5/31/2016 - Australia is considering crocodile trophy hunting, to make national parks safer for humans

5/31/2016 - India is the world’s fastest growing big economy, but it can do better

5/31/2016 - Just because Tanmay Bhat offended you doesn’t mean he broke ​the law

5/31/2016 - Softbank is selling off nearly $8 billion in Alibaba shares

5/31/2016 - North Korea’s state-run media has endorsed Donald Trump

5/31/2016 - Softbank’s Alibaba sell-off, Abe’s tax delay, New York ice cream wars

5/31/2016 - A 3,300-page “emoji translation” of the Bible is now available

5/31/2016 - In the future we’re going to have robot butlers and it’s going to be so lame

5/31/2016 - Scientists can figure out what kind of movie you’re watching by studying your breath

5/31/2016 - Google plans to kill passwords with this tech, but Scandinavia is way ahead of it

5/31/2016 - France has OKed the transit of a dead man’s sperm across its borders

5/31/2016 - You could be vacationing in this inflatable space hotel within a decade

5/31/2016 - Cereal is divorcing milk and keeping the kids

5/31/2016 - Former Zurich Insurance CEO Martin Senn has committed suicide

5/31/2016 - Google’s self-driving cars will be able to take over from human drivers at the push of a button

5/31/2016 - Don’t blame smugglers for migrants’ deaths on the Mediterranean–the blood is on Europe’s hands

5/31/2016 - What it looks like when Google pledges to train one million Africans

5/31/2016 - Watch: These hilarious “Silicon Valley” outtakes show what millennials really think of their older colleagues

5/31/2016 - This Norwegian library will keep a new book by the author of “Cloud Atlas” secret for 100 years

5/31/2016 - With warm weather and bigger boats refugee fatalities in the Mediterranean are skyrocketing

5/31/2016 - The hidden downside to corporate America’s fight for LGBT equality

5/31/2016 - “A web of terror, insecurity, and a high level of vulnerability”: H&M, Gap, and Walmart are accused of widespread worker abuse

5/31/2016 - On campus, students of these subjects are by far the least politically engaged

5/31/2016 - I’m not going to stop using my mobile phone based on a new study claiming links to cancer—neither should you

5/31/2016 - This robotics hobbyist makes a living creating shitty robots

5/31/2016 - Starbucks is betting that “nitro” iced coffee is the next Frappuccino

5/31/2016 - Will drones ever become mass-market, must-have gadgets?

5/31/2016 - The solution to just about everything: working less

5/31/2016 - Stephen Hawking was asked to explain the phenomenon of Trump, couldn’t

5/31/2016 - The alliance between Big Business and the Republican party is in shambles

5/31/2016 - Chronic pain patients are suffering because of the US government’s ongoing War on Drugs

5/31/2016 - The beasts of Silicon Valley

5/31/2016 - Watch: Quartz talks with CEOs, politicians, union leaders, and a robot about the future of work

5/31/2016 - Is the future of business a company without workers, managers, or a CEO?

5/31/2016 - Companies with more women on the board are less likely to make acquisitions

5/31/2016 - Botched up blood transfusions are infecting thousands of Indians with HIV

5/31/2016 - A wealthy Swiss village has chosen to pay a $300,000 fine rather than accept just 10 refugees

5/31/2016 - Ask Elon Musk anything, Lionel Messi on trial, the dress code is dead

5/31/2016 - India has 18 million modern slaves—at least five times more than any other country in the world

5/31/2016 - An Indian engineer in Silicon Valley has invented a machine to brew the perfect masala tea

5/31/2016 - India plans to sell holy water from one of the world’s dirtiest rivers—online

5/31/2016 - Nigeria’s mobile data prices are finally starting to come down

5/31/2016 - Banning Kenya from the Rio Olympics would give the sports world a major dilemma

5/31/2016 - Tesla takes questions, Messi stands trial, Twitterature

5/31/2016 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe and Africa edition—Tesla takes questions, Messi stands trial, Twitterature

5/31/2016 - Indonesia had another high-seas encounter with China—but this time it brought a bigger boat

5/31/2016 - A new journalism startup in Hong Kong is betting the public will pay for unbiased news

5/31/2016 - Bollywood’s failure to stand by Tanmay Bhat proves it does not deserve the free speech it seeks

5/30/2016 - Tens of thousands of striking Verizon workers may finally go back to work

5/30/2016 - The Philippines’ new president, Messi stands trial, Twitterature

5/30/2016 - The first edition of “Alice in Wonderland” was supposed to be trashed as “waste paper”

5/30/2016 - For the first time in centuries, Swedish men outnumber women

5/30/2016 - Holocaust survivors can claim reparations from France’s national rail company until tomorrow

5/30/2016 - The Amish understand a crucial thing about modern medicine that most Americans don’t

5/30/2016 - A Hong Kong protester brutally beaten by police got jail time for “resisting arrest”

5/30/2016 - Outrage grows over the death of a gorilla, shot after a child climbed into its enclosure

5/30/2016 - The books that critics say you should read this summer

5/30/2016 - We’ve seen Donald Trump’s type of populism in Africa, it always ends in tears

5/30/2016 - A massive new study links being a workaholic to a myriad of other psychiatric disorders

5/30/2016 - To network properly, trade in those golf clubs for poker chips

5/30/2016 - Humans are the biggest problem with this $150 million virtual-company experiment

5/30/2016 - Nintendo is renaming Pikachu in one of its largest markets, and Hong Kongers are not happy

5/30/2016 - How to run an international airport with jihadists on the doorstep

5/30/2016 - Nearly a year later, Jack Dorsey’s Twitter shows few signs of a successful turnaround

5/30/2016 - How a tiny, secretive research shop exposed one of the world’s biggest commodity traders

5/30/2016 - The full apology from the Chinese company behind the racist laundry detergent ad

5/30/2016 - Most people are actually pretty happy at work

5/30/2016 - French protests roll on, bitcoin’s value spikes, translating “fyrirtækjagripdeildir”

5/30/2016 - India will finally clamp down on Ponzi schemes that dupe millions of poor investors

5/30/2016 - The richest families in Florence in 1427 are still the richest families in Florence

5/30/2016 - Tanmay Bhat may not be funny, but that’s no reason to threaten him

5/30/2016 - To be a female politician in Japan, sometimes you have to put up with being groped by voters

5/30/2016 - Brexit-fearing Brits in Berlin are anxious to apply for German passports

5/30/2016 - The Indus Valley civilisation is 2,500 years older than previously believed

5/30/2016 - Why is it so insanely hot in India right now?

5/30/2016 - Bitcoin rally, hedge fund reckoning, high-end Chinese wine

5/30/2016 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe and Africa edition—Bitcoin rally, hedge fund reckoning, high-end Chinese wine

5/30/2016 - India must move quickly to fix a looming trade crisis

5/30/2016 - A Chinese parking lot has extra-wide “female only” spaces because women “can’t reverse”

5/29/2016 - Bitcoin rally, hedge-fund washout, high-end Chinese wine

5/29/2016 - Donald Trump complained crowds for his Lincoln Memorial speech weren’t as big as MLK’s

5/29/2016 - The price of bitcoin just surged to a 20-month high

5/29/2016 - A really funny ad is promoting a chewing gum to cure Islamophobia

5/29/2016 - Artist JR took over the Louvre and made the pyramid disappear

5/29/2016 - The EU has proposed making all publicly funded science papers free by 2020

5/29/2016 - An Italian man tried to pay his ex-wife’s alimony with pizza—and a judge said it’s fine

5/29/2016 - Researchers are using an app to crowdsource how the English language has changed

5/29/2016 - A female James Bond is exactly what the franchise needs right now

5/29/2016 - How to be “radically free”: Leveraging philosophy to choose between two great options

5/29/2016 - This is the 3-inch fish Trump says California is protecting at the expense of its farmers

5/29/2016 - Russia has suffered a new blow to its hopes to compete in the Summer Olympics

5/29/2016 - Iran has a growing drug problem, and young, well-educated women are among its biggest victims

5/29/2016 - Attention-starved app makers are trying this side door to get noticed by users

5/29/2016 - “Of course I knew my skin was a different color. But I didn’t think that that made us better or worse.”

5/29/2016 - Why does rain seem to make you sleepy?

5/29/2016 - VW may challenge Tesla for who has the largest advanced battery factory

5/29/2016 - Nigerian drones, Kenyan running shoes, Africa’s cancer fear

5/29/2016 - The influence of revolutionary Frantz Fanon endures with Africa’s intellectuals

5/28/2016 - Just call the rapist “brother” or use this whistle: The ridiculous ways powerful men globally suggest women fight rape

5/28/2016 - NASA is trying to inflate an expandable habitat in space

5/28/2016 - Nigerians hate Caitlyn Jenner’s transgender reality show so much they got it banned throughout Africa

5/28/2016 - The “Roots” remake is a reminder that yes, America needs more movies about slavery

5/28/2016 - The US media has more reason than ever to be worried about Facebook

5/28/2016 - There will be a gigantic stroller rolling through the Midwest

5/28/2016 - There’s a diet that really works, if you’re okay with a year of misery

5/28/2016 - Finding Dory will make the blue tang fish popular and that’s not a good thing

5/28/2016 - What Silicon Valley wants from Navy SEALs and Army Rangers

5/28/2016 - Researchers say you can enjoy the benefits of a good night’s sleep even if you’ve barely rested

5/28/2016 - It’s time to stop pretending US troops aren’t fighting ISIL in Syria and Iraq

5/28/2016 - Tesla has 780 million miles of driving data, and adds another million every 10 hours

5/28/2016 - Why is it impossible to find free wi-fi in Germany?

5/28/2016 - Weekend edition—Workaholism, Cuba’s new revolution, and the hardest spelling words in the English language

5/28/2016 - We are only beginning to understand the recent, mysterious honey bee die offs

5/28/2016 - This Memorial Day weekend, the workaholics will be hiding in plain sight

5/28/2016 - How to deal with the heat and optimize your summer run

5/28/2016 - Here’s how quickly electronic dance music has taken over the world

5/28/2016 - Weekend edition—Workaholism, Cuba’s new revolution, and the hardest spelling words in the English language

5/28/2016 - Victims of child trafficking can now report abuse on touchscreen kiosks in India

5/27/2016 - Weekend edition—Workaholism, Cuba’s new revolution, and the hardest spelling words in the English language

5/27/2016 - Mark Zuckerberg may have to choose between his early investor and freedom of speech

5/27/2016 - Looks like Magic Leap is working on another mysterious buzzword technology

5/27/2016 - The power of the hybrid cloud

5/27/2016 - Facing explosive obesity, China is telling citizens to cut back on meat and eggs

5/27/2016 - Google should be seriously afraid of Facebook’s latest ad plans

5/27/2016 - Jawbone is giving up on one fad for another

5/27/2016 - Snickers has developed technology that knows when you’re sad and tries to cheer you up with cheap chocolate

5/27/2016 - What drives the move to the private cloud?

5/27/2016 - A Harvard student’s incredibly poetic speech highlights the power and shortcomings of American education

5/27/2016 - “This isn’t just about the money”: The US Senate is backing equal pay for women soccer players

5/27/2016 - Most Americans disapprove of bombing Hiroshima—except white men

5/27/2016 - Obama: Hiroshima teaches us that we’re doomed if science progresses but our morals don’t

5/27/2016 - The next logical step for Apple Pay: a loyalty program

5/27/2016 - The US housing market is starting to boom

5/27/2016 - Critics of Obama’s Hiroshima visit have called him everything from an apologist to a “lunatic”

5/27/2016 - Quartzy: the tropical modernism edition

5/27/2016 - A legendary Italian designer designed his own funeral, and he didn’t miss a detail

5/27/2016 - For the third year in a row, the US National Spelling Bee has two winners

5/27/2016 - A UK rule aims to stop officials from prejudicing voters. The US should do the same

5/27/2016 - My grandfather survived Hiroshima. Here’s what he wants Obama’s historic visit to accomplish

5/27/2016 - The story behind the racist Chinese ad where a black man gets his skin color scrubbed off

5/27/2016 - Somehow, the world’s governments can’t find more than $4 million for the WHO to fight Zika

5/27/2016 - This is what music written by AI sounds like

5/27/2016 - Vladimir Putin’s approval rating has fallen to a two-year low most world leaders would kill for

5/27/2016 - Welcome to the new Cuba, where dog baths cost what some state workers make in a whole paycheck

5/27/2016 - Scientifically proven tips for a better BBQ this summer

5/27/2016 - Researchers say using your smartphone excessively gives you faux-ADHD

5/27/2016 - The big data revolution is already magnifying how racist we are

5/27/2016 - People dump AI advisors that give bad advice, while they forgive humans for doing the same

5/27/2016 - Peter Thiel proves Silicon Valley only hates lawsuits when it’s the one getting sued

5/27/2016 - Gawker stories that might have pissed off Peter Thiel and his Silicon Valley friends

5/27/2016 - Digital spring-cleaning tips to help speed up and secure your devices

5/27/2016 - To make the most of your three-day weekend, be a little lazy before and after

5/27/2016 - The radically simple way to make female refugees safer from sexual assault: decent bathrooms

5/27/2016 - A startup decided to pay for employees’ weddings rather than give them raises

5/27/2016 - Seeing more grizzly-polar hybrids likely means polar bears are in serious trouble

5/27/2016 - You are not a CEO. You are a builder of cathedrals

5/27/2016 - Cage-free is far from cruelty-free for chickens and eggs

5/27/2016 - To make them smarter, researchers are teaching robots to feel pain

5/27/2016 - Why does gin and tonic taste so good?

5/27/2016 - United Airlines is canceling flights to Nigeria as the dollar crunch bites

5/27/2016 - Western universities are opening campuses in some odd places where they really don’t need to be

5/27/2016 - This is what the future of online publishing looks like, according to a Pirate Bay founder and Adblock Plus

5/27/2016 - The first Chinese citizen to give a Harvard graduation speech recalled why his mom lit his hand on fire

5/27/2016 - Obama in Hiroshima, Facebook’s huge undersea cable, golden jackals invade Europe

5/27/2016 - In Nigeria it will cost you $4,000 to register to fly a drone—in the US it costs $5

5/27/2016 - ‘You’re a girl,’ and other obstacles to becoming an entrepreneur in South Africa

5/27/2016 - Just days after cancer scare, Indian bread-makers promise to clean up their loaves

5/27/2016 - It’s been a damn good year for India’s airlines

5/27/2016 - Cancer is on the rise in Africa just as some of the few radiotherapy centers fall apart

5/27/2016 - Photos: This Chinese mask factory is betting Donald Trump will be the next US president

5/27/2016 - Why a former Harvard professor wants India to get rid of the world’s best central banker

5/27/2016 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe and Africa edition—G7’s Brexit warning, Google beats Oracle, eco-friendly jackals

5/27/2016 - G7’s Brexit warning, Google beats Oracle, eco-friendly jackals

5/27/2016 - The relationship between monsoons and food prices in India isn’t as simple as it seems

5/26/2016 - In India, successful female entrepreneurs are invited to speak only about women

5/26/2016 - Flipkart has pissed off India’s best B-school

5/26/2016 - China’s angry investors leap the Great Firewall—and are shocked by what they learn of Beijing

5/26/2016 - Japan’s notoriously ruthless criminal justice system is getting a face lift

5/26/2016 - US nuclear operations are coordinated using decades-old computers and 8-inch floppy disks

5/26/2016 - Google beats Oracle, Apple eyes Time Warner, eco-friendly jackals

5/26/2016 - Oracle just lost its copyright case against Google for the second time

5/26/2016 - Watch: SpaceX will attempt to land another high-speed rocket today

5/26/2016 - Trump and Sanders are discussing a debate where they can ignore the woman who’s beating them both

5/26/2016 - Facebook and Microsoft are building an underwater cable across the Atlantic

5/26/2016 - If you want your employees to be more productive, steal their chairs

5/26/2016 - Why these winning words from US National Spelling bees are so hard to spell

5/26/2016 - Nasdaq says (puff, puff) pass to marijuana social network

5/26/2016 - Whole Foods is selling fresh lionfish from the Florida coast to ease the impact of a venomous invader

5/26/2016 - The United States has a moral obligation to give Puerto Rico the right to vote

5/26/2016 - Top modeling agencies are under investigation for running a price-fixing racket

5/26/2016 - Snapchat just raised $1.8 billion, bringing it to a reported $20 billion valuation

5/26/2016 - In Brazil, women are made to feel responsible for Zika outbreaks

5/26/2016 - Researchers say sleep training is not emotionally damaging, and can actually reduce stress for your baby

5/26/2016 - The human toll of a Memorial Day barbecue

5/26/2016 - We sold feminism to the masses, and now it means nothing

5/26/2016 - How to stop wasting time online and make space for creativity

5/26/2016 - How the world’s premier auto race can alleviate Azerbaijan’s human-rights crisis

5/26/2016 - Kenya, home to the world’s fastest runners, will soon produce high-performance running shoes

5/26/2016 - Uber has quietly started to end surge pricing as we know it

5/26/2016 - An in-flight kit you can pack at home to make any seat feel like first class

5/26/2016 - Can this Wall Street insider sell Trump to the Republican establishment?

5/26/2016 - Attendance at SeaWorld San Diego has plummeted since the “Blackfish” documentary

5/26/2016 - Oil prices are above $50 a barrel again—but for how long?

5/26/2016 - Muslim students in Switzerland are being forced to shake hands with their female teachers

5/26/2016 - A brief history of Chinese accounting shenanigans in America

5/26/2016 - A tomato blight has caused a state of emergency in northern Nigeria

5/26/2016 - Tesla’s newest hire may be proof Elon Musk is ready to hear some hard truths about batteries

5/26/2016 - The future of software depends on a jury’s ability to understand this question

5/26/2016 - On Twitter, a study says half of all sexist abuse comes from women

5/26/2016 - The UAE wants to prove that money can literally make it rain

5/26/2016 - How to parent your first kid like it’s not your first time

5/26/2016 - Music piracy’s painful effect on the wider economy, from lost jobs to less tax

5/26/2016 - French nuclear strike, oil returns above $50, your horoscope is wrong

5/26/2016 - Protests by African diplomats is another reminder of India’s deep-seated racism

5/26/2016 - The one thing that can shatter India’s dream of double-digit growth: rising oil prices

5/26/2016 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe and Africa edition—G7 in Japan, space-station expansion, Taj Mahal pests

5/26/2016 - G7 in Japan, space-station expansion, Taj Mahal pests

5/26/2016 - Narendra Modi is the perfect boss, according to his ministers

5/25/2016 - Over 500 migrants were miraculously saved from a capsized boat outside the Libyan coast

5/25/2016 - Even Tim Cook’s fawning visit could not get India an Apple store

5/25/2016 - One of India’s best-known startups is being scrutinized like never before

5/25/2016 - Alibaba accounting probe, G7 in Japan, Taj Mahal goes green

5/25/2016 - US immigration authorities are shipping transgender detainees to a rural town in Texas

5/25/2016 - A hot new American salad chain is banning sriracha from its menu

5/25/2016 - The NRA’s new ad campaign threatens Iran with “real” Americans, like gator-wrestling swamp people

5/25/2016 - The internet flips out over this video of a water bottle flipping, and a new sport is born

5/25/2016 - In these US cities, 100% of homes are worth $1 million or more

5/25/2016 - iPhone manufacturer Foxconn is replacing 60,000 workers with robots

5/25/2016 - Scientists weigh in against the NFL’s war on physics and Tom Brady

5/25/2016 - Billionaire Peter Thiel’s attack on Gawker is called “champerty,” and it used to be illegal

5/25/2016 - Celebrity chefs want the US to own up to its food waste crisis

5/25/2016 - Azerbaijan just released its most famous political prisoner

5/25/2016 - The average raise for US CEOs last year was 10 times the pay of the average American worker

5/25/2016 - “You gotta let people express themselves”: The United States president talks hip-hop in Vietnam

5/25/2016 - Xiaomi’s new drone is astonishingly cheap—but it won’t save Xiaomi

5/25/2016 - A new digital archive promises to unlock the stories of fugitive American slaves

5/25/2016 - Young adults in the US are now more likely to be roommates with their parents than with partners

5/25/2016 - With an updated Nutrition Facts label, the FDA settles an eternal question: “Why Helvetica?”

5/25/2016 - Africa is sitting on a ticking time bomb—$35 billion worth of Eurobond debt

5/25/2016 - The man who guided a generation of Americans to the movies has died

5/25/2016 - Here’s one really obvious way to boost the US economy

5/25/2016 - Hoping to expand its market, Uber South Africa now accepts cash

5/25/2016 - The smoke from a wildfire in Canada has traveled all the way to Spain

5/25/2016 - Half of French men are “not interested” in taking their full paternity leave

5/25/2016 - The EU thinks this website is the key to fixing its weak e-commerce market

5/25/2016 - Microsoft has dealt a massive blow to its phone business—and Finland

5/25/2016 - The future of space travel could depend on this urgent race for asteroid resources

5/25/2016 - A new theory is close to solving one of the greatest mysteries of how life began on Earth

5/25/2016 - African start-ups are securing more investment—but there’s still room for growth

5/25/2016 - Old white men could mansplain the UK out of Europe

5/25/2016 - Dollar stores are stealing Walmart’s customers. Now they’re going online

5/25/2016 - Why you shouldn’t identify your colleagues with their home country

5/25/2016 - A Kenyan startup is showing global businesses how to talk to their customers

5/25/2016 - American schools are teaching our kids how to code all wrong

5/25/2016 - Venture capital funding is flowing back to fintech startups

5/25/2016 - In France, talking about money is more taboo than talking about sex

5/25/2016 - The European Central Bank is worried about the rise of anti-establishment political parties

5/25/2016 - “Jane Bond” is a dumb idea—Hollywood should just write better roles for women

5/25/2016 - Automakers have chosen sides in the ride-hailing wars

5/25/2016 - UK tax authorities can’t make heads or tails of adult coloring books

5/25/2016 - Netflix meets European regulation, Trump rally violence, Hulk Hogan’s secret backer

5/25/2016 - 17th century Mughal miniature paintings are being resurrected in adult colouring books

5/25/2016 - Any time money? A third of India’s ATMs don’t actually work

5/25/2016 - While drought ravages India, weather forecasters can’t decide when the monsoons will arrive

5/25/2016 - Being a single woman makes Taiwan’s new president “emotional” and “extreme,” a Chinese official says

5/25/2016 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe and Africa edition—Greece’s breakthrough, Bayer snubbed, professor Angelina Jolie

5/25/2016 - Greece’s breakthrough, Bayer snubbed, professor Angelina Jolie

5/25/2016 - Silicon Valley investor Peter Thiel reportedly tried to destroy Gawker while “supporting” press freedom

5/25/2016 - Could a child really be raised by animals, like Mowgli was?

5/25/2016 - Flipkart and Snapdeal have dumped one pointless metric for another

5/25/2016 - Hong Kong wants to remain a global arts hub while censoring political art

5/24/2016 - Toyota teams with Uber, Monsanto snubs Bayer, Apple’s AI trouble

5/24/2016 - The iPad will definitely, totally be the future of personal computing. Eventually.

5/24/2016 - Even the US Postal Service wants to start using blockchain tech

5/24/2016 - The Philippines’ new president is no “Trump of the East,” but he’s terrifying in his own right

5/24/2016 - Not having enough sugar to make Coca-Cola is the ultimate sign of economic disaster

5/24/2016 - A stealthy, stronger line of female salamanders are skipping sex and stealing DNA from males instead

5/24/2016 - Syrians deserve the same shot at the American Dream that Vietnam War refugees got 40 years ago

5/24/2016 - An anonymous genius is Photoshopping selfie sticks instead of guns into old-school action films

5/24/2016 - Twitter’s attempt to simplify its service is confusing even its power users

5/24/2016 - Spotify’s average salary keeps rising—even as its losses mount

5/24/2016 - Could Angola’s first banana exports in 40 years save its economy?

5/24/2016 - Netflix’s US film catalog will soon be vastly improved, thanks to Disney

5/24/2016 - People who yell at their dogs are very likely to end up with dogs that don’t listen

5/24/2016 - New US home prices just hit a record high

5/24/2016 - Watch: Norway’s hosting a 30-hour reading of the legalese your favorite apps use to control you

5/24/2016 - A Star Wars movie shot with drones is actually pretty awesome

5/24/2016 - A new study shows how government-collected “anonymous” data can be used to profile you

5/24/2016 - Google’s chic Paris office was the site of a massive dawn raid by French authorities

5/24/2016 - Killer robots won’t doom humanity–but our fears of AI might

5/24/2016 - A climber turned away twice by disaster on Everest explains why she risked it all to try again

5/24/2016 - Freddie Gray verdict: US police officers who kill rarely get punished, but they might get rich

5/24/2016 - New college grads don’t care about good jobs so much as good pay

5/24/2016 - Even Apple is acknowledging that the “iPads in education” fad is coming to an end

5/24/2016 - “Simply don’t read that hogwash”: Einstein had some genius advice for dealing with haters

5/24/2016 - World War III will be fought over water

5/24/2016 - The elderly are way savvier with password security than millennials

5/24/2016 - Facebook apologizes for banning an ad with a size 22 model for being an “undesirable” depiction

5/24/2016 - Angelina Jolie will teach a master’s course at the London School of Economics

5/24/2016 - The number of new businesses in the US is falling off a cliff

5/24/2016 - Teach yourself programming in 10 years

5/24/2016 - The thing that will wreck many Americans’ retirement

5/24/2016 - The world’s best manager is joining the world’s richest soccer club

5/24/2016 - To solve the world’s affordable housing crisis, should second homes be banned?

5/24/2016 - Greek refugee clearout, France’s gas shortage, Obama’s Hanoi snack

5/24/2016 - India’s $500 million port deal with Iran is a masterstroke—and a tough balancing act

5/24/2016 - There is one country where most Europeans would rather live—and one they’d all rather avoid

5/24/2016 - Santiago’s subway system will soon be powered mostly by solar and wind energy

5/24/2016 - Incredible images from India’s first space shuttle launch

5/24/2016 - Africans are living longer than at any point in the last 25 years

5/24/2016 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe and Africa edition—Sudan’s nuclear deal, Spotify’s red ink, rise of the “grolar” bear

5/24/2016 - Sudan’s nuclear deal, Spotify’s red ink, rise of the “grolar” bear

5/24/2016 - Eritreans are still waiting on freedom, 25 years after independence

5/24/2016 - A debate on cancerous chemicals has left Indians confused about the safety of their bread

5/24/2016 - Indians want Flipkart to reward an ingenious trickster with gift vouchers

5/24/2016 - North Korea rejects Donald Trump’s pledge to hold talks with Kim Jong-un as “nonsense”

5/23/2016 - China’s internet propaganda is more subtle and sophisticated than it ever has been

5/23/2016 - Ask an Economist: I traveled all the way to my friend’s wedding–can that be my gift?

5/23/2016 - All the feminist reasons Indian celebrities have cited for not being feminists

5/23/2016 - Facebook says an investigation of its trending topics finds “no evidence of systematic political bias”

5/23/2016 - Austria’s new president, Spotify’s red ink, rise of the “grolar” bear

5/23/2016 - Obama visits Vietnam, eats with the only available expert on Vietnamese food, Anthony Bourdain

5/23/2016 - The United States ambassador to the UN says your Facebook feed is keeping you from making the world better

5/23/2016 - A US veterinary group’s salary calculator docks your pay rate for being a woman

5/23/2016 - A Sudanese slam poet who fled Darfur when she was a child closed this year’s Yale graduation ceremony

5/23/2016 - Spotify makes 90% of its revenues from 30% of its users

5/23/2016 - Obama has signed a bill erasing the words “Oriental” and “Negro” from federal legislation

5/23/2016 - Researchers in a multi-decade study say LEGOs have showed an “exponential” increase in violence

5/23/2016 - Austria just made a last-minute swerve away from the far right

5/23/2016 - Is your business speaking Gen Z’s language?

5/23/2016 - Once again, a police officer has been found not guilty in a notorious US brutality case

5/23/2016 - How do you connect with the most connected generation?

5/23/2016 - The world’s best peppercorn comes from a volcanic valley in central Africa

5/23/2016 - Now you can build your own Amazon Echo at home—and Amazon couldn’t be happier

5/23/2016 - “Work at things that are central to your life”: The argument for never retiring

5/23/2016 - After a looooong decline, Japan is having more babies

5/23/2016 - Xerox’s Ursula Burns is the only black woman running an S&P 500 company—and she’s stepping down

5/23/2016 - In NikeLab’s collaboration with Balmain’s designer, high-tech materials meet “dark glamour”

5/23/2016 - Leonardo DiCaprio took an outrageous 8000 mile trip in a private jet to pick up an environmental award

5/23/2016 - Here’s how much harder it is for people without college degrees to buy a home

5/23/2016 - Vietnam is globalization’s last big fan

5/23/2016 - After all it’s done to keep “Game of Thrones” a secret, HBO leaked this season’s best episode

5/23/2016 - We’re wired to believe we’re good people—or at least not as bad as everyone else

5/23/2016 - The vast majority of $22.8 trillion in US corporate stock won’t be taxed

5/23/2016 - German scholars started work on the ultimate Latin dictionary in 1894, and they’ll be done in four decades

5/23/2016 - Charts: Africa’s biggest economy is shrinking

5/23/2016 - If you want to understand the loopy logic of Donald Trump’s campaign, study his golf courses

5/23/2016 - A luxury hotel in Nepal is still hosting a camp for earthquake survivors, over one year later

5/23/2016 - There’s a logical reason why Africa’s renewables landscape is better than a lot of much richer places

5/23/2016 - One company has a big edge in the fight to dominate the Internet of Things

5/23/2016 - Neurotic? Then nothing is more stressful than peace and quiet, research shows

5/23/2016 - Prenatal depression is a real problem for pregnant women—and treatment is relatively easy

5/23/2016 - The trick to conquering email is to treat it like a sport

5/23/2016 - Investment banks are paying billions in fines, and that’s a problem for job seekers

5/23/2016 - I’m ditching traditional banks in favor of bitcoin—and you can, too

5/23/2016 - Austria’s nail-biting election, Vietnam embargo ends, man-made meteor showers

5/23/2016 - The US will sell arms to one communist country to try to contain another

5/23/2016 - Accidents on India’s deadly roads cost the economy over $8 billion every year

5/23/2016 - Ignored by Beijing, these desperate Chinese investors are looking to Hong Kong for help

5/23/2016 - What India must do to create a billion entrepreneurs, according to Raghuram Rajan

5/23/2016 - China’s latest weapon in the battle for the South China Sea is newspaper advertising

5/23/2016 - The “Made in India” space shuttle has just passed its first big test

5/23/2016 - The dawn of an African e-commerce goldrush may be a false one

5/23/2016 - An ancient Indian remedy for sore throats has become the new hipster drink in the West

5/23/2016 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe and Africa edition—India’s space shuttle, Obama in Vietnam, man-made meteors

5/23/2016 - India’s space shuttle, Obama in Vietnam, man-made meteors

5/23/2016 - Watch: “Peace with honor,” President Nixon’s 1973 speech ending US involvement in the Vietnam War

5/23/2016 - From arrogance to servility: Apple’s U-turn in India

5/22/2016 - Google is launching a new research project to see if computers can be truly creative

5/22/2016 - India’s space shuttle, Apple anxiety, man-made meteors

5/22/2016 - It’s a ‘psychedelic renaissance,’ as scientists identify medicinal qualities of hardcore drugs

5/22/2016 - A prominent developer’s critique of Apple is catalyzing anxieties about its future

5/22/2016 - A four-armed robot can now improvise music as well as human bandmates

5/22/2016 - A man-made meteor shower launched by satellite could open the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo

5/22/2016 - A controversial theory may explain the real reason humans have allergies

5/22/2016 - How happy we are in love depends directly on our dating pool

5/22/2016 - My boyfriend insisted a gun would keep us “safer” up until the day he shot me in the face

5/22/2016 - The simple reason why Apple won’t release a VR system anytime soon

5/22/2016 - Social media has freed us from silence, and virtually guaranteed there will never be another Anita Hill

5/22/2016 - Could a five-minute test predict how quickly adults can learn a second language?

5/22/2016 - East Africa’s wobbly coalition, South Africa’s scientists, cheaper data

5/21/2016 - The EU might force Netflix to devote 20% of its catalog to European content

5/21/2016 - The Preakness Stakes has a race day cocktail–one that desperately needs revision

5/21/2016 - This is what it sounds like when you turn antique telephone switchboards into musical instruments

5/21/2016 - Scientists think you can rewire your brain without taking drugs or changing your lifestyle

5/21/2016 - Homeboykris, the horse who won today’s first Preakness race, collapsed and died shortly after

5/21/2016 - Google is using radar to build Minority Report-style speakers, home controls, and smartwatches

5/21/2016 - Psychoanalysts say the truth doesn’t really matter in therapy

5/21/2016 - Hillary Clinton gets schooled by the internet on how Venn diagrams work

5/21/2016 - Woman’s unabashed glee over Chewbacca mask sets new internet record

5/21/2016 - Women fall in love more easily with men who are good storytellers

5/21/2016 - Computers trained to bet on horse racing may help human bettors win more money

5/21/2016 - There’s a shocking new plot twist in the battle for Viacom and CBS’s future

5/21/2016 - Why do Greek statues have such small penises?

5/21/2016 - The World Bank says farewell to “developing” countries

5/21/2016 - There’s a strategic reason why some women scientists look “frumpy”

5/21/2016 - A dazzling sea that Jacques Cousteau once called “the world’s aquarium” is now in jeopardy

5/21/2016 - The complete guide to locking down your teenager’s iPhone

5/21/2016 - Google I/O attendees wonder: Where’s the swag?

5/21/2016 - Weekend edition—Farewell to “developing,” child refugees, Ukrainian scammers

5/21/2016 - Two Warby Parker alums created an affordable, phone-charging carry-on and it’s great

5/21/2016 - The Rio Olympics organizers are giving out enough condoms for each athlete to have sex 84 times

5/21/2016 - Oklahoma lawmakers are trolling the US government on abortion and trans rights

5/21/2016 - An Israeli MP is suing to stop her country sending surveillance kit to South Sudan

5/21/2016 - Weekend edition—Farewell to “developing,” child refugees, Ukrainian scammers

5/20/2016 - What’s the point of free speech in Hong Kong if Beijing never hears it?

5/20/2016 - Weekend edition—Farewell to “developing,” child refugees, Ukrainian scammers

5/20/2016 - Apple is the undisputed king of corporate cash

5/20/2016 - Mexico signs off on Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman’s extradition to the US

5/20/2016 - Levi’s made a smart jacket using special threads from Google

5/20/2016 - The data visualization tweet that made my head explode, and the women who put it back together

5/20/2016 - America is about to skewer its sugar-industrial complex—one nutritional label at a time

5/20/2016 - Here’s Donald Trump’s potential pick for vice president

5/20/2016 - The price of Ether, a bitcoin rival, is soaring because of a radical, $150 million experiment

5/20/2016 - Soon you’ll never need to download another app again

5/20/2016 - Chinese government workers cook up almost half a billion cheery social media posts a year

5/20/2016 - Luxury brands won’t solve their knockoff problem by refusing to talk to Alibaba

5/20/2016 - “Vanilla” private equity will help but not save South Africa’s tech scene

5/20/2016 - When did Google I/O get so boring?

5/20/2016 - Quartzy: the baby steps edition

5/20/2016 - Uber has pinpointed the moment you‘re most likely to pay for surge pricing

5/20/2016 - The CDC just revealed how many pregnant US women have tested positive for Zika

5/20/2016 - Asian Americans are only half as likely to report psychological distress as Americans overall

5/20/2016 - Research has uncovered the precise age at which we start losing friends

5/20/2016 - Old-fashioned board games, not tech, are attracting the most money on Kickstarter

5/20/2016 - How state politicians are quietly working to steal the US presidential election

5/20/2016 - Music artists are still making more money from vinyl than YouTube

5/20/2016 - The US can now sell chicken to South Africans but that doesn’t mean they’ll eat it

5/20/2016 - Most of Apple’s iPhone suppliers have no connection to China

5/20/2016 - Reality star Scott Disick’s inability to copy and paste bungled an Instagram sponsorship

5/20/2016 - The cult of egg-freezing is doing ambitious women a big disservice

5/20/2016 - Maggots are making a comeback in modern medicine

5/20/2016 - Teenagers have the same feelings about their phones as you do

5/20/2016 - Long-awaited human trials suggest that magic mushrooms can treat depression

5/20/2016 - California is reluctant to pay for technology that could save thousands of lives from earthquakes

5/20/2016 - This is what a movie written by an AI looks like

5/20/2016 - Donald Trump is ruining my life as an expat

5/20/2016 - America’s luxury apartment boom is gentrification on steroids

5/20/2016 - One word that Taiwan’s new president left out of her inaugural speech has deeply annoyed China

5/20/2016 - 80% of the world’s megacities are now in Asia, Latin America, or Africa

5/20/2016 - As WWII loomed, Britain saved 10,000 child refugees from certain death. Why won’t it do so now?

5/20/2016 - I’m suing the US government for its data on who’s entering the country

5/20/2016 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—EgyptAir debris discovered, Taiwan’s first female president, Burger King sauna

5/20/2016 - EgyptAir debris discovered, Taiwan’s first female president, Burger King sauna

5/20/2016 - Would you like to read Boris Johnson’s prize-winning goat-sex poem about Turkey’s president?

5/20/2016 - New research shows some adults who never had ADHD as kids are developing it now

5/20/2016 - Rising Islamic extremism in Bangladesh is a threat to India and beyond

5/20/2016 - A high school graduate’s MIT-endorsed enterprise is bringing clean energy to Kenya

5/20/2016 - Watch: This is what happens when Europeans look into the eyes of refugees

5/20/2016 - Why Indians don’t care about corrupt politicians, according to Raghuram Rajan and others

5/20/2016 - South African students set fire to Nelson Mandela’s alma mater

5/20/2016 - Egyptair flight still missing, Taiwan’s first female president, shocking finance wearables

5/20/2016 - With a big win in the bag, it’s time for Narendra Modi to stand up and deliver on reforms

5/20/2016 - Tim Cook could be the first openly gay CEO to be hosted by Modi in a homophobic India

5/20/2016 - Taiwan’s new president is sworn in with rock music, folk dance, and a challenge to China

5/19/2016 - Only 5% of China’s LGBT citizens have come out of the closet

5/19/2016 - Egyptair flight still missing, Taiwan’s first female president, shocking finance wearables

5/19/2016 - Queen Elizabeth and the UK government want to give prisoners iPads and Skype

5/19/2016 - The massive pay gap between star players and the rest of the MLS is bad for US men’s soccer

5/19/2016 - Coinbase will start trading bitcoin rival ethereum on its cryptocurrency exchange

5/19/2016 - Tim Cook has completed the holy trinity of India—Bollywood, cricket and religion—in just two days

5/19/2016 - Developers, who fix problems for a living, find solutions to the never-ending lines at Google I/O

5/19/2016 - Hubble snaps a beautiful new high-resolution portrait of Mars

5/19/2016 - Citi is going to start using voice patterns to authenticate customers over the phone in Asia

5/19/2016 - Is your business speaking Gen Z’s language?

5/19/2016 - This search-and-rescue robot uses static electricity to stick to virtually any surface

5/19/2016 - The US government’s proposal to shorten security lines asks airlines to give up over $1 billion

5/19/2016 - A mob in crisis-ridden Venezuela burned a man alive for allegedly stealing $5

5/19/2016 - Searchers retract claims that they found the wreckage of missing EgyptAir flight MS804

5/19/2016 - There’ll soon be a literally shocking new way to control your spending

5/19/2016 - Brits evolved to be taller milk-drinkers over the past 2000 years

5/19/2016 - A super PAC is going after some of America’s most reluctant voters—the Amish

5/19/2016 - The Bayer-Monsanto deal is a merger 4,000 years in the making

5/19/2016 - A professor built an AI bot to make teaching easier. Will it replace him someday?

5/19/2016 - A Republican senator on his deathbed apologized to Muslims for Donald Trump

5/19/2016 - Bayer is wooing Monsanto for a possible mega-merger

5/19/2016 - Forget emojis—soon chat apps will be full of animated, 3D characters

5/19/2016 - A former Boko Haram stronghold is now one of Nigeria’s fastest growing property markets

5/19/2016 - Uber’s self-driving cars are on the road

5/19/2016 - Netflix launched this handy speed test so you can go shame your internet provider

5/19/2016 - As US politicians romanticize doomed manufacturing jobs, the new working class is suffering

5/19/2016 - The king of Swaziland’s plane has been impounded in Canada—again

5/19/2016 - Elections are historically bad for Kenya’s economy—next year will be no different

5/19/2016 - The controversy over Satoshi Nakamoto’s true identity is jeopardizing Bitcoin’s future

5/19/2016 - Blowing up Washington’s Interstate 90

5/19/2016 - Scientists have found a way to make wood transparent

5/19/2016 - “Don’t give away your power”: Obama says there’s an easy way to fix political cynicism

5/19/2016 - Iron Man’s newest phone is a mid-range Chinese brand that’s not available in the US

5/19/2016 - They said it couldn’t be done: Museums dive into contemporary art

5/19/2016 - There’s a reason it’s so hard to find a therapist who takes insurance

5/19/2016 - I failed at attachment parenting and my kids got a lot happier

5/19/2016 - Superbugs could kill a person every three seconds by 2050

5/19/2016 - Venmo is turning our friends into petty jerks

5/19/2016 - A principle called “Conway’s Law” reveals a glaring, biased flaw in our technology

5/19/2016 - The last gun shop in San Francisco is turning into a weed dispensary

5/19/2016 - The BJP, Mamata and Amma still have the magic, but the Congress’s fate is truly tragic

5/19/2016 - East Africa’s economic ‘coalition of the willing’ is falling apart

5/19/2016 - Mobile networks have taken another hit in the fight to regulate apps like WhatsApp in Africa

5/19/2016 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—Missing EgyptAir flight, China’s soccer ambitions, new dinosaurs

5/19/2016 - Missing EgyptAir flight, China’s soccer ambitions, new dinosaurs

5/19/2016 - How Zhang Dejiang helped create Hong Kong’s fatal SARS epidemic

5/19/2016 - Is there any industry in India where women make more money than men?

5/19/2016 - South Africa thinks it can beat HIV by weaning girls off sugar daddies

5/19/2016 - India’s state-owned firms are saddled with losses larger than Zimbabwe’s GDP

5/19/2016 - Missing EgyptAir flight, hawkish Fed, blue diamond

5/19/2016 - Uber and Airbnb really are for the wealthy and well-educated

5/19/2016 - An EgyptAir flight from Paris to Cairo with 66 people on board has crashed

5/18/2016 - Is China really the most welcoming country for refugees?

5/18/2016 - Android now runs on androids

5/18/2016 - The end of small talk is coming

5/18/2016 - Women got way less stage time at Google’s I/O keynote this year

5/18/2016 - Tesla and Elon Musk are planning a $2 billion stock offering

5/18/2016 - India’s response to its crippling air pollution is passive-aggressive and pointless

5/18/2016 - Apple’s Indian prayers, Fed hawk surprise, Alibaba awkwardness

5/18/2016 - One Detroit store represents the power of community-minded investing

5/18/2016 - Everything Google just announced at its I/O conference

5/18/2016 - China is ditching Western fast food joints for healthier options

5/18/2016 - Barcelona is creating massive, pedestrian-friendly “superblocks” to combat pollution

5/18/2016 - How Tony Hsieh’s vision to create the ideal startup city faltered

5/18/2016 - Get ready for an explosion in overtime lawsuits, America

5/18/2016 - We need a Paris climate talks to fix the global food system

5/18/2016 - A data scientist’s guide to ending the wage gap for good

5/18/2016 - Watch: Tim Cook begins his India trip at a Hindu temple in Mumbai

5/18/2016 - Robin Wright used a brilliant Claire Underwood-like tactic to get equal pay on “House of Cards”

5/18/2016 - Who is Vitaly Mutko, the Russian official embroiled in the world’s biggest sports scandals?

5/18/2016 - Nigeria confirms rescue of one of the kidnapped Chibok girls

5/18/2016 - People are more likely to take Uber at 2.1x surge pricing than 2x

5/18/2016 - A company that makes period underwear featured a trans man in their latest ad campaign

5/18/2016 - A brief history of “skewerings,” online media’s favorite word

5/18/2016 - Gap CEO says the company would be ‘delusional’ not to consider selling on Amazon

5/18/2016 - Republicans are having airport meltdowns made possible by their own legislation

5/18/2016 - Some unabashedly positive news about the US economy

5/18/2016 - Business confidence: Three key areas for business transformation

5/18/2016 - How bold organizations separate themselves from the pack

5/18/2016 - Netflix built a massive worldwide operation to make Chelsea Handler’s dirty jokes land globally

5/18/2016 - Sorry renters, landlords are auctioning off their apartments online

5/18/2016 - Nokia is back in the mobile phone business

5/18/2016 - Segregation in American schools was outlawed 62 years ago, but it’s on the rise

5/18/2016 - A Chinese manufacturer’s crazy-high offer for a German robot maker might not be so crazy

5/18/2016 - “Plus size” is a meaningless term, and brands should start to do away with it

5/18/2016 - Why are perfume ads so weird?

5/18/2016 - US Congress wants Nigeria’s $480 million loot used as aid for Boko Haram victims

5/18/2016 - These are the salary expectations of students who know how to code

5/18/2016 - Sleep deprivation has become the trendy new cause of the uber-wealthy

5/18/2016 - The US’s infuriating airport security problem, in one chart

5/18/2016 - Watch Google’s keynote at its I/O conference live and in virtual reality

5/18/2016 - Should we quarantine Mars?

5/18/2016 - It’s official—China is the largest iPhone market in the world

5/18/2016 - There’s a strange consumer paradox playing out in India right now

5/18/2016 - Hong Kong protests, Suzuki’s sins, Indian cow conference

5/18/2016 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—Hong Kong protests, Suzuki’s sins, Indian cow conference

5/18/2016 - The subtle change in language that proves Beijing no longer respects Hong Kong’s special status

5/18/2016 - Finally, Apple has some good news for Indian techies

5/18/2016 - Hong Kong’s pro-Beijing demonstrators are out in full force as a key Chinese official visits

5/18/2016 - Africans don’t trust their governments—that’s great for cyber criminals

5/18/2016 - There’s a mind-boggling amount of work women do that we literally can’t quantify

5/18/2016 - Mobile data needs to get this much cheaper before most of the world can afford it

5/18/2016 - India’s first national conference on cows featured much bovine banter and some bickering

5/18/2016 - Four of the world’s worst-ranked cities for air quality are in Nigeria

5/18/2016 - It costs twice as much to export olive oil from Spain using China’s “One Belt, One Road” railway

5/18/2016 - From micro-finance to dairy firms, there’s fresh blood flowing into India’s stock markets

5/18/2016 - Jack Ma visits Obama, Japan’s rebound, “excess sunlight” delays

5/18/2016 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe and Africa edition—Jack Ma visits Obama, Japan’s rebound, “excess sunlight” delays

5/18/2016 - Middle-class parents in India are spending crazy money on ripped denim for their kids

5/17/2016 - Mexico’s president is proposing to legalize gay marriage nationwide

5/17/2016 - Jack Ma visits Obama, Olympic doping scandal widens, “excess sunlight” delays

5/17/2016 - Photos: A holy river in India borrowed water so more than 55 million Hindus could wash their sins

5/17/2016 - Asia’s richest man quietly paid a visit to Barack Obama

5/17/2016 - Broadcast TV networks are now upstaged by cable even at their own parties

5/17/2016 - Olympic officials may bar 31 athletes after re-testing 2008 drug samples

5/17/2016 - Really, America has a cheese glut

5/17/2016 - Turning prisoners into entrepreneurs would save the UK £1.4 billion annually

5/17/2016 - Snapchat is selling an ice cube tray because ice is “ephemeral” like its messages

5/17/2016 - Nigerian saboteurs, Canadian wildfires, and Goldman Sachs are pushing oil prices up toward $50

5/17/2016 - Google is launching its own ridesharing service—Uber, Lyft and everyone else should be worried

5/17/2016 - Your summer reading list, provided by Bill Gates

5/17/2016 - Even Pandora’s biggest shareholder thinks its business is dead

5/17/2016 - Nigeria has finally killed its controversial anti-social media bill

5/17/2016 - Amazon wants hipsters to buy its weirdly named private label foods

5/17/2016 - Rumors South Africa’s finance minister is about to be arrested are scaring investors

5/17/2016 - Photos capture the brutality of Kenya’s police before the country’s presidential election next year

5/17/2016 - We still expect every startup founder’s story to play out like Greek mythology

5/17/2016 - A lot of women don’t enjoy hookup culture—so why do we force ourselves to participate?

5/17/2016 - A Muslim woman won Eurovision with a warning about mass deportation. But did the world hear it?

5/17/2016 - Kim Kardashian’s five-word Webby acceptance speech was quite political

5/17/2016 - How long can you cycle before the harm from pollution exceeds the benefits of exercise?

5/17/2016 - Run the world

5/17/2016 - Run the world

5/17/2016 - Charted: The rise of sustainable fishing looks like the shape of things to come

5/17/2016 - Marijuana’s potential health benefits are being obscured by the US government’s ineptitude

5/17/2016 - Italy is planning to boost bonuses for couples to make more babies

5/17/2016 - A Zimbabwe politician says all the Chinese in his country should be deported

5/17/2016 - HP is finally going to start making 3D printers

5/17/2016 - Ford is turning air pollution into car parts

5/17/2016 - The fight over taxing your sugary soda just kicked into high gear

5/17/2016 - Wyoming’s dogs are the most likely to attack a mail carrier

5/17/2016 - For the success of space exploration, we need more female astronauts

5/17/2016 - The World Bank is eliminating the term “developing country” from its data vocabulary

5/17/2016 - What to expect from Google’s 2016 I/O developer conference

5/17/2016 - Traditional media has money problems because it has culture problems

5/17/2016 - It’s not too late for Obama to confront the ethics of technology in our world

5/17/2016 - Four common traits of 29 new CEOs at the largest US companies

5/17/2016 - Good leaders tell stories that make people trust them with power

5/17/2016 - With tuition based on quality, college students in Britain may get exactly what they pay for

5/17/2016 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—Kentucky and Oregon primaries, Tim Cook in India, dung beetle GPS

5/17/2016 - Kentucky and Oregon primaries, Tim Cook in India, dung beetle GPS

5/17/2016 - The creator of the iconic “I’d like to buy the world a Coke” ad has died

5/17/2016 - Rahul Yadav: The bad boy of Indian startups is finally acting like an adult

5/17/2016 - An Indian yoga guru is recruiting “patriots” to help him defeat global consumer goods companies

5/17/2016 - Alberta wildfires spread, Tim Cook in India, dung beetle navigation

5/17/2016 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe and Africa edition—Alberta wildfires spread, Tim Cook in India, dung beetle navigation

5/17/2016 - From Tim Cook to Jack Ma, global tech leaders are rushing to India to charm Modi

5/17/2016 - Two years in, Modi is not even close to being the Modi we wanted

5/16/2016 - Photos: Hong Kong protestors are already clashing with police as a top Chinese official visits

5/16/2016 - INTERACTIVE: See how Formula E drivers prepare for new tracks

5/16/2016 - A book about how vegetarianism ruins relationships just won the Man Booker International Prize

5/16/2016 - These Twitter directors almost never tweet

5/16/2016 - Tesla’s cheap labor, Tim Cook in India,

5/16/2016 - Apple is the new IBM

5/16/2016 - An Indian fashion designer spotlights transgender women for her new sari collection

5/16/2016 - Twitter will exclude links and photos from its 140-character count

5/16/2016 - “Immigrants get the job done”: Lin-Manuel Miranda delivers the 2016 commencement address at Penn

5/16/2016 - Scientists say there’s such a thing as “ethical amnesia” and it’s probably happened to you

5/16/2016 - Dung beetles have better navigational skills than you do

5/16/2016 - Germany offers unembarrassed and condescending sex education for immigrants

5/16/2016 - Sheryl Sandberg gave a powerful commencement speech but there’s no way to prepare yourself for heart-wrenching grief

5/16/2016 - Intel’s so-called culture of meritocracy is costing 12,000 people their jobs

5/16/2016 - These South African innovations could help the world finally beat tuberculosis

5/16/2016 - English soccer clubs are looking like a good investment

5/16/2016 - Meet Sue Googe, the gun-toting, Trump-supporting Chinese immigrant running for US Congress

5/16/2016 - Stop screaming at us about climate change–and start inspiring us to take action

5/16/2016 - Is Holacracy finally dead?

5/16/2016 - Mark Zuckerberg will meet Glenn Beck and other conservatives to talk about Facebook bias

5/16/2016 - Report alleges Beyoncé’s “celebrate every woman” clothing line is made by women in sweatshops

5/16/2016 - 30 years of research prove couples with children really do have worse marriages

5/16/2016 - The future of ESPN is definitely not global sports

5/16/2016 - The CIA only follows one non-US account on Twitter

5/16/2016 - Oxford’s chancellor thinks that taking in more minority students will lead to “lower standards”

5/16/2016 - Scarcity mindset is a great way to suck creativity and visionary thinking out of your life

5/16/2016 - After its worst drought in 50 years, Ethiopia is being lashed by floods

5/16/2016 - Two museums in China about the Cultural Revolution show very different versions of history

5/16/2016 - This is the age at which Brits become skeptical of the EU

5/16/2016 - You can make iced coffee at home that tastes even better than cold brew in three minutes

5/16/2016 - Political meddling with the Fed won’t make it magically fix unemployment

5/16/2016 - There are 20 million refugees in the world. Less than 1% of them have been resettled

5/16/2016 - Billionaires reveal their bets, Nintendo’s movie ambitions, “old book” perfume

5/16/2016 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—Billionaires reveal their bets, Nintendo’s movie ambitions, “old book” perfume

5/16/2016 - Before calling others “fantastically corrupt”, Britain must remember its own bloody, colonial history

5/16/2016 - Prohibition or not, Indians are consuming less alcohol

5/16/2016 - Is it time for founders of Indian unicorns to step down?

5/16/2016 - Nintendo is serious about making movies

5/16/2016 - Coming soon: A “Made in India” space shuttle

5/16/2016 - Refugee report, Venezuela in crisis, toothy whales

5/16/2016 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe and Africa edition—Refugee report, Venezuela in crisis, toothy whales

5/16/2016 - Can Kerala learn to respect its non-resident millionaires and Bengali immigrants equally?

5/15/2016 - Kigali’s big week, South Africa’s malls, Kenya’s refugees

5/15/2016 - The politics of Eurovision, Venezuela in crisis, toothy whales

5/15/2016 - Neuroscience confirms that to be truly happy, you will always need something more

5/15/2016 - Everybody reading this article already knows a man who has been raped

5/15/2016 - Even artificial intelligence robots face stereotypical sexism in the workplace

5/15/2016 - A British politician decided it was a good idea to bring Hitler into the Brexit debate

5/15/2016 - In an election dominated by misogyny, a Clinton-Warren ticket might just work

5/15/2016 - The many benefits of attending college reunions, by reunion year

5/15/2016 - This kitchen gadget will revolutionize your grilling game

5/15/2016 - Broadband service tends to stop at the poverty line in the US

5/15/2016 - “You are not born with a fixed amount of resilience”: Sheryl Sandberg’s powerful commencement speech

5/15/2016 - These haunting portraits will change the way you think about Syrian refugees

5/15/2016 - The extremely effective, research-based method that curbs obsession with being thin

5/15/2016 - The key to running is all in your mind

5/15/2016 - After Trudeau’s election, Toronto has become the wild west of illegal marijuana dispensaries

5/15/2016 - Pregnancy rules don’t protect babies—they destroy women’s freedom

5/15/2016 - “One look at me, and people think I’m privileged”

5/15/2016 - Africa weekly brief – TEMPLATE

5/14/2016 - Facebook’s news feed algorithm is so mysterious, users are developing “folk theories” about how it works

5/14/2016 - Forget Trump’s wall, Mexico and the US are plotting a joint 2026 World Cup bid

5/14/2016 - How to tailor your vacation to your exact mental state

5/14/2016 - Brexiters and Bremainers take to the street to argue over Britain’s future in the EU

5/14/2016 - FIFA’s new secretary general is the first African and first woman to hold the job

5/14/2016 - The sweet, sexy smell of old books is a perfume fad

5/14/2016 - Apple’s R&D spending looks a lot like a car company’s

5/14/2016 - Warren Buffett is reportedly bidding for Yahoo

5/14/2016 - What everyone gets wrong about grit

5/14/2016 - Donald Trump and Joe Biden will awkwardly attend the same graduation ceremony this weekend

5/14/2016 - The case for putting kids to bed late, and not feeling the least bit guilty about it

5/14/2016 - Photos: The 500-year-old painter who can still blow any 16-year-old’s mind

5/14/2016 - Weekend edition—Facebook’s “bias,” Beijing’s warmongering, lifesaving fonts

5/14/2016 - Disassembled sexbots are horrifying

5/14/2016 - Has Europe solved its crisis? Refugee arrivals to Greece have dropped by 90%

5/14/2016 - The many, many cursed attempts to adapt Cormac McCarthy’s “Blood Meridian” to film

5/14/2016 - The politicians investigating Facebook’s bias are looking for the wrong kind of bias

5/14/2016 - Global warming won’t just change the weather—it could trigger massive earthquakes and volcanoes

5/14/2016 - Photos: Modest fashion finally got its own international fashion week

5/14/2016 - Weekend edition—Facebook’s “bias,” Beijing’s warmongering, lifesaving fonts

5/13/2016 - Weekend edition—Facebook’s “bias,” Beijing’s warmongering, lifesaving fonts

5/13/2016 - Behold this amazing mural of Vladimir Putin kissing Donald Trump on the lips

5/13/2016 - The Trump campaign’s stance on debt-free college: “Unequivocally no”

5/13/2016 - Photos: A massive trash fire is raging in central Spain

5/13/2016 - A new app makes your iPhone photos searchable

5/13/2016 - Magic Johnson stepped down from Square’s board to focus on his new infrastructure fund

5/13/2016 - How does UPS live tracking work?

5/13/2016 - Google isn’t taking the crown as the world’s largest company, Apple is losing it

5/13/2016 - A pioneer in the US no-tipping movement is abandoning it after customer complaints

5/13/2016 - A Spanish football club’s new jerseys are genuinely grotesque and unnerving

5/13/2016 - Things that can be hacked

5/13/2016 - Political enemies Russia and Ukraine faced off in Europe’s tackiest music contest

5/13/2016 - Nike is the most valuable clothing brand on Earth, and most of its US employees aren’t white

5/13/2016 - Video: The longest TSA line you’ve ever seen is at Chicago Midway

5/13/2016 - Here’s what Uber’s CEO had to say about Apple’s $1 billion investment in Didi

5/13/2016 - The defeated #NeverTrump movement has moved on to #NeverAgainTrump for 2020

5/13/2016 - Republicans’ desperate focus on wooing white men will be their undoing

5/13/2016 - Researchers have made an origami robot that unfurls in your stomach

5/13/2016 - Hyundai says it’s building an Iron Man-style wearable robot suit

5/13/2016 - Vegan mayo king Hampton Creek is betting big on vegan “scrambled eggs”

5/13/2016 - Americans don’t trust anyone or anything

5/13/2016 - Yale’s business school has a new required course forcing students to communicate across global teams

5/13/2016 - Apple’s App Store approval time has gotten much faster, developers report

5/13/2016 - Until I was a man, I had no idea how good men had it at work

5/13/2016 - Scandinavia treats its 1% even better than the US

5/13/2016 - This chart of Viagra’s uplifting effect on drug prices is the greatest thing ever

5/13/2016 - Run the world

5/13/2016 - A new father’s mysterious death in police custody sparks outrage in China

5/13/2016 - Our dopamine-driven brains are turning us into internet search fiends

5/13/2016 - The small tweaks that ​turn​ an OK life into a great life

5/13/2016 - The most inspiring words from Obama’s 22 graduation speeches so far

5/13/2016 - How to eliminate all traces of your online dating profile

5/13/2016 - From a medical standpoint, we absolutely shouldn’t cancel the Rio Olympics

5/13/2016 - This smart table tennis trainer might change the future of ping pong

5/13/2016 - People will eventually buy their designer clothing on Amazon, because they buy everything there

5/13/2016 - Disney researchers have created the newest advancement in hi-tech toys: paper

5/13/2016 - MTN is no longer Africa’s most valuable telecoms operator

5/13/2016 - Apple’s $1 billion investment in Didi is really an investment in its own future

5/13/2016 - Cambodia’s leader wants to be called “Lord Prime Minister and Supreme Military Commander”

5/13/2016 - Ivory Coast’s middle class is fueling a boom in the buttock enhancement business

5/13/2016 - Customers, not advertising, might pay for the future of the internet

5/13/2016 - The Mountain eats 12,000 calories a day to keep his figure

5/13/2016 - Justin Timberlake is going to ruin Eurovision

5/13/2016 - Ontario parents who refuse to vaccinate their children could be forced to take a science class

5/13/2016 - World Health Organization: People in 80% of reporting cities are breathing harmful air

5/13/2016 - What the world’s sleeping patterns look like

5/13/2016 - Apple hails Didi, Nigerian summit, China’s Muslim theme park

5/13/2016 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—Apple hails Didi, Nigerian summit, China’s Muslim theme park

5/13/2016 - Indian brands control nearly half of the world’s fastest growing smartphone market

5/13/2016 - The total amount of bad loans in India’s banks is bigger than the GDP of 112 countries

5/13/2016 - Mall of Africa: 1.4 million square feet cementing South Africa’s obsession with mall culture

5/13/2016 - Rajan may well go back to Chicago, but someone help Subramanian Swamy with economics

5/13/2016 - Apple hails Didi, TTIP review, Facebook’s teenage hackers

5/13/2016 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe and Africa edition—Apple hails Didi, TTIP review, Facebook’s teenage hackers

5/13/2016 - Kerala election: God’s own country is discarding centuries of religious harmony to become like the rest of India

5/13/2016 - China is building a Muslim theme park to promote its state-sanctioned version of Islam

5/13/2016 - An Indian farmer’s son is now worth more than $300 million after his health care firm’s IPO

5/13/2016 - Apple just invested $1 billion in Didi, China’s Uber rival

5/13/2016 - Donald Trump’s former butler allegedly wants US president Barack Obama to be lynched

5/12/2016 - Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook is investigating whether trending topics are biased

5/12/2016 - Beijing is setting the stage for war in the South China Sea

5/12/2016 - Drowning is a leading killer of Chinese youths

5/12/2016 - Brazil’s new government, Bayer eyes Monsanto, Facebook’s teenage hackers

5/12/2016 - The man once thought to be Satoshi Nakamoto is raising money for a bitcoin startup

5/12/2016 - Google was seriously afraid Microsoft would dominate the smartphone market

5/12/2016 - Leaked documents show Facebook’s trending stories are often hand-picked by humans

5/12/2016 - Drones are being used as art in choreographed dances to create elaborate light shows

5/12/2016 - Apple has four words to say to the rumors that it’s killing off iTunes

5/12/2016 - These athletes are skipping the Olympics because of Zika

5/12/2016 - There’s a devastating shortage of lawyers in the US who can help the poor with eviction or child custody cases

5/12/2016 - The number of people forced to flee their homes in 2015 could fill New York, London and Jakarta combined

5/12/2016 - Boston is now ranked the best city to launch a startup

5/12/2016 - Building AI-powered drones for the IoT? A top startup accelerator reveals the best buzzwords of 2016

5/12/2016 - Online security is so lousy that most “hacking” doesn’t require actual hacking

5/12/2016 - Global growth in alcohol got a little tipsy and has now passed out

5/12/2016 - You can now Google search right from your Apple iPhone’s keyboard

5/12/2016 - Germany is finally clearing thousands of gay men convicted of breaking a Nazi-era law

5/12/2016 - “I want to talk to you”: See the creepy, romantic poetry that came out of a Google AI system

5/12/2016 - In nine US states, middle-income earners are no longer the majority

5/12/2016 - You can play a free video game to help scientists understand how our brains age

5/12/2016 - This heartbreaking photo of a refugee camp in Calais is a reminder that all kids are the same

5/12/2016 - Watch: 10 years ago, the BBC interviewed the wrong man on air—and it’s still hilarious

5/12/2016 - Photos: Further Future, Silicon Valley’s ultra-exclusive response to the Burning Man festival

5/12/2016 - China is preemptively blaming Taiwan’s new president for anything that could possibly go wrong

5/12/2016 - Some of the best International Space Station science needs to happen on Earth

5/12/2016 - US lawmakers have been banned from using Yahoo email after a series of hacking attempts

5/12/2016 - We criticize executives for being bland, then we punish them for being revealing

5/12/2016 - South Africa just lost its spot as Africa’s second largest economy

5/12/2016 - The term “anti-establishment” has lost all meaning in this year’s US presidential race

5/12/2016 - US officials are investigating sexism in Hollywood, the ACLU says

5/12/2016 - Calvin Klein’s hypersexual new ad campaign is creeping people out, just like in the old days

5/12/2016 - Eurovision: How to watch the “American Idol” of Europe, live from the US

5/12/2016 - A law firm has hired an AI “lawyer” to cut through the drudgery of corporate law

5/12/2016 - Hollywood may have finally produced a video-game adaptation worth watching

5/12/2016 - Freak out over this economic chart… or don’t. You decide.

5/12/2016 - Iran has ramped its oil production back up sooner than anyone was expecting

5/12/2016 - Lyft just doubled its offer to settle a multimillion-dollar class action lawsuit

5/12/2016 - Newly released stock footage offers a heartbreaking glimpse of life in Iraq and Syria before ISIL

5/12/2016 - It’s totally fine to require women to wear heels to work—as long as you require the same of men

5/12/2016 - Globalization means we all need to stop being so protective of our cultural recipes

5/12/2016 - After analyzing 200 founders’ postmortems, researchers say these are the reasons startups fail

5/12/2016 - Pope Francis is taking a potentially major step toward letting women be leaders in the Catholic Church

5/12/2016 - These companies now run on 100% renewable power

5/12/2016 - The reason why millennials aren’t happy at work

5/12/2016 - This is what a tiny speck of debris can do to a ship hurtling through space

5/12/2016 - Student debt isn’t delaying millenials from buying homes

5/12/2016 - Zika’s emotional and financial burden has fallen squarely on women’s shoulders

5/12/2016 - California let 30,000 people out of prison and the crime rate didn’t change

5/12/2016 - Beekeepers report nearly half their US honey bee colonies perished in the last year

5/12/2016 - Ketamine, better known as the rave drug Special-K, could be our next anti-depressant

5/12/2016 - There’s a hacker shortage, so Facebook is turning to middle schools

5/12/2016 - No one should have the word ‘strategy’ in their job title

5/12/2016 - Scientists are working on more nimble, powerful drones that mimic bat aerodynamics

5/12/2016 - This is the best US airline to quickly earn free flights with miles

5/12/2016 - Why the discovery of Earth-like planets could spell doom for humanity

5/12/2016 - “The Games will go ahead”: Tourists have a near-zero chance of getting Zika at the Rio Olympics

5/12/2016 - An artist’s 3D renderings of bicycles drawn from memory show how far our perceptions are from reality

5/12/2016 - A new chapter from George R. R. Martin is going to make “Game of Thrones” fans tear their hair out

5/12/2016 - One of the most lucrative sponsorship deals in the Premier League has been cut short

5/12/2016 - The future of meat lies in a $325,000 lab-grown burger

5/12/2016 - Charted: The life and (many) deaths of bitcoin

5/12/2016 - “Coachella For Oldies” may be even more popular than Coachella

5/12/2016 - Forget Clinton’s “woman card”—Trump is getting more use out of his “man card”

5/12/2016 - An “Uber for police” has been launched in South Africa

5/12/2016 - The finance sector is awash in pain, which could well be gain for the US economy

5/12/2016 - Uganda has launched a total social media blackout for the second time in three months

5/12/2016 - Europe’s missile shield, Rousseff’s impeachment, Indians pray for Trump

5/12/2016 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—Europe’s missile shield, Rousseff’s impeachment, Indians pray for Trump

5/12/2016 - Plato isn’t that great, he was just born first

5/12/2016 - “Go threaten geese:” The insults in other languages that sound the strangest in English

5/12/2016 - The Europeans most likely to click on online ads

5/12/2016 - The state of business in 2016, in one lame management cliché

5/12/2016 - George Zimmerman is auctioning off the gun he used to kill Trayvon Martin

5/12/2016 - Brazil’s president Dilma Rousseff has been suspended and will face trial for breaking budget laws

5/12/2016 - Nigeria is no longer Africa’s top oil producer

5/12/2016 - To be more productive, try angling your morning toward what brings you joy

5/12/2016 - Nissan-Mitsubishi buyout, Rousseff’s impeachment, weird EU English

5/12/2016 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe and Africa edition—Nissan-Mitsubishi buyout, Rousseff’s impeachment, weird EU English

5/12/2016 - Why Indian students are crazy about foreign MBAs

5/12/2016 - For the first time in 150 years, the world’s most expensive tea will be auctioned online

5/12/2016 - Hong Kong has the world’s “most connected” consumers

5/11/2016 - An average Indian entrepreneur is a 30-year-old male who never attended IIT

5/11/2016 - An Uber fell into a sinkhole in San Francisco because sometimes real life is also a metaphor

5/11/2016 - Photos: In India, a right-wing group is asking Hindu gods to help Trump win the US election

5/11/2016 - Nissan-Mitsubishi buyout, Rousseff’s impeachment, weird EU English

5/11/2016 - Kagame says he is seeking a third term for the sake of democracy

5/11/2016 - Apple is trying to be friends with Indian entrepreneurs

5/11/2016 - “A Wrinkle in Tim”: Book nerds on Twitter are removing letters from book titles

5/11/2016 - North Carolina’s anti-trans bathroom law could cost the state almost $5 billion a year

5/11/2016 - Can Ben Rhodes, a 38-year-old White House speechwriter, possibly be the second-most powerful voice in US foreign policy?

5/11/2016 - Elon Musk’s Hyperloop just took a big step towards becoming a thing

5/11/2016 - Here’s a list of 245 movies directed by women, on Netflix right now

5/11/2016 - At last, even Italy has legalized gay unions

5/11/2016 - WhatsApp messages from one of the inmates leading Syria’s massive prison mutiny

5/11/2016 - Americans aren’t getting the Facebook news experience they want, but it’s the one they should expect

5/11/2016 - The United States’ newest nuclear power plant has taken 43 years to build

5/11/2016 - Centuries before Pantone, a 17th century book tried to list every existing watercolor

5/11/2016 - A Google recruiter sent this hilarious email using the exact skills listed on someone’s LinkedIn profile

5/11/2016 - The English language could get really weird if Britain leaves the EU

5/11/2016 - Mapped: The countries that host the most refugees

5/11/2016 - Soon ‘natural’ and ‘healthy’ claims on food labels may actually mean something

5/11/2016 - What actually happens when you enter a food coma

5/11/2016 - Some nerds want you to give them $20 million to fix the worst storyline on “Game of Thrones”

5/11/2016 - “Dad, what’s a landline?”

5/11/2016 - Helicopter-rappelling dogs and other innovations being used to save South Africa’s rhinos

5/11/2016 - Engineers modeled this space-exploring robot after a sea urchin’s mouth

5/11/2016 - Queen Elizabeth called Chinese officials “very rude”

5/11/2016 - Those creepy Facebook ads that know what you’ve looked at online are coming to Instagram

5/11/2016 - Harvard researchers uncover what happens with US gun laws after mass shootings

5/11/2016 - The latest customers for the technology behind bitcoin are NATO and the US military

5/11/2016 - The US has taken in only 17% of the Syrian refugees it pledged to this year

5/11/2016 - Harvard’s crackdown on male-only clubs has an unfortunate side effect

5/11/2016 - Budweiser thinks it can rename itself “America”

5/11/2016 - Facebook wants to turn you into your own personal emoji

5/11/2016 - Netflix saves us from watching six full days worth of TV commercials a year

5/11/2016 - Drone racing is shaping up to become this summer’s pastime in the US

5/11/2016 - PSA: It’s never cool to pretend to leak an unauthorized sex tape

5/11/2016 - Apple’s uphill battle with China is a reminder that there’s no such thing as “borderless” tech

5/11/2016 - Alleged billionaire Donald Trump won’t release his tax returns before the election

5/11/2016 - These are the most popular Android apps of all time

5/11/2016 - In times of turmoil, private equity pushes ahead in South Africa

5/11/2016 - China’s answer to the Xbox and PS4 has arrived—and it looks exactly like the Xbox and PS4

5/11/2016 - Millennials, please don’t waste your money on graduate school

5/11/2016 - The largest cargo ship to ever land in the US is just too big for the business

5/11/2016 - Peter Dinklage’s 2012 commencement speech explains how life sucks after graduation, but then gets better

5/11/2016 - Big Poultry workers are literally peeing their pants so that Americans can have cheap chicken

5/11/2016 - Online fraud is rising, thanks to those fancy chip cards

5/11/2016 - A simple, effective way to build a more productive life every day

5/11/2016 - Paul Ryan is defending conservatism against Donald Trump—and he’s losing

5/11/2016 - Facebook has finally launched Free Basics in its biggest African market

5/11/2016 - A legal battle about the Klingon language could affect the future of computer programming

5/11/2016 - This dating app says it will help Americans find love in Canada, because Trump

5/11/2016 - Marine biologists are worried that “Finding Dory” will endanger Dory’s species in the wild

5/11/2016 - Europe should look to New Zealand for a lesson in migration policy

5/11/2016 - The Islamic State has launched a new app—for children

5/11/2016 - Vladimir Putin’s hockey skills aren’t what they used to be

5/11/2016 - An economist’s step-by-step guide to creating a borderless world

5/11/2016 - Rousseff’s last stand, Sanders beat Clinton, rent a Ugandan mercenary

5/11/2016 - Kenya may have a lot more oil than it previously thought

5/11/2016 - Harvard researchers have isolated a key to happiness, and Iceland is helping them test it

5/11/2016 - The straight-faced parliamentary debate about Boaty McBoatface is what makes Britain great

5/11/2016 - Since 2000, India’s super-rich population has grown by nearly 500%

5/11/2016 - India will now tax money coming from its biggest source of foreign investments—Mauritius

5/11/2016 - Rwanda will shine as it hosts WEF Africa, but there’s one topic that won’t come up

5/11/2016 - Disney disappoints, Uber’s guild, vanishing islands

5/11/2016 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe and Africa edition—Disney disappoints, Uber’s guild, vanishing islands

5/11/2016 - The reasons behind Mumbai’s ever increasing, unaffordable home prices

5/11/2016 - Donald Trump picked a white nationalist as a delegate, and blamed it on a “database error”

5/11/2016 - Chinese investors want to buy the legendary AC Milan soccer club from Silvio Berlusconi

5/10/2016 - Emma Watson has been named in the Panama Papers data leak

5/10/2016 - Tinder’s new ad stars an Indian mom who’s cool with casual sex—and Indian kids are freaking out

5/10/2016 - Researchers say positive thinking actually gets in the way of accomplishing your goals

5/10/2016 - Move over Captain America, “Captain China” is on the way

5/10/2016 - Obama’s Hiroshima plan, Uber’s NY guild, disappearing islands

5/10/2016 - Japan’s Softbank has revealed some exciting details on India’s hottest startups

5/10/2016 - Why are women leaders bolder than men?

5/10/2016 - Uber saved $730 million by hiring drivers in two states as contractors instead of employees

5/10/2016 - Watch: A Canadian man’s security app sent him live video of his house burning down

5/10/2016 - Denmark is not utopia, no matter what you think

5/10/2016 - Uber would like you to believe its execs “literally spend no time” thinking about an IPO

5/10/2016 - Germany had so much renewable energy on Sunday that it had to pay people to use electricity

5/10/2016 - Senate Republicans want answers from Facebook about its alleged bias against conservative news

5/10/2016 - Watch MRI footage of a world-class opera singer performing

5/10/2016 - Donald Trump may be the US military’s least liked Republican presidential candidate in over a decade

5/10/2016 - Silicon Valley’s newest trend is realizing its most insane perks aren’t sustainable

5/10/2016 - Paris has made a database for people to root out their neighbors’ illegal Airbnbs

5/10/2016 - An Arkansas judge resigned after being accused of exchanging lighter sentences for sexual favors

5/10/2016 - The one thing that will always get in the way of success

5/10/2016 - These are the types of startups that have been hammered by “down rounds”

5/10/2016 - Programmers imagine the most ridiculous ways to enter a phone number into a form

5/10/2016 - One of the few female comics to get a live Netflix special delivered hers at seven months pregnant

5/10/2016 - A Brazilian maid’s house will be showcased at the world’s most prestigious architecture fair

5/10/2016 - US employers are officially barred from requiring service workers to be happy on the job

5/10/2016 - Disney’s endless reboots may be our best chance to drag fairy tales into the 21st century

5/10/2016 - Americans have stopped having babies

5/10/2016 - It’s happening: Jon Stewart is emerging from hibernation to take on Donald Trump

5/10/2016 - Finishing secondary school and moving to a city isn’t enough to find a job in South Africa

5/10/2016 - Understanding superstition could get you a great deal on an engagement ring

5/10/2016 - A Hyperloop startup says its tech is almost 3 times faster—and safer—than high speed trains

5/10/2016 - Chinese state media insist that economic growth will be “L-shaped,” which means what exactly

5/10/2016 - After ditching sexy ads, Abercrombie & Fitch is looking to the Middle East

5/10/2016 - Letting siblings “work it out among themselves” is the worst way to resolve a conflict

5/10/2016 - CDC to Chipotle: Quit whining about our food safety alerts

5/10/2016 - The rhetoric is rising almost as fast as production in an oil war between Saudi Arabia and Iran

5/10/2016 - “Remorseless” renewables are approaching a final frontier, after which everything will change

5/10/2016 - These are the US states where poor students have the best shot at graduating high school

5/10/2016 - Stephen King’s “The Shining” is now a genre-redefining opera

5/10/2016 - That blinking star isn’t surrounded by alien megastructures, but it’s still really weird

5/10/2016 - Jon Stewart says Democrats are to blame for the rise of Donald Trump

5/10/2016 - I didn’t fully appreciate my right to vote until I had it taken away

5/10/2016 - Obama will visit Hiroshima, but won’t “revisit the decision to use the atomic bomb”

5/10/2016 - Canadians are not so sure about Hillary Clinton

5/10/2016 - Silicon Valley’s funding chill has spread to on-demand startups

5/10/2016 - After 104 rejections in tech, I figured out what I was really good at

5/10/2016 - The record-breaking sale of the world’s second largest diamond may put a sparkle back in diamond prices

5/10/2016 - Genetic testing is terrifying when you have cancer

5/10/2016 - Atlas is now an open platform for everyone’s charts and data

5/10/2016 - To end all-male panels, more men are speaking up

5/10/2016 - A Cameroonian soccer player’s death in Romania is blamed on expired equipment and drugs

5/10/2016 - West Ham United now has the second-most season ticket holders in the English Premier League

5/10/2016 - This chef is incorporating marijuana into five-star fine dining

5/10/2016 - To boost your creativity, procrastinate

5/10/2016 - Hollywood’s special effects industry is cratering, and an art form is disappearing along with it

5/10/2016 - UK parents took their 10-year-olds out of school to protest this grammar test. Can you pass it?

5/10/2016 - These high-tech goggles can test for concussion in under a minute

5/10/2016 - Tech companies really want to put computers in your eyeballs

5/10/2016 - To be trusted, CEOs should skip their prepared remarks

5/10/2016 - There’s only one reason why Goldman Sachs is suddenly interested in banking average Americans

5/10/2016 - “This isn’t just about me”: London’s new Muslim mayor rejects Trump’s offer to let him into the US

5/10/2016 - Greece’s headache-inducing, language-mangling debt crisis is back with a vengeance

5/10/2016 - Nearly half of Europeans want their own referendum on staying in the EU

5/10/2016 - Disney earnings, NASA’s Milky Way update, smart Trump voters

5/10/2016 - The universal basic income is a bad idea whose time will never come

5/10/2016 - Hieroglyphs aren’t words—so which civilization invented the idea of writing?

5/10/2016 - Five Pacific islands have been drowned by climate change, and more are sinking fast

5/10/2016 - Facebook says there is “no evidence” its Trending Topics section is biased

5/10/2016 - How India’s cigarette makers got their butts kicked for resisting graphic warnings on packets

5/10/2016 - Kenya’s threat to close its refugee camps could be real this time

5/10/2016 - Baidu’s CEO says company values were “squeezed out of shape” by a focus on earnings growth

5/10/2016 - If Modi is serious about creating jobs, he’s got to do something about India’s export sector

5/10/2016 - New Panama Papers, Kepler findings, jobs-stealing drones

5/10/2016 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe and Africa edition—New Panama Papers, Kepler findings, jobs-stealing drones

5/10/2016 - After 30 years of service, India is retiring its iconic British-built Sea Harrier fighter jets

5/10/2016 - One of Silicon Valley’s top tech investors is backing Donald Trump for president

5/9/2016 - It’s time to ask your telco how it’s tracking your data, Hong Kong activists say

5/9/2016 - The US government and North Carolina are suing each other over bathrooms

5/9/2016 - New Panama Papers, Krispy Kreme sold, Facebook’s political bias

5/9/2016 - The life of a startup after a devaluation

5/9/2016 - Facebook’s trending news section is featuring an article about how biased it is

5/9/2016 - Give Uber credit—a lot more credit—for its genius transportation revolution

5/9/2016 - The Indian police’s guide to royally screwing up a rape investigation

5/9/2016 - Scientists have developed a quick, cheap way to test for Zika

5/9/2016 - West Point is investigating the intentions behind this photo of black cadets with raised fists

5/9/2016 - Corporate developers beware, there’s a spammy security flaw in JIRA Service Desk

5/9/2016 - Watch these skydivers play a real-life game of Harry Potter’s Quidditch

5/9/2016 - Don’t trust Facebook to give it to you straight on politics

5/9/2016 - Trump voters earn more and are better educated than the typical American

5/9/2016 - Drones could replace $127 billion worth of human labor and services

5/9/2016 - This scheduling tool tells you how much that pointless meeting cost your company

5/9/2016 - Obama: If you could choose a time to be “young, gifted, and black” in America, you’d choose right now

5/9/2016 - Kalashnikov’s new business model: Fewer AKs, more fashion

5/9/2016 - Crises like Flint are inevitable when politicians and industries insist on playing with matches

5/9/2016 - The inequality that matters most (hint: it’s not income)

5/9/2016 - Spotify’s latest plan to crush Apple Music is a lot like Apple Music’s plan to crush Spotify

5/9/2016 - An entrepreneur finally outed Silicon Valley’s biggest problem

5/9/2016 - New York’s nail salons must finally compensate their workers for wage theft

5/9/2016 - Barely anyone’s using Facebook reactions, but it’s still experimenting with them

5/9/2016 - New data reveal the best places to live in the US if you love public transit

5/9/2016 - “Old Faithful, brought to you by Viagra”—The US park service is seeking corporate sponsors

5/9/2016 - Paid parental leave is actually great for business

5/9/2016 - Demand for stock photos of “house husbands” and “entrepreneur women” is skyrocketing

5/9/2016 - Spike or glut? Two very possible—and radically different—scenarios for the future price of oil

5/9/2016 - Nissan developers copied code from the internet, pasted it into a remote-access app

5/9/2016 - The Philippines’ likely new president has pledged to execute 100,000 people, and jokes about gang rape

5/9/2016 - The key to lowering stress could be in your stomach

5/9/2016 - Music downloads may only have about four years left

5/9/2016 - Vodacom has given up on revolutionary mobile money service M-Pesa, in South Africa

5/9/2016 - Cargill’s top officers are abandoning their executive chateau and mixing with the rank and file

5/9/2016 - Photos: Russia’s World War Two parade mixes aging warriors and shiny new weapons

5/9/2016 - Sheryl Sandberg now understands how difficult it is for a single mom to lean in

5/9/2016 - How to watch Mercury passing between Earth and the sun from the comfort of your home

5/9/2016 - The world’s largest coffee conglomerate just spent $1.35 billion on Krispy Kreme doughnuts

5/9/2016 - Lending Club’s stock is tanking after its CEO resigned for violating the company’s business practices

5/9/2016 - CNN used its magic election wall to analyze the politics of “Game of Thrones”

5/9/2016 - Alibaba entered an anti-counterfeiting coalition that pissed off titans of fashion

5/9/2016 - Uber and Lyft are making good on their threat to leave Austin after a crushing defeat in a special election

5/9/2016 - The Japanese “vagina kayak” artist has been found guilty of obscenity

5/9/2016 - It is now illegal to fly drones in Nigeria without government approval

5/9/2016 - Pabst has inspired a new hipster trend: hard soda

5/9/2016 - Greece has found a use for its decaying Olympic volleyball stadium

5/9/2016 - “Some say that Socrates was a troll”: An academic paper on trolling, written like Aristotle

5/9/2016 - A design flaw in Obama’s new Panama Papers rule could help shell companies dodge cops and taxes

5/9/2016 - “Everything causes cancer”: Watch John Oliver debunk terrible science reporting

5/9/2016 - Bitcoin’s on a bull run again

5/9/2016 - How to listen to Radiohead’s new album for free for a month

5/9/2016 - Malawi’s first female president says “Western assertiveness” does not work for African women

5/9/2016 - Zimbabweans fear a return of the dark days when everyone was a billionaire

5/9/2016 - A Chinese firm nearly won the right to use the “face book” name for canned vegetables

5/9/2016 - Big oil and renewables were once arch enemies. That’s suddenly changing

5/9/2016 - A Spotify for elevator music could finally uncover streaming’s elusive profits

5/9/2016 - Half a million Nigerians displaced by Boko Haram will get an $80 “token” to help start over

5/9/2016 - To see these rock music icons for the last time at “Oldchella,” you’ll have to pay up

5/9/2016 - The “prestige” of a career in finance is a marketing tool to elite but aimless undergraduates

5/9/2016 - Drake and Beyonce are proof that exclusive streaming deals are a huge success—at least for now

5/9/2016 - The Turkish president’s deceptively simple and completely fanciful plan to tackle unemployment

5/9/2016 - Oil rises on Canadian wildfires, Filipinos vote, the lost art of skywriting

5/9/2016 - A Kenyan businessman and fierce government critic has been killed, in mysterious circumstances

5/9/2016 - Zomato is proof that the valuation of Indian startups may be a dangerous bubble

5/9/2016 - “He’s like the sound of a crackling fire”: Animals talk about meeting David Attenborough

5/9/2016 - North Korea detained a BBC correspondent for his “disrespectful” reporting

5/9/2016 - The Modi government spent $52 million on just publicising its flagship schemes last year

5/9/2016 - Pepsi is launching a gastronomic assault to capture more of India’s traditional snacks market

5/9/2016 - Greece’s austerity, Saudi Arabia’s shake-up, sexual seasons

5/9/2016 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe and Africa edition—Greece’s austerity, Saudi Arabia’s shake-up, sexual seasons

5/9/2016 - The IMF’s youngest-ever chief economist has some advice for fixing India’s education system

5/9/2016 - India’s new bankruptcy code can’t fix its broken banks overnight

5/9/2016 - Kim Jong-un says North Korea is a “responsible nuclear weapons state”

5/9/2016 - UPS could soon become the “Uber” of drone deliveries

5/8/2016 - Snapchat is the latest service you might not be able to use on inflight wifi

5/8/2016 - Greeks’ newest austerity, Saudi Arabia’s shake-up, sexual seasons

5/8/2016 - Greeks’ newest austerity, Saudi Arabia’s shake-up, sexual seasons

5/8/2016 - We could be in for an even wilder ride on oil prices now that a millennial Saudi prince is in charge

5/8/2016 - Leading authors are returning Mother’s Day to its roots as a feminist anti-war protest

5/8/2016 - A Bank of England analyst wants people to use mindfulness to be happier with less

5/8/2016 - Widows and parents want to preserve dead men’s sperm–but what are the rights of the deceased?

5/8/2016 - Research says we’re remarkably bad at knowing who our friends are

5/8/2016 - This woman, a self-described cyborg, can sense every earthquake in real time

5/8/2016 - The restorative techniques that frontline war zone workers use to minimize stress

5/8/2016 - This is what happens when your mother dies

5/8/2016 - One man will decide if the art of skywriting lives or dies

5/8/2016 - Your sexuality has seasons

5/8/2016 - Papa Wemba had strong, but ambiguous, bonds with his motherland

5/8/2016 - Nairobi’s corrupt rain, Ethiopia’s Rasta prince, Lagos rules

5/8/2016 - Uber and Lyft have finally lost a game of political hardball

5/7/2016 - Myanmar’s Aung San Suu Kyi doesn’t even want to hear the term “Rohingya”

5/7/2016 - The Panama Papers leaker speaks out, with a tantalizing offer for law enforcement

5/7/2016 - The future of Uber and Lyft is at stake today in Austin, Texas

5/7/2016 - Louis C.K. officially quit the internet, and he’s never felt better

5/7/2016 - Doubts have been raised about a Cambridge professor’s acclaimed battery breakthrough

5/7/2016 - Freudian notions of fantasy are apparent in how we use the internet

5/7/2016 - What single mom Sheryl Sandberg is doing this Mother’s Day

5/7/2016 - There’s a neurological explanation for the link between sex and violence

5/7/2016 - The languages the world is trying to learn, according to Duolingo

5/7/2016 - Opioids aren’t the most dangerous drug to go through withdrawal from

5/7/2016 - What researchers found after analyzing 15 million words in eBay listings

5/7/2016 - When programmers get weird: The funniest code projects on GitHub

5/7/2016 - 1,700 years ago, the mismanagement of a migrant crisis cost Rome its empire

5/7/2016 - Now is not the time to underestimate Elon Musk

5/7/2016 - Weekend edition—Underestimating Elon, the tortilla challenge, sinking Atlantic City

5/7/2016 - Indigenous leaders from three continents are touring Europe begging people to boycott palm oil

5/7/2016 - Sudanese students are protesting to save Khartoum’s historic architecture

5/7/2016 - Weekend edition—Underestimating Elon, the tortilla challenge, sinking Atlantic City

5/6/2016 - Meet Sadiq Khan, London’s first Muslim mayor

5/6/2016 - Weekend edition—Underestimating Elon, the tortilla challenge, sinking Atlantic City

5/6/2016 - All hail the rise of India’s urban stupid

5/6/2016 - Read Pope Francis’ new European manifesto: “I dream of a Europe where being a migrant isn’t a crime”

5/6/2016 - Harvard is dealing a huge blow to its secretive, male-only student clubs

5/6/2016 - Two shootings have occurred in Bethesda, Maryland, a city that doesn’t even accept open BB guns

5/6/2016 - Are you seeking your business’ purpose in the right places?

5/6/2016 - Can you discover your business’ purpose from behind a desk?

5/6/2016 - Bernie Sanders’ new plan: A raucous floor fight at the Democratic convention

5/6/2016 - Facebook lost the first round in a battle over the legality of its automatic photo-tagging

5/6/2016 - We really don’t need this Han Solo spinoff Star Wars movie

5/6/2016 - Trump fans got really touchy when “Family Guy” teased their candidate

5/6/2016 - Square is getting killed today and things could get even worse over the next two weeks

5/6/2016 - Stanford built a robot mermaid to perform the dangerous jobs of deep-sea exploration

5/6/2016 - Science proves the myth of the “perfect mother” actually makes it harder to be a good parent

5/6/2016 - Watch a deflated Reince Priebus halfheartedly defend Trump: “He’s trying…”

5/6/2016 - Zara’s “Streetwise Collection” is an impressively complete rip-off of Kanye West’s Yeezy line

5/6/2016 - Rugby’s concussion problem is threatening the future of the sport

5/6/2016 - Someone forgot to tell Microsoft and Nokia that the Internet of Things is dead

5/6/2016 - Huge Australian study says cell phones haven’t increased brain cancer rates, after all

5/6/2016 - South Africa’s budget cuts will slow its booming trade with the rest of Africa

5/6/2016 - No planning required: a $2,500 romantic weekend adventure guided by an iPad

5/6/2016 - SpaceX has landed its fastest-flying rocket yet on a floating platform at sea

5/6/2016 - Verizon is sending lawyers to climb telephone poles when its technicians go on strike

5/6/2016 - There’s something missing from the US economy, and nobody knows what it is

5/6/2016 - What happens when you perform “The Vagina Monologues” at a male prison

5/6/2016 - Let mom down from the pedestal: in praise of the messy, imperfect, authentic mother

5/6/2016 - We’re live-charting the jobs report for April 2016

5/6/2016 - Fast casual restaurants are girding themselves for a post-Chipotle world

5/6/2016 - You can soon have a (tiny) office in one of Britain’s red phone boxes

5/6/2016 - The “bystander effect” keeps catcalling alive. Let’s train ourselves to take action

5/6/2016 - As Somali pirates lay low, West Africa’s waters are now the continent’s most dangerous

5/6/2016 - By the year 2040, embryo selection could replace sex as the way most of us make babies

5/6/2016 - A Silicon Valley linguist invented a new sci-fi language and it’s catching on here on Earth

5/6/2016 - London’s first Muslim mayor?, North Korean congress, German refugee cricketers

5/6/2016 - This couple gave up their careers to train as scientists and find a cure for her rare genetic disease

5/6/2016 - Ethiopia’s army has entered South Sudan in search of 100 kidnapped children

5/6/2016 - A soccer-loving millionaire wants to be president in DR Congo—but not so fast

5/6/2016 - China’s propaganda news outlets are absolutely crushing it on Facebook

5/6/2016 - More than 40 pilots tested positive for alcohol on duty in India last year

5/6/2016 - South Africa’s ambiguous internet laws are scaring off investors

5/6/2016 - When “shit” and “cool” are part of “life” in Bollywood cinema

5/6/2016 - India’s bullet-proof central bank is about to get another layer of armour

5/6/2016 - Apple-SAP partnership, Canada’s inferno, Chilean fog beer

5/6/2016 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe and Africa edition—Apple-SAP partnership, Canada’s inferno, Chilean fog beer

5/6/2016 - Raghuram Rajan wants more banks in India but big corporate houses are not welcome

5/6/2016 - Beijing is using the theme song from “Titanic” to bolster its claims in the South China Sea

5/5/2016 - Self-driving taxis from General Motors and Lyft will hit the road within a year

5/5/2016 - When it comes to pardons, Obama is actually one of the least merciful presidents ever

5/5/2016 - Canada’s inferno, vaping crackdown, Chilean fog beer

5/5/2016 - This woman taking on Swedish neo-Nazis is the perfect embodiment of the power of one

5/5/2016 - GoPro just set itself up for a make-or-break second half

5/5/2016 - Watch: The apocalyptic scene in Canada, where a town built on oil sands has gone up in flames

5/5/2016 - India is considering fines and prison time for people who make maps with the “wrong” borders

5/5/2016 - Get ready for in-flight wifi that doesn’t suck

5/5/2016 - Apple hired a Google inventor who had been working on electric-vehicle charging

5/5/2016 - Ether has been cleared to trade on the Winklevoss bitcoin exchange

5/5/2016 - New York Times, winner of 119 Pulitzer prizes, will now serve dinner with the news

5/5/2016 - The rent is too damn high and it’s going to stay that way

5/5/2016 - The bloody consequences of US hypocrisy are on full display in Yemen

5/5/2016 - The first black superhero will make his American big screen debut this weekend

5/5/2016 - Watch: A UK parliamentarian “fiddling ostentatiously” with his phone gets a proper scolding

5/5/2016 - Zimbabwe will print $200 million worth of its own version of US dollars

5/5/2016 - Por qué es casi imposible encontrar una tortilla de maíz decente en Estados Unidos

5/5/2016 - Can you discover your business’ purpose from behind a desk?

5/5/2016 - Lagos is Africa’s 7th largest economy and is about to get bigger with its first oil finds

5/5/2016 - Walgreens casually blogged about the benefits of medical marijuana on its Tumblr

5/5/2016 - US universities aren’t necessarily the best. But that doesn’t seem to matter

5/5/2016 - Quitting Twitter helped me learn to be an adult again

5/5/2016 - Two early bitcoin developers who worked directly with Satoshi Nakamoto weigh in on his real identity

5/5/2016 - A little-known telecom stock is soaring after the company nabbed a major AT&T deal from Yahoo

5/5/2016 - Facebook drives more traffic to articles, but Twitter users spend more time reading them

5/5/2016 - Alibaba has gone from a pop to a simmer

5/5/2016 - The scientific case for doodling while taking notes

5/5/2016 - Half a billion of our children are growing up in war, famine and other catastrophes

5/5/2016 - At refugee camps, birth control is crucial and in short supply

5/5/2016 - “Satoshi Nakamoto” hired David Bowie’s PR agency for his big reveal

5/5/2016 - The seven best Lego bricks, according to a Lego master builder

5/5/2016 - This Japanese hotel is only for the dead

5/5/2016 - Google has flagged a Kenyan music video celebrating gay love as “potentially inappropriate”

5/5/2016 - In a world first, scientists have found a way to use bacteria to fight the Zika virus

5/5/2016 - If people realized how little doctors knew, they’d be very scared

5/5/2016 - The world has teenage girls totally wrong

5/5/2016 - They said it couldn’t be done: Clean power to save the world

5/5/2016 - Nestlé is breaking rank with Big Food to support lower sodium targets for processed food

5/5/2016 - The €500 banknote is dead

5/5/2016 - Even in the place where Zika virus was first discovered, its true origin is a mystery

5/5/2016 - When austerity strikes, pensioners always come out ahead

5/5/2016 - The world’s best airline hits turbulence

5/5/2016 - Brazilians can’t even afford to drink their problems away

5/5/2016 - I tried to make my own tortillas from scratch the Mexican way in the US, and it was a disaster

5/5/2016 - The €500 note is dead, London’s new mayor, fried-chicken nail polish

5/5/2016 - AIs are starting to learn like human babies by grasping and poking objects

5/5/2016 - Here is proof of India’s desperation for taxis: 2.5 billion phone calls in three months

5/5/2016 - India plans to spend $6 billion on creating new forests

5/5/2016 - Japan’s personal service robots are novel, interesting, and useless

5/5/2016 - An average IIT fresher is a virgin, quite religious and politically liberal

5/5/2016 - Scotland votes, Tesla triumphant, hazardous cicadas

5/5/2016 - The US spent $1.4 billion in Africa telling people not to have sex and it didn’t work

5/5/2016 - The shocking way India is underpaying its maids, nannies, and cooks—in six charts

5/5/2016 - Hillary Clinton’s new ads use Republican leaders—and Donald Trump himself—to bash Trump

5/5/2016 - Baidu should have even higher standards than Google, because it’s all China’s citizens have

5/4/2016 - No need to worry—Elon Musk’s desk is right at the end of the Tesla production line

5/4/2016 - Look to Detroit for the future of how US cities can revitalize their economies

5/4/2016 - What a weekend in Detroit can teach you about urban renewal

5/4/2016 - Trump’s rivals bow out, Tesla triumphant, hazardous cicadas

5/4/2016 - “The Old Mansplain and the Sea”: Twitter reacts to a book club only for men

5/4/2016 - Fitbit had a great quarter, but Wall Street doesn’t care because it’s not the Apple Watch

5/4/2016 - Whole Foods is slipping and it’s looking to millennial shoppers for help

5/4/2016 - Donald Trump is already trailing Hillary Clinton by a huge margin

5/4/2016 - There’s now a robot-doctor that can finish performing a surgery on its own

5/4/2016 - Netflix knows what TV shows we’ll click on before we do

5/4/2016 - Chanel’s Havana runway show awkwardly longed for a glamorous pre-revolutionary Cuba

5/4/2016 - A gap year gave me more life skills than 13 years of schooling

5/4/2016 - John Kasich calls it quits, handing Donald Trump the Republican presidential nomination

5/4/2016 - Leicester City’s fairy-tale Premier League triumph is turning out to be a big win for publishers

5/4/2016 - Will Prince finally get us talking about the prescription pill epidemic in America?

5/4/2016 - The key to happiness at work isn’t money–it’s autonomy

5/4/2016 - Smuggling migrants into Europe is a $7 billion business, and some of that might fund terror groups

5/4/2016 - Watch Republicans burn their voter registration cards to protest Trump

5/4/2016 - Rio is putting on the Olympics but it can’t pay to upkeep its schools

5/4/2016 - Microsoft and Google’s new pact could signal the beginning of the end for personal privacy

5/4/2016 - While Musk dreams of colonizing Mars, a TV space thriller confronts the philosophical questions

5/4/2016 - The mess that is Apple Music is soon to get a redesign

5/4/2016 - Developers keep leaving secret keys to corporate data out in the open for anyone to take

5/4/2016 - “Get them to say no”: Expert lessons in influence from the most persuasive professions on earth

5/4/2016 - Why your hotel maid needs a panic button

5/4/2016 - The science of the beautiful, weird dessert known as “raindrop cake”

5/4/2016 - An opioid addiction expert was coming to help Prince just before he died

5/4/2016 - “I see Lego more as an art”: A sculptor turned Lego master builder on constructing a dream job

5/4/2016 - Most students at top colleges have the same sleep pattern

5/4/2016 - Kenyan police say they have stopped a Westgate Mall-style terror attack

5/4/2016 - What will happen when everyone in the Panama Papers is revealed next week

5/4/2016 - If ping-pong table sales are falling, then Silicon Valley is clearly doomed

5/4/2016 - The US Navy’s communications system is stuck in a Kafkaesque tale of Italian justice

5/4/2016 - Science suggests acupuncture works, but no one is sure why

5/4/2016 - Italy’s top court rules that stealing food is not a crime if you’re poor and hungry

5/4/2016 - There are over 1.6 million Muslims in Italy—and only eight mosques

5/4/2016 - Malaria during pregnancy is a lot more dangerous than Zika

5/4/2016 - What everyone needs to know about China’s debt load

5/4/2016 - Republicans have been Trumped, Tesla’s results, fear-curing memory pills

5/4/2016 - A woman was killed by her driver after hailing a vehicle on Didi, China’s Uber competitor

5/4/2016 - Eating meat from China or Mexico could make you fail your drug test, the NFL warns players

5/4/2016 - A contagious disease is destroying wheat fields in Bangladesh, and scientists are afraid of it spreading

5/4/2016 - It could get even harder for Apple to find its next China in India

5/4/2016 - Cash-strapped Zimbabwe sells off its wildlife to cope with drought

5/4/2016 - A new art exhibit forbids people from looking at art

5/4/2016 - India’s bad loan problem is the worst in all of Asia

5/4/2016 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe and Africa edition—EU-Turkey deal, Trump is the GOP nominee, whale removal

5/4/2016 - EU-Turkey deal, Trump is the GOP nominee, whale removal

5/4/2016 - Your period is just as violent and awful as you always knew it was

5/4/2016 - Even if Modi’s “Make in India” is working, his government doesn’t have the data to prove it

5/4/2016 - How safe is your mineral water in India?

5/3/2016 - After Donald Trump’s win in Indiana, an exodus from the Republican Party has begun

5/3/2016 - Bernie Sanders scores an upset win in the Indiana primary—but it’s not enough

5/3/2016 - The Canadian beauty queen barred from entering China met with the Dalai Lama

5/3/2016 - How did Trump happen? One Republican explains how a “crazy” man became his party’s presumptive nominee

5/3/2016 - To pick a career, first choose the problem you want to solve

5/3/2016 - Watch Ted Cruz as he quits the US presidential race

5/3/2016 - Donald Trump easily won the Indiana primary, putting the GOP nomination within his grasp

5/3/2016 - Google and Fiat Chrysler team up, WhatsApp returns to Brazil, mini-brains for science

5/3/2016 - Google’s next self-driving cars are going to be exceedingly practical Chrysler minivans

5/3/2016 - These images illustrate the future of autonomous vehicles

5/3/2016 - Seven autonomous vehicle concepts for extreme environments

5/3/2016 - Twitter shares just fell to their lowest closing price ever

5/3/2016 - Soon you’ll be able to get your tortillas and pet food from Keurig-like pods

5/3/2016 - Study: Air rage is more common on flights with first-class cabins

5/3/2016 - “As black women, too often we hear about what we need to do,” says Lupita Nyong’o

5/3/2016 - Beyoncé has rocked the same designer for the last five Met Galas

5/3/2016 - The surprising reasons why wealthier people are more likely to survive melanoma

5/3/2016 - The rise of athleisure is eating into the profits of regular clothes

5/3/2016 - The poorer Uber drivers are, the more they probably depend on Uber

5/3/2016 - Everyone’s favorite musical “Hamilton” just earned a record 16 Tony nominations

5/3/2016 - You’ll be able to pick up an Oculus Rift in US stores this weekend

5/3/2016 - Bernie Sanders can keep his progressive revolution alive, but he has a big decision ahead

5/3/2016 - The ugly logistics of dealing with 60,000 pounds of dead whale

5/3/2016 - Reading with intention can change your life

5/3/2016 - The messaging app that’s benefiting from WhatsApp’s ban in Brazil

5/3/2016 - In northern France, a Facebook call to aid refugees inspires a social movement

5/3/2016 - Here are Google, Amazon, and Facebook’s secrets to hiring the best people

5/3/2016 - New research shows that mastectomy is better for young women with early stage breast cancer

5/3/2016 - Future corporate leaders, meet your new favorite role model: Claudio Ranieri

5/3/2016 - Should I sleep train my baby?

5/3/2016 - Does a little weed-killing chemical make your oatmeal “unnatural”?

5/3/2016 - IBM Watson co-designed the most high-tech dress at the Met Gala

5/3/2016 - Nairobi’s governor says the public is also to blame for the city’s deadly floods

5/3/2016 - Do these clustered holes look gross? You may have a bizarre new fear caused by too much math

5/3/2016 - Australia’s refugee detention centers are so awful that people are setting themselves on fire

5/3/2016 - Indiana primaries, Australia cuts rates, ladies love evolutionary beards

5/3/2016 - An Ethiopian prince’s visit to Jamaica relives the birth of Rastafarianism

5/3/2016 - A Canadian startup wants to sell cans of fresh air to gasping Indians

5/3/2016 - You know those quotas for female board members in Europe? They’re working

5/3/2016 - The number of Indians who pay taxes is just a little more than the population of London

5/3/2016 - China’s military has released a rap video in order to lure more recruits

5/3/2016 - After tech and pubs, Bengaluru’s fast becoming India’s capital for smart shopping

5/3/2016 - The insane red carpet fashion at the Apple-sponsored Met gala

5/3/2016 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe and Africa edition—EU’s spring forecast, HSBC profits, bee-saving pooch

5/3/2016 - EU’s spring forecast, HSBC profits, bee-saving pooch

5/3/2016 - Apple no longer has exclusive rights to the “iPhone” name in China

5/3/2016 - If the UK leaves the European Union, what will that mean for India?

5/3/2016 - The family of a well-known Chinese activist was harassed into dropping a lawsuit against Xinhua

5/2/2016 - Brazil shuts down Whatsapp, Leicester City’s win, China patrols Italy

5/2/2016 - The biggest upset in the history of team sports just happened

5/2/2016 - Larry Wilmore proved just how uncomfortable white people in America still are with race

5/2/2016 - Apple’s stock is on its worst slide in nearly two decades

5/2/2016 - Netflix was never in the business you thought it was in

5/2/2016 - HBO’s Silicon Valley is hilarious—but the tech bubble it depicts is terrifying

5/2/2016 - Taking a “gap year” before college is a British tradition that’s becoming a big trend in the US

5/2/2016 - Brazil just shut down WhatsApp for roughly 100 million people—again

5/2/2016 - Google Chrome is now the undisputed champion of the web browser world

5/2/2016 - Incredible heat could make whole swaths of North Africa and the Middle East uninhabitable within a few decades

5/2/2016 - The revolutionary idea that sex should feel good for teen girls too

5/2/2016 - How to get a cheap airfare, according to a guy who sets the prices for American Airlines

5/2/2016 - The second largest part of Apple’s revenue now comes from something called Services

5/2/2016 - “Clearly meant to mislead”: The complaint filed against Starbucks for putting too much ice in iced drinks

5/2/2016 - “Game of Thrones” just violated the last sacred rule of television

5/2/2016 - If you’d bet on the ‘Netflix of Africa’ five years ago, you’d have made a 3,000% return

5/2/2016 - How will Medium make (more) money?

5/2/2016 - Hulu will offer cord-cutters traditional TV “channels” to flick through next year

5/2/2016 - It doesn’t matter if Craig Wright is bitcoin’s inventor

5/2/2016 - “You broke trust”: Activists are shaming the Guggenheim on its own facade

5/2/2016 - More single men means more men with beards

5/2/2016 - It still costs more to send money to Africa than anywhere else

5/2/2016 - Corruption is making Kenya’s rainy season much more dangerous

5/2/2016 - Game of Thrones: Hodor probably just has a neurological condition

5/2/2016 - Iran’s new parliament will have more women than clerics

5/2/2016 - Americans don’t save enough. Is this how we change their minds?

5/2/2016 - Craig Wright outs himself as bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto—and some people believe him

5/2/2016 - If England leaves the EU, it’s the end of the Premier League as we know it

5/2/2016 - Baidu, China’s version of Google, is “evil,” a growing number of users say

5/2/2016 - How rankings hurt law schools—and their students

5/2/2016 - Quartz Daily Brief—Americas edition—Puerto Rico default, Colombia catches “the Snail,” Bitcoin creator

5/2/2016 - Puerto Rico default, Colombia catches “the Snail,” Bitcoin creator

5/2/2016 - AgustaWestland: The helicopter scam that’s unsettling India’s political class

5/2/2016 - A remote Himalayan village in India runs its own insurance scheme for its extraordinary horses

5/2/2016 - Why were some top Indian economists worried just days before the latest rate cut?

5/2/2016 - Quartz Daily Brief—Europe and Africa edition—Puerto Rico default, live tweeting Osama, the youthful gene

5/2/2016 - Puerto Rico default, live tweeting Osama, the youthful gene

5/2/2016 - We got eight Indian startup CEOs to tell us their one killer interview question for new hires

5/2/2016 - Radiohead and Thom Yorke have erased themselves from the internet

5/1/2016 - Oil rallying, live tweeting Osama, the youthful gene

5/1/2016 - Malia Obama will take a gap year before attending Harvard

5/1/2016 - You can now crowdfund your divorce

5/1/2016 - The sociological argument for breaking up with bad friends

5/1/2016 - Berlin is cracking down on short-term apartment rentals—and Airbnb is taking a hit

5/1/2016 - Obama let loose and skewered Trump, Clinton, Sanders, and the other presidential candidates

5/1/2016 - Prince quietly helped launch a coding program for inner city youth

5/1/2016 - There’s a new parody magazine about everyone’s favorite member of the family: dad

5/1/2016 - Philosophers on everything that’s unethical about US sexual assault law

5/1/2016 - Ditch the bus: Self-driving electric golf carts are ferrying students on university campuses

5/1/2016 - The science behind SpaceX’s ambitious plan to land a spacecraft on Mars

5/1/2016 - The No. 1 thing CEOs want from executive coaching? Self-awareness

5/1/2016 - “Exactly 38 minutes of my day are mine”

5/1/2016 - Cash beats digital, African lemonade, Nigeria’s next security threat