at up to $40 million

9/20/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe edition—US debt vote, Hong Kong typhoon, Oktoberfest economics, soldier-robot love

9/20/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—US debt vote, Hong Kong typhoon, Oktoberfest economics, soldier-robot love

9/19/2013 - When it comes to exports, Obama loves what oil is doing

9/19/2013 - Why did Google deny it had a new logo when it totally had a new logo?

9/19/2013 - A storm just killed more than 30,000 sheep in Uruguay

9/19/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—US debt vote, JP Morgan’s fine, Oktoberfest economics, lovable robots

9/19/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—US debt vote, JP Morgan’s fine, Oktoberfest economics, lovable robots

9/19/2013 - Why Iran’s new president is so eager to make nice with the West

9/19/2013 - People who wrote the law allowing secret IPOs say it wasn’t made for Twitter

9/19/2013 - Nintendo’s first hit: playing cards made from tree bark that the Yakuza loved

9/19/2013 - China sets out to name and shame the country’s worst polluters

9/19/2013 - Apple’s edge is that the iPhone remains the best place to access Google’s services—for now

9/19/2013 - Emerging markets, wean thyself—the Fed has given you one last fix

9/19/2013 - The price of beer at Oktoberfest completely defies economic logic

9/19/2013 - Stephen Elop just earned himself $25 million by selling off Nokia

9/19/2013 - The Fed just made life easier for European governments but harder for European exporters

9/19/2013 - Up to 60% of Mexico’s workers don’t pay taxes and the government doesn’t dare go after them

9/19/2013 - China just detained a teen for having 500 retweets

9/19/2013 - The US economy doesn’t care if you haven’t gotten a raise since 1988

9/19/2013 - As if the debt ceiling weren’t enough, US Congress has to deal with the looming helium ceiling

9/19/2013 - Why Sheryl Sandberg’s “Lean In” doesn’t translate in China

9/19/2013 - Europe is wiping out its seabass population, thanks in part to trendy chefs

9/19/2013 - You should expect panic when the Fed makes a mess of explaining its plans

9/19/2013 - Ireland emerges from its double dip recession

9/19/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—Markets surge on Fed surprise, UK retail weakens, GE prenatal marketing

9/19/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Markets surge on Fed surprise, UK retail weakens, GE prenatal marketing

9/19/2013 - Groat, plack, thistle or pistole? What an independent Scotland’s currency might be called

9/19/2013 - Will emerging economies take advantage of the Fed’s reprieve to get their houses in order?

9/19/2013 - Apple needs Chinese customers, but some Chinese companies need Apple even more

9/19/2013 - Puerto Rico is living an impoverished debt nightmare reminiscent of southern Europe or Detroit

9/19/2013 - Why major automakers are happy to take a backseat to Tesla on self-driving cars

9/19/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe Edition—Fed’s no taper surprise, Google vs. Death, Facebook distrust

9/19/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe Edition—Fed’s no taper surprise, Google vs. Death, Facebook distrust

9/18/2013 - Want a big bump in your stock price? Try tacking “Shanghai” onto your company’s name

9/18/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—Microsoft meeting, no taper, Google Life, robot snakes

9/18/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Microsoft meeting, no taper, Google Life, robot snakes

9/18/2013 - Nigeria’s sovereign wealth fund launches on an unfortunate day to be long US debt

9/18/2013 - Mark Zuckerberg says people trust Facebook less after NSA revelations

9/18/2013 - Microsoft doesn’t just want to buy back your shares, it also wants your iPad

9/18/2013 - The US’s biggest banker might be bailing on long-term debt

9/18/2013 - How Congress helped force the Fed to postpone the taper

9/18/2013 - Taper shocker: Four explanations for why the Fed held its fire

9/18/2013 - US employers will stop offering health insurance in five years

9/18/2013 - Market bubbles are driven by the impulse to predict each other’s behavior, says new research

9/18/2013 - 13 synonyms for “taper” in case anyone wants to spice up coverage of the Fed

9/18/2013 - No taper! The Fed just hung the entire market out to dry

9/18/2013 - Why the US needs to fall out of love with home ownership

9/18/2013 - The easiest way for Priceline to get rid of competition from Kayak was to buy it

9/18/2013 - This is the children’s book that the president of Estonia made his staff read

9/18/2013 - Google is starting a new company to monetize life extension and disrupt the death space

9/18/2013 - More American children have health coverage than ever before. For everyone else, it’s gotten worse

9/18/2013 - The new national identity is what smartphone you prefer, and nobody’s quite sure why

9/18/2013 - India doesn’t actually know if its food-price inflation is going up or down

9/18/2013 - Hyperinflation is forcing Venezuela to print hundreds of millions of extra banknotes

9/18/2013 - New browser extensions let you hit the NSA where it hurts: in the data

9/18/2013 - The plastic shopping bag faces its downfall in England, but the alternatives aren’t always greener

9/18/2013 - China’s one-child policy could be causing its trillion-dollar housing boom—and its eventual bust

9/18/2013 - The bond market is on track for its worst year in four decades

9/18/2013 - Spain’s Zara leans less on its home country for profit, more on its citizens for jobs

9/18/2013 - The real reason international adoptions are failing

9/18/2013 - Researchers are working on systems for securing smartphones that make Apple’s fingerprint scanner irrelevant

9/18/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—Fed decision day, French tax climbdown, auto-pilot Teslas, Berlusconi’s revenge

9/18/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Fed decision day, French tax climbdown, auto-pilot Teslas, Berlusconi’s revenge

9/18/2013 - Google is on the way to quietly becoming an electric utility

9/18/2013 - Chinese billionaire unconcerned about rich-poor gap is attacked by knife-wielding jobseeker

9/18/2013 - All the ways that Colorado’s flood is the worst the region has ever seen

9/18/2013 - Beijing calls fears over internet crackdown “paranoia,” briefly detains corruption-fighting blogger

9/18/2013 - Despite a recent chill, Myanmar’s democracy needs Chinese investment

9/18/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Fed decision, French pensions, Brazilian snub, hot peppers

9/18/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe edition—Fed decision, French pensions, Brazilian snub, hot peppers

9/17/2013 - How Google will be able to track you without cookies

9/17/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Fed decision, French pensions, Brazilian snub, hot peppers

9/17/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—Fed decision, French pensions, Brazilian snub, hot peppers

9/17/2013 - How Iran built a skyscraper in the middle of New York City and held onto it for decades

9/17/2013 - It looks like the US is going to face not one, but “two lost decades”

9/17/2013 - Why the Republican debt strategy in the US makes so little sense

9/17/2013 - Why 4,000 pubs in the UK will close in the next year

9/17/2013 - How GM plans to out-innovate Tesla: by inventing a better battery

9/17/2013 - Apple and Microsoft have turned tech into a dividend-paying paradise

9/17/2013 - Half of the world’s self-made women billionaires are from China

9/17/2013 - In China, Starbucks doesn’t sell coffee to make its millions. It rents couches

9/17/2013 - PhD programs need students who care about more than just future earnings

9/17/2013 - Britain’s biggest supermarket wants to become the country’s Amazon—by selling a £99 tablet

9/17/2013 - Here’s Jamie Dimon’s memo to JP Morgan staff. Help us annotate it

9/17/2013 - The Indian government is making state oil firms lose $77 million a day

9/17/2013 - Grand Theft Auto V shows why the games industry needs to go the way of the music industry

9/17/2013 - If Yellen became Fed chair, would low inflation change her bond-buying stance?

9/17/2013 - The typical US family now makes less than it did when the Berlin Wall fell

9/17/2013 - New financial umbrellas keep companies dry when it rains on their earnings

9/17/2013 - Turkey is poised to cash in on a stable Somalia

9/17/2013 - American incomes are down 8.3% since 2007

9/17/2013 - Which country will be crowned this year’s soybean king? Ask mother nature, and China

9/17/2013 - European car sales plunge to lowest level since the fall of the Berlin Wall

9/17/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—The Navy Yard shooter, the Fed debates tapering, UK unloads Lloyds shares, marathon selfies ban

9/17/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—The Navy Yard shooter, the Fed debates tapering, UK unloads Lloyds shares, marathon selfies ban

9/17/2013 - How to make your Hyundai look like a Lamborghini for just $300! (This doesn’t actually work)

9/17/2013 - Chinese internet valuations are rocketing up, even as authorities are cracking down

9/17/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Washington Navy Yard shooting, the Fed’s tapering meeting, stock market micro-crashes

9/17/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe edition—Washington Navy Yard shooting, the Fed’s tapering meeting, stock market micro-crashes

9/16/2013 - South Korea is hoping fried chicken will help solve its runaway debt problem

9/16/2013 - Can a golden skyscraper help Donald Trump finally make a profit in India?

9/16/2013 - Cerberus Capital still hasn’t unloaded the maker of the AR-15 but is making tons of money from it

9/16/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—JP Morgan fine, Washington shooting, Fed meeting, micro-crashes

9/16/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—JP Morgan fine, Washington shooting, Fed meeting, micro-crashes

9/16/2013 - This is how you destroy a chemical weapon

9/16/2013 - The bond market is ready for the Fed’s taper announcement, but it may freak over a target for 2016

9/16/2013 - In a year, Netflix’s competition shifted from Hulu to HBO to everything

9/16/2013 - The SEC may get JP Morgan to pay over $700 million—but more importantly, to ‘fess up

9/16/2013 - The latest in Chinese luxury: dead, stuffed zoo animals

9/16/2013 - Iran opens up access to Twitter and Facebook for the first time since 2009

9/16/2013 - The skeleton of Lehman walks on indefinitely

9/16/2013 - The S in iPhone 5S stands for “super-premium”—at least in China

9/16/2013 - Tough new welfare rules help drive Brits back to work

9/16/2013 - The secret financial market only robots can see

9/16/2013 - Six countries would like to know how this Israeli billionaire earned 15 times his investment in Guinea

9/16/2013 - Why naming a startup funding round wrong could cost millions

9/16/2013 - The Chinese government really, really wants babies to breastfeed. Got that, Danone?

9/16/2013 - 12 of the 50 richest people in America made their money in tech

9/16/2013 - Weibo users applaud a former Google China executive’s call for work-life balance

9/16/2013 - Larry Summers isn’t alone. The markets just love to see some people go

9/16/2013 - How to make a 1,476-foot-tall tower disappear

9/16/2013 - Thwarted by oil and gold, India wants to tackle its import binge with electronics

9/16/2013 - The real legacy of Lehman: Larry Summers’s sudden exit from the Fed race

9/16/2013 - One chart that explains why the US auto industry is booming

9/16/2013 - Bankers take the lion’s share at safer but less profitable banks

9/16/2013 - A lot of US plastic isn’t actually being recycled since China put up its Green Fence

9/16/2013 - Google plans to disrupt America’s favorite sport—but not in the way everyone expects

9/16/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Larry Summers bails, Janet Yellen relief rally, Chrysler IPO, accidental nukes

9/16/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—Larry Summers bails, Janet Yellen relief rally, Chrysler IPO, accidental nukes

9/16/2013 - How Intel will bring a “good enough” tablet to the US market by Christmas—for less than $100

9/16/2013 - Japanese tofu prices are going up 20% because of Abenomics

9/16/2013 - Stocks soar and the dollar sinks as traders see happier days under a Yellen-led Fed

9/16/2013 - The Beijing cop behind China’s online crackdown wields a “heavy fist”

9/16/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Larry Summers bails, Janet Yellen relief rally, launching rockets on the cheap

9/16/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe edition—Larry Summers bails, Janet Yellen relief rally, launching rockets on the cheap

9/15/2013 - What’s next for Larry Summers

9/15/2013 - Now that Larry Summers is out, who’s in line to lead the Federal Reserve?

9/15/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—Larry Summers, Syria deal, US debt ceiling standoff, affordable rockets

9/15/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Larry Summers, Syria deal, US debt ceiling standoff, affordable rockets

9/15/2013 - Larry Summers pulls out of the running for US Federal Reserve chair

9/14/2013 - The internet of things will save the US from the great stagnation

9/14/2013 - Media companies have failed in the education business—but there’s still hope

9/14/2013 - Finally, the Indian government agrees to leave the central bank alone

9/14/2013 - Quartz Weekend Brief—The “new” iPhone, Twitter’s IPO, the Falling Man, tech intellectuals

9/14/2013 - Quartz Weekend Brief—The “new” iPhone, Twitter’s IPO, the Falling Man, tech intellectuals

9/14/2013 - Quartz Weekend Brief—The “new” iPhone, Twitter’s IPO, the Falling Man, tech intellectuals

9/13/2013 - Quartz Weekend Brief—The “new” iPhone, Twitter’s IPO, the Falling Man, tech intellectuals

9/13/2013 - Everything that led to Colorado’s record-breaking flood, and why it will only get worse

9/13/2013 - Investors are fiending for US and European stocks, but they’re not so hot on Japan

9/13/2013 - What’s worse than an oil spill? A molasses spill

9/13/2013 - How a little-noticed factory fire disrupted the global electronics supply

9/13/2013 - How safe is bank borrowing five years after Lehman?

9/13/2013 - Another trading hiccup reminds us of the US stock market’s inherent technological flaws

9/13/2013 - Investors fleeing emerging markets are still showing the love to South Korea

9/13/2013 - China’s opening-up to foreign hedge funds is largely symbolic, at least for now

9/13/2013 - Putin’s op-ed is like his country: appealing on the surface but hollow at its core

9/13/2013 - Terrorist trap doors, no-cry onions, and other funny research from the Ig Nobels

9/13/2013 - Why China is having trouble getting the whole country to speak Mandarin

9/13/2013 - The reason American tech firms like Ireland isn’t just the low taxes

9/13/2013 - What if there were a REALLY different way for internet companies to IPO?

9/13/2013 - Startup founders are better off with a college degree

9/13/2013 - Obama will tap Larry Summers for Fed chair, possibly next week, sources tell Nikkei

9/13/2013 - Spanish real estate has lost more than a third of its value, but it’s still overvalued

9/13/2013 - Why I sued Hollywood on behalf of unpaid interns everywhere

9/13/2013 - Inside Twitter’s plan to go public as quickly and quietly as it can

9/13/2013 - World Cup tickets are an opportunity for currency speculators—just never a good one

9/13/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—Kerry meets Lavrov and Brahimi, Europe’s banking union, Al Qaeda’s threats, rat police

9/13/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—Kerry meets Lavrov and Brahimi, Europe’s banking union, Al Qaeda’s threats, rat police

9/13/2013 - One more way China is out-innovating the US: with a vending machine full of live crabs

9/13/2013 - Dishwashers and cars can save emerging markets, Goldman Sachs says

9/13/2013 - Why a deal for MoPub was the finishing touch Twitter needed to prepare for its IPO

9/13/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—EU banking union, Twitter IPO, Syria negotiations, lab-made eggs

9/13/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—European edition—EU banking union, Twitter IPO, Syria negotiations, lab-made eggs

9/12/2013 - Airbnb sets its sights on the Chinese tourism boom

9/12/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—EU banking union, Twitter IPO, Dell wins Dell, mock heroism

9/12/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—EU banking union, Twitter IPO, Dell wins Dell, mock heroism

9/12/2013 - Twitter’s IPO filing underlines that the JOBS Act wasn’t about jobs

9/12/2013 - Why is Blackstone taking Hilton Hotels public as if it were a tech company?

9/12/2013 - These days, Apple is more like a fashion label than an electronics company

9/12/2013 - Who needs mooncakes? Tea and herbal tonics are the bribes of choice during China’s mid-Autumn festival

9/12/2013 - Here’s Apple’s first design for a wearable device—from 1985

9/12/2013 - Would you report Chinese corruption to an anonymous government website?

9/12/2013 - You can now buy lab-made eggs to go with your lab-grown burgers

9/12/2013 - This is the best time for foreign investors to enter India

9/12/2013 - Why a 26-year-old analyst has managed to rattle Wall Street

9/12/2013 - The biggest bond deal ever from Verizon might mark the end of the easy money era

9/12/2013 - Look at the career ambitions of Harvard students shifting before your eyes

9/12/2013 - China’s latest knock-off: tickets to the Louvre

9/12/2013 - Britain’s iconic black cab company is back in business

9/12/2013 - Physical money costs Americans more than $200 billion each year, so why bother?

9/12/2013 - The US has been helping Mexico spy on its citizens for decades

9/12/2013 - This Chinese mobile maker could be the next Google, says Google exec who defected to Xiaomi

9/12/2013 - The rupee is looking a little less doomed

9/12/2013 - Wasted rice in Asia emits over 600 million tonnes of greenhouse gases a year

9/12/2013 - Tablets are doing to computers what iTunes did to the full-length album

9/12/2013 - Greek unemployment gets worse. Yes, worse.

9/12/2013 - Apple is no longer an innovative company, says the man who helped Steve Jobs design the Mac

9/12/2013 - Europe’s factory managers are more upbeat, but that isn’t helping their bottom lines

9/12/2013 - RIP, social media managers—tweeting is everyone’s job now

9/12/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—US-Russia talks, China’s anti-pollution measures, Royal Mail’s IPO, the world’s best lasagna

9/12/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—US-Russia talks, China’s anti-pollution measures, Royal Mail’s IPO, the world’s best lasagna

9/12/2013 - This US engineering company wants Mexico to pay a $550 million bill before restarting its oil drilling dreams

9/12/2013 - Will Apple’s deal with China Mobile come too late to turn around its fortunes in China?

9/12/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—US-Russia talks, North Korea’s nuclear restarts, Dell’s buyout of Dell, quiet loudspeakers

9/12/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe edition—US-Russia talks, North Korea’s nuclear restarts, Dell’s buyout of Dell, quiet loudspeakers

9/11/2013 - Apple’s iOS 7 closely follows Google’s design principles

9/11/2013 - Paging Yahoo’s IT department: Marissa Mayer doesn’t use a passcode on her phone

9/11/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—US-Russia talks, Dell vote, EU roaming ban, doctor’s appointments

9/11/2013 - China’s Li Keqiang talks big at “Summer Davos.” His walk is a little different

9/11/2013 - The first oil flows from the biggest headache in the world

9/11/2013 - Swedish regulators want borrowers to pay off their mortgages faster. Like, in less than 140 years

9/11/2013 - If the UK decides to leave the EU, it will also leave innovation behind

9/11/2013 - AT&T makes it clear: marketers should never touch 9/11

9/11/2013 - In India, Apple is actually willing to play the “cheap” card to sell iPhones

9/11/2013 - Why the world’s third largest grocery conglomerate couldn’t make it in the US

9/11/2013 - Rising interest rates are already slowing down the engine of the US economic recovery

9/11/2013 - How the iPhone 5C could turn around Apple’s declining growth

9/11/2013 - Sheryl Sandberg on how women could save Japan’s economy

9/11/2013 - Why you shouldn’t go to the doctor at 10 a.m. on a Friday

9/11/2013 - 124 Brazilians are worth over a tenth of the country’s GDP

9/11/2013 - The most popular online classes aren’t what you’d expect

9/11/2013 - Southeast Asia is becoming China’s version of Florida for retirees

9/11/2013 - Obama has delayed his Syria problem, not eliminated it

9/11/2013 - These are the codes you need to crack to get a job as a British cyberspy

9/11/2013 - These 4 charts explain why Bill de Blasio won over New Yorkers

9/11/2013 - Australia’s climate change fight is doomed as long as it remains China’s top coal supplier

9/11/2013 - Apple’s share price fell on the new iPhone, but guess which company’s shares shot up

9/11/2013 - Former convicts make bad employees—and other hiring myths big data expose

9/11/2013 - It’s getting easier to nab a job in the UK, but harder to find a good one

9/11/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—de Blasio’s victory, Verizon’s bond issue, UK unemployment, your thought-changing mother tongue

9/11/2013 - Why the next great leap forward in lighting looks so last century

9/11/2013 - China’s farms are joining its hospitals in churning out antibiotics-resistant superbugs

9/11/2013 - China’s top five billionaires are now worth as much as Bill Gates

9/11/2013 - The crazypants details of China’s recent sex tape extortion racket

9/11/2013 - Apple demoed the iPhone 5S with a game because kids are dumping PCs and consoles for gaming

9/11/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe edition—Obama’s Syria speech, UK unemployment, Apple’s not-so-cheap iPhones, zero-g veg

9/10/2013 - China’s richest keep getting richer—and now they’re taking those riches to Hong Kong

9/10/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—UK unemployment, Apple’s not-so-cheap iPhones, investing monkeys

9/10/2013 - See the United States running out of cash in this scary chart

9/10/2013 - The iPhone 5S just brought us closer to the internet of things and a world of constant surveillance

9/10/2013 - Hong Kong’s subway system is fancier than New York City’s—and cheaper, too

9/10/2013 - By making iWork free on iOS, Apple could pummel Microsoft Office

9/10/2013 - This is probably the last bit of good economic news to come from Turkey for a while

9/10/2013 - The most cited, least important stock market index has been tweaked by its kingmakers

9/10/2013 - Apple’s “cheap” iPhone 5C will cost over $700 in China

9/10/2013 - Cheap iPhone? Hardly. Apple’s price range is still just as narrow

9/10/2013 - The rumors about the price of the iPhone 5C were wrong, and it could hurt Apple in China

9/10/2013 - The chart Tim Cook doesn’t want you to see

9/10/2013 - How to download iOS 7 today

9/10/2013 - Jaguar deigns to offer cheaper cars and SUVs that rival BMW and Mercedes

9/10/2013 - Financial crises and political upheaval aside, the world is actually a happier place than it was five years ago

9/10/2013 - These are the markets Apple could target with its cheaper iPhone 5C

9/10/2013 - iOS7 will be available for iPhone 4 and above starting September 18

9/10/2013 - Britain’s new plastic banknotes will cost 50% more to make—but at least they’ll fit in your wallet

9/10/2013 - Let’s call China’s recovery what it is: a relapse

9/10/2013 - The other recipient of US farm subsidies: Wall Street

9/10/2013 - People make the same basic investment decisions as monkeys, scientists find

9/10/2013 - Emerging markets need to stop focusing on their exchange rates

9/10/2013 - More women are going into math and science but bypassing tech careers

9/10/2013 - At last, green groups win on shark fins. Or, maybe not…

9/10/2013 - Chinese tourists aren’t as hot on the US and France as they are on South Korea

9/10/2013 - Apprenticeships ensure that young people in Switzerland are employable

9/10/2013 - The puzzling non-profit behind the “World Trade Center” name makes a surprising amount of money

9/10/2013 - Unless you live in Europe, you are more likely to be hired than fired in the fourth quarter

9/10/2013 - What universities are doing to keep the next Mark Zuckerberg from dropping out

9/10/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—New iPhones, strong China data, Kerry’s Syria ultimatum, Germany’s vegetarianism

9/10/2013 - How cigarette companies use free trade deals to sell more cigarettes to women and kids

9/10/2013 - A 500-year-old bank in Italy is teetering, and threatens to take the rest of the country’s financial system with it

9/10/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe edition—New iPhones, Syria deal, furious Rousseff, cheating skyscrapers

9/9/2013 - Warning: iPhone announcements can make Apple investors lose money

9/9/2013 - India’s government may finally cut its mobile carriers and consumers a break

9/9/2013 - A lifetime of party ties for Fang Fang, JP Morgan’s man in China

9/9/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—New iPhones, Syria progress, Koch’s buy, cheating skyscrapers

9/9/2013 - What the future of venture capital will look like

9/9/2013 - In China, being retweeted 500 times can get you three years in prison

9/9/2013 - Say hello to the world’s largest solar-powered boat

9/9/2013 - Is pollution in China ratcheting up infertility?

9/9/2013 - If India wants easier US visas it could try opening up its e-commerce market

9/9/2013 - Pro athletes are leading the charge for paternity leave in the US

9/9/2013 - 44 of the world’s 72 tallest buildings are cheating

9/9/2013 - Volkswagen is pulling the plug on the longest-running model in automotive history

9/9/2013 - China is missing out on the US economic recovery

9/9/2013 - Cars, coins and stamps are now more profitable luxuries than art, wine and jewelry

9/9/2013 - Could China’s corruption crackdown extend to a Los Angeles suburb?

9/9/2013 - Four charts that should scare the nonprofit sector

9/9/2013 - Dispelling the myth of the left-handed genius

9/9/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—Syrian charm offensive, Nieman Marcus on the block, gun permits for blind people

9/9/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe edition—Syrian charm offensive, Norway and Moscow elections, smelling compatibility

9/8/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia edition—Japan’s GDP, Norway’s election, China’s recovery, UK’s Marie Antoinette moment

9/8/2013 - Hospitals could provide better care by innovating like businesses

9/8/2013 - Apple succumbs to technology’s version of fast fashion—labor abuses and all

9/7/2013 - Tokyo’s winning 2020 Olympics bid will only worsen Japan’s debt headache

9/7/2013 - Yahoo’s new logo makes it look more like a cosmetics brand than an internet company

9/6/2013 - Quartz Weekend Brief—Global rebalancing, women on Wall Street, shadow banking, strange headlines

9/6/2013 - Here’s the takeaway you might have missed about the US jobs report

9/6/2013 - Apple’s deal with China Mobile could mean 32 million additional iPhones sold per year

9/6/2013 - One of these three stadiums will house the 2020 Olympic opening ceremonies

9/6/2013 - Amazon is considering selling its smart phone for $0, even without a wireless plan

9/6/2013 - If Norway’s housing market isn’t a bubble, what is?

9/6/2013 - Diana Nyad shows that the US has miles to go in its portrayal of older women

9/6/2013 - Why it was so easy for a lone bandit to execute France’s greatest diamond heist

9/6/2013 - Raghuram Rajan is the central banker who can do no wrong—for now

9/6/2013 - Superstar programmers are getting paid like pro athletes—tens of millions of dollars a year

9/6/2013 - The BRICS tried to bring a knife to a currency shootout

9/6/2013 - If China has a real-estate glut, why is Beijing more expensive than Manhattan?

9/6/2013 - The same city should host the Olympics every year

9/6/2013 - This is the weirdest quarterly earnings report ever filed

9/6/2013 - Europe is moving to destroy €430 billion in money market funds beloved by banks and CFOs

9/6/2013 - The uninspiring US jobs report for August in two simple charts

9/6/2013 - Did the White House’s trial balloon for Larry Summers just pop?

9/6/2013 - A fire at a factory in China could make all your gadgets more expensive this year

9/6/2013 - America’s huge mistake on monetary policy: How negative interest rates could have stopped the Great Recession in its tracks

9/6/2013 - Another Latin American country mulls letting its people grow pot

9/6/2013 - You can now replace your PC with a smartphone. But will you?

9/6/2013 - The US economy added 169,000 jobs in August, and the unemployment rate fell to 7.3%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

9/6/2013 - Germany’s export machine is sputtering at an awkward moment for Angela Merkel

9/6/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—US jobs report, G20 Syria wrangling, German exports fall, the world’s biggest boat

9/6/2013 - Trading in China’s currency has tripled in three years—Is the yuan standard finally upon us?

9/6/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe edition—Snowden’s new NSA leak, US jobs report, Assad’s Instagram offensive

9/5/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—US jobs report, G20 debates, Libor settlement, broadband for the moon

9/5/2013 - The one thing that hasn’t leaked about the next iPhone is the only thing that matters

9/5/2013 - Why Cambodian garment workers are striking more this year than any in the past decade

9/5/2013 - Groupon’s brilliant marketing campaign in India: $20,000 worth of onions

9/5/2013 - You can train humans to be good people

9/5/2013 - Advertisers are second only to hackers in Americans’ list of online baddies

9/5/2013 - Is this the dawn of a potentially catastrophic insurance bubble?

9/5/2013 - Specialized training in US colleges is bad business strategy

9/5/2013 - HOT Watch is the smart watch Samsung should have built

9/5/2013 - China may get over its addiction to coal sooner than anyone thought

9/5/2013 - Americans now losing their jobs at pre-recession rates

9/5/2013 - China’s banks are hogging the country’s market earnings, and that spells trouble

9/5/2013 - Pandora claims not to be particularly worried about the launch of iTunes Radio

9/5/2013 - Brazil’s protests reveal the tension of a people moving ahead of their country

9/5/2013 - The longest living Costa Ricans also happen to be the poorest

9/5/2013 - Monitoring the spreading radiation from Fukushima, in real time

9/5/2013 - Why is Big Pharma so interested in China? Just look at these scary diabetes numbers

9/5/2013 - Google is waging war on apps that attack, infiltrate and steal from your phone

9/5/2013 - The real reason women are leaving Wall Street

9/5/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—G20 summit, central bankers hold fast, IRS tipping point, dollar menu inflation

9/5/2013 - What all of Yahoo’s fake logos look like smushed together

9/5/2013 - Ryanair’s profit warning rattles all European airlines, because it’s about to launch a price war

9/5/2013 - The massive, aging oil fields at the heart of China’s latest corruption purge

9/5/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe edition—G20 summit, Syria resolution, Galaxy Gear, feline mayors

9/5/2013 - Welcome to the new normal: Nothing will happen at the G-20

9/4/2013 - India’s new central bank governor doesn’t have all the answers, but at least he has a plan

9/4/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—G20 summit, Syria resolution, Galaxy Gear, foldable cars

9/4/2013 - I learned the most important lessons about investing after leaving my career in finance

9/4/2013 - Passwords will become obsolete when you can log-in with your heartbeat

9/4/2013 - The conflict in Syria is destroying some of the oldest relics of human civilization

9/4/2013 - Putin, flush with gas profits, is ready to pick some more fights

9/4/2013 - How Vikram Pandit’s failures at Citibank made his investment in student loans possible

9/4/2013 - Samsung gets creative with Galaxy Gear, but smart watches remain toys

9/4/2013 - French news agency wipes that dumb smile off François Hollande’s face

9/4/2013 - The solution to trading glitches might be to have fewer exchanges to trade on

9/4/2013 - Toshiba has invented a quantum cryptography network that even the NSA can’t hack

9/4/2013 - The Bank of England may need to rein in the British economy sooner than it thought

9/4/2013 - The suicide note that’s making things uncomfortable for former Deutsche Bank CEO Josef Ackermann

9/4/2013 - The real debate the US should be having on Syria

9/4/2013 - Nokia’s sale is a win for the tech-savvy Finns

9/4/2013 - 70% of Venezuela lost electricity yesterday—including its energy ministry

9/4/2013 - Silicon Valley’s language problem isn’t foreign accents, it’s English

9/4/2013 - HTC’s star smartphone designer allegedly stole secrets for a Chinese city government

9/4/2013 - How to monetize Pope Francis’s likability: with face masks, plush dolls and paddleball boards in his image

9/4/2013 - Sleeping, dating, vomiting… Is there anything Ikea won’t let you do?

9/4/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—Congress moves on Syria, China’s deliberate slowdown, McCain’s poker face

9/4/2013 - China’s president on the slowing economy: We meant to do that

9/4/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe edition—Samsung’s smart watch, China’s deliberate slowdown, Bank of America’s China exit, McCain’s Syria poker

9/3/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—Samsung’s smart watch, US trade deficit, S&P’s charge, the magic of Beethoven

9/3/2013 - The smartphone business Microsoft bought in three charts

9/3/2013 - Microsoft and Nokia: Who’s buying whom?

9/3/2013 - Chinese local governments need cash so badly they’re beating, kidnapping and killing to get it

9/3/2013 - The fate of the global economy is in the hands of the US Congress (again)

9/3/2013 - Anyone can take pictures of you from a satellite and there’s nothing you can do about it

9/3/2013 - GM and Toyota may follow Ford’s lead and shut plants in Australia

9/3/2013 - Why a slight revision to China’s 2012 growth is more than meets the eye

9/3/2013 - How the soccer transfer market turns Europe’s economic story upside down

9/3/2013 - Who wins and who loses in Microsoft’s acquisition of Nokia

9/3/2013 - For just €250,000 you can buy a home in Greece and become an EU resident

9/3/2013 - Over one-fifth of people use ad-blocking software—and it’s beginning to hurt

9/3/2013 - Compared to other wealthy countries, US minimum wage isn’t that bad

9/3/2013 - These airlines offer more legroom for free on domestic US flights

9/3/2013 - Japan is courting middle-class Muslims with halal udon and prayer rooms

9/3/2013 - A piano class for 32,000 students began today

9/3/2013 - China could become the first country to legalize parcel delivery by drone

9/3/2013 - The big trade switch is on as emerging markets export less

9/3/2013 - Will Vodafone get to spend its Verizon windfall before it gets bought itself?

9/3/2013 - Stephen Elop helped Microsoft get Nokia’s handsets for cheap—but don’t expect him to be its next CEO

9/3/2013 - Here’s a startup pitch: It’s like Waze, but for civil wars

9/3/2013 - Microsoft’s brilliant move: Keeping the Nokia name on the low-end phones it just bought

9/3/2013 - How a simple browser extension could help you ward off the Syrian Electronic Army

9/3/2013 - Bloomberg’s very strange headlines are in danger of making sense

9/3/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—Microsoft buys most of Nokia, CBS and Time Warner bury the hatchet, Kentucky Fried Soup in Japan

9/3/2013 - Microsoft is funding its Nokia acquisition with cash it kept from the taxman

9/3/2013 - Nokia ran out of moves—but now Microsoft can make some of its own

9/3/2013 - The numbers that explain why South African miners are going back on strike today

9/3/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe edition—Syria briefing, South Africa strikes, Vodafone-Verizon seal the deal, alcoholic sandwiches

9/2/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia Edition—South Africa strikes, Verizon-Vodafone, NSA spying, storm-smelling

9/2/2013 - India’s economic mess is so desperate it’s considering busting sanctions on Iran

9/2/2013 - With the Muslim Brotherhood down in Egypt, Hamas in Gaza may be next

9/2/2013 - How Brazil’s richest man lost 97% of his fortune in less than two years

9/2/2013 - Successful online journalism needs good design as much as good content

9/2/2013 - Euro zone manufacturing hits a 26-month high, no thanks to France

9/2/2013 - Japan’s Rakuten plans to take over the web—but not the one you’re familiar with

9/2/2013 - How to build a successful software company in Rwanda

9/2/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe edition—Vodafone-Verizon deal, China’s recovery, Morsi’s trial, violence and climate change

9/1/2013 - Quartz Daily Brief—Asia edition—Vodafone-Verizon deal, China’s recovery, Obama’s Syria gamble, Greenland’s grand canyon

9/1/2013 - Two charts to ruin Labor Day: US labor is worth less than ever

9/1/2013 - The state of the union is weak: Young Americans are not joining unions anymore