2016 October
10/31/2016 - How an Indian temple’s 600-strong marketing team hooked the world on its sweet treats
10/31/2016 - Even right-wing Australians—and especially the foreign minister—are nervous about a Trump presidency
10/31/2016 - Indian-born mothers are the most educated and highest earning migrant mothers in the US
10/31/2016 - Republican senator Chuck Grassley to FBI director James Comey: “Your disclosure is not fair to Congress, the American people, or secretary Clinton”
10/31/2016 - FBI email search, GE’s big oil bet, why bugs are scary
10/31/2016 - India has a lot at stake in the US presidential election
10/31/2016 - Satellite imaging shows that 300 million children are breathing in extremely toxic air
10/31/2016 - “Design has nothing to do with art”: Design legend Milton Glaser dispels a universal misunderstanding
10/31/2016 - Travelers want to do more this New Year’s Eve, but will probably settle for freezing in Times Square
10/31/2016 - Wall Street’s blockchain obsession hasn’t produced a global revolution so far, just a lot more consulting work
10/31/2016 - Facebook users all over the world are checking in at the Standing Rock reservation to protest the Dakota pipeline
10/31/2016 - Did FBI director James Comey violate the Hatch Act?
10/31/2016 - Uber drivers are twice as likely to cancel on black riders, study finds
10/31/2016 - Donald Trump’s “support” of LGBT communities in one image
10/31/2016 - Another reason to envy Canadians—their student loans just became much easier to repay
10/31/2016 - A nursing mother was kicked out of TED’s big conference about women for bringing her baby
10/31/2016 - John F. Kennedy’s inspiring speech on space exploration is a lot more menacing in this film trailer about alien contact
10/31/2016 - The last general-interest bookstore in a 1.5-million-person New York borough will close this year
10/31/2016 - “Please, let this thing be over soon”: John Oliver on Anthony Weiner’s insertion into the 2016 election
10/31/2016 - South Africa has dropped fraud charges against its finance minister and its currency is up—for now
10/31/2016 - Tech billionaire Peter Thiel’s new “bubble theory” of the US election has a few big flaws
10/31/2016 - Donald Trump walked right up to the very edge of encouraging voter fraud at a rally last night
10/31/2016 - Centuries-old Dutch renaissance faces make hilarious new iPhone emoji
10/31/2016 - The death of a fishmonger in Morocco draws parallels with the Tunisian vendor who started the Arab spring
10/31/2016 - Seamless, Snapchat, and more apps our greatest classic authors would have loved
10/31/2016 - This Halloween, some Americans are more upset about political correctness than racist costumes
10/31/2016 - Researchers confirm that screens are seriously messing with your kids’ sleep
10/31/2016 - DeafBlind Americans developed a language that doesn’t involve sight or sound
10/31/2016 - There’s a better way to write your to-do lists
10/31/2016 - GE’s Immelt is betting on Baker Hughes—and on oil prices staying low through 2019
10/31/2016 - “Of course racism exists in New York”: John Oliver confronts school segregation in liberal US cities
10/31/2016 - The house where Hitler was born could be demolished soon. Here’s why it should stay standing.
10/31/2016 - When companies appoint women CEOs, stock prices tank
10/31/2016 - Psychology shows that Democrats and Republicans can’t even agree on objective reality
10/31/2016 - El Papa con los luteranos, el diálogo en Venezuela y un emocionante sprint final en EEUU
10/31/2016 - A new study shows how Star Trek jokes and geek culture make women feel unwelcome in computer science
10/31/2016 - Lisbon will likely be in the middle of a desert by 2100 if we don’t mitigate climate change
10/31/2016 - Tech companies are trying to fight unconscious bias in hiring by making job candidates fight coding bots
10/31/2016 - Corporate boards are turning to 30- and 40-somethings to help them make sense of the internet
10/31/2016 - On Halloween, the scary truth about American families’ horrifying debt levels
10/31/2016 - FBI under attack, Lebanon tries to elect a president, UberEats surge pricing
10/31/2016 - Uber has a new problem in Nigeria—driver strikes in Abuja
10/31/2016 - A week after it began, the Tata Sons-Cyrus Mistry battle is still simmering
10/31/2016 - A collision of Chinese manufacturing, globalization, and consumer ignorance could ruin the internet for everyone
10/31/2016 - Indians are loving their “Made in India” phones
10/31/2016 - After all the Diwali fireworks, lungs are ready to explode in Delhi
10/31/2016 - Theresa May: Over 100 days of leadership and only one thing remains clear about the future of the UK
10/31/2016 - Bitcoin is closing in on its 2016 peak. A handful of theories attempt to explain the rally
10/31/2016 - Najib in China, Lebanon’s election, UberEats surge pricing
10/31/2016 - Najib in China, Lebanon’s election, UberEats surge pricing
10/30/2016 - Honda Motor’s earnings, demonstrations in Seoul, UberEats’ surge pricing
10/30/2016 - A history professor who has accurately predicted three decades of US presidential races is calling a Trump win
10/30/2016 - Yes, Republicans could block Hillary Clinton’s Supreme Court appointments for at least four years
10/30/2016 - Made in China: Once known for cheap knockoffs, Chinese companies are now the world’s innovators
10/30/2016 - The career benefits of being a nonconformist
10/30/2016 - A hospital is worried the US presidential race is going to kill its patients
10/30/2016 - Do sharks like biting on submarine internet cables? The captain of a cable ship reveals all
10/30/2016 - It’s a one-point race: Trump closes in on Clinton in a new Washington Post-ABC News poll
10/30/2016 - “When it comes to picking our partners, there are no coincidences”
10/30/2016 - A centuries-old Mexican tradition has been transformed by James Bond
10/30/2016 - Tens of thousands of South Koreans gathered to demand president Park Geun-hye’s resignation
10/30/2016 - Italy just experienced its most powerful earthquake in nearly 40 years
10/30/2016 - The KKK was originally a giant, lucrative pyramid scheme
10/30/2016 - Watch: Dozens of Calais migrants resettle in a tiny, picturesque French village
10/30/2016 - Ethiopia’s crisis is a result of decades of land disputes and ethnic power battles
10/30/2016 - Watch: New York’s public library captured beautiful time lapse footage of 52,000 books being reshelved
10/30/2016 - An adorable toy robot is teaching kids how to code
10/30/2016 - Science shows that telling small, white lies actually turns us into bigger liars
10/30/2016 - Fix ICC, Africans like China, corruption is winning
10/30/2016 - The ultimate Game of Thrones guide to the US election
10/30/2016 - The golden age of opening credits: Westworld’s eerie title sequence is a meticulously crafted short film
10/30/2016 - Science suggests that frequently repeating a lie creates “the illusion of truth”
10/30/2016 - Enjoying that delicious glass of expensive Tuscan wine? You can thank immigrants for that
10/30/2016 - It takes a certain type of person to work at a startup
10/30/2016 - Uber’s surge pricing for food delivery is a bad idea
10/29/2016 - Bill Maher is about to interview the most candid version of Barack Obama
10/29/2016 - FBI director James Comey is under fire for the latest twist in the Clinton email case
10/29/2016 - Close door buttons on elevators are designed to be utterly useless
10/29/2016 - Soylent says food intolerance—not poisoning—is why its products are making people sick
10/29/2016 - An Oxford professor who teaches moral philosophy on why he supports Donald Trump
10/29/2016 - Steve Jobs would probably be rather upset with what Apple has become today
10/29/2016 - British polling experts who didn’t see Brexit coming on why the US should be prepared for a similar upset
10/29/2016 - Bob Dylan breaks his silence
10/29/2016 - Ancient Roman mythology shows an obsession with sex robots that’s lasted thousands of years
10/29/2016 - In tests of extreme math intelligence, boys still outscore girls in the US but the gap is closing fast
10/29/2016 - A photo tour of the Wing, Manhattan’s buzzy new social club and co-working space for women only
10/29/2016 - East Africa’s largest retailer is in talks to sell a 25% stake to a private equity firm
10/29/2016 - Weekend edition—Free trade’s foes, trouble at Tata, Ikeanomics
10/29/2016 - This election day, three billionaires are going up against the US soda lobby
10/29/2016 - Google taught artificial intelligence to encrypt messages on its own
10/29/2016 - Dakota pipeline protesters are broadcasting their tense standoff with the police using Facebook Live
10/29/2016 - Feminist witches are casting hexes on Donald Trump
10/29/2016 - In defense of attention-seeking and showing off
10/29/2016 - The end of the free-trade trend is giving rise to new forms of interventionism
10/29/2016 - Elon Musk is using Apple’s playbook to make your roof a beautiful solar power plant
10/29/2016 - Quartz brings you the season’s most crackling cocktails from India’s best-known watering holes
10/29/2016 - A real life “Coming to America” tale with an unusual twist on being black in the US
10/29/2016 - The overlooked story of Diwali is actually about respecting women’s dignity
10/29/2016 - Weekend edition—Free trade’s foes, trouble at Tata, Ikeanomics
10/29/2016 - Weekend edition—Free trade’s foes, trouble at Tata, Ikeanomics
10/28/2016 - Weekend edition—Free trade’s foes, trouble at Tata, Ikeanomics
10/28/2016 - Where to (legally) stream your favorite horror movies for free this Halloween
10/28/2016 - Review: With this unbelievable last-minute “sexting” plot twist, this election has jumped the shark
10/28/2016 - A new “gamergate” is brewing in the world of comic books
10/28/2016 - How did the FBI find new emails tied to its Hillary Clinton investigation? Two words: Anthony Weiner
10/28/2016 - As Mexico’s economy improves, the lure of life in the US is fading fast
10/28/2016 - Facebook approved an ad violating the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in 15 minutes
10/28/2016 - There’s a birth control shot for men that works—but they can’t seem to handle the side effects
10/28/2016 - The Bundy verdict proves the US is fine with armed white militants—but not Native American activists
10/28/2016 - The FBI is reviewing new emails in its previously closed investigation of Hillary Clinton
10/28/2016 - Quartzy: the witching edition
10/28/2016 - Quartzy: the witching edition
10/28/2016 - Manhattan’s exclusive new club for women only is a modern take on a much-needed tradition
10/28/2016 - Self-driving car startup cancels first product because dealing with regulators and lawyers “isn’t worth it”
10/28/2016 - Watch a US senator lose his bid for re-election with this dumb, racist zinger
10/28/2016 - Dismissing Google Fiber as a failure is the same mistake we made bringing electricity to rural America
10/28/2016 - One reason the gender pay gap is shrinking? Men’s wages are falling
10/28/2016 - Mike Pence’s plane was saved by slicing through lightweight concrete blocks
10/28/2016 - Apple removed its safest, smartest invention ever from the new MacBook Pros
10/28/2016 - A British court rules Uber drivers have workers’ rights in the “employment case of the decade”
10/28/2016 - This app will find the best city in the world for you, based on your appetite for culture
10/28/2016 - Even if Trump loses, this billionaire asset manager thinks investing will never be the same
10/28/2016 - A border wall rendered by a Mexican design firm shows Trump’s vision in “all of its gorgeous perversity”
10/28/2016 - Startups like Casper are using Silicon Valley flash to make us forget their products are actually boring
10/28/2016 - A new tech hub is hoping to inspire an ecosystem in northern Nigeria
10/28/2016 - AI-powered security, Nigerian senate live stream, China’s influence on blockchain
10/28/2016 - The US government totally just summoned the wrong Time Warner to testify about the AT&T deal
10/28/2016 - Ivory Coast’s controversial constitutional referendum this weekend has sparked distrust
10/28/2016 - What to do when your neighbor likes Donald Trump
10/28/2016 - A knife attacker at the US embassy in Kenya was disarmed and then reportedly shot point blank in the head
10/28/2016 - College sports in America are broken. Here’s how to fix them.
10/28/2016 - Beware the “chaotic breakfast,” a dangerous new geopolitical risk
10/28/2016 - Photos: The amazing creatures of the world’s newest marine protected area in Antarctica
10/28/2016 - Americans forced to work through their retirement are missing out on an “encore adulthood”
10/28/2016 - Piratas islandeses, falta de diálogo en Colombia, y un cerebro de dinosaurio
10/28/2016 - How a unique visa lottery promotes the dream of American diversity—50,000 green cards at a time
10/28/2016 - Apple’s Macs are now more expensive in the UK, thanks to Brexit
10/28/2016 - For migrants crossing the Mediterranean, every year is deadlier than the last
10/28/2016 - This Diwali try OK Tata, a Quartz cocktail with a Mistry ingredient
10/28/2016 - A mayor in the Philippines is the first politician to be killed in president Duterte’s war on drugs
10/28/2016 - Tesla’s solar roof reveal, Mike Pence’s airplane scare, weed-enhanced night vision
10/28/2016 - Brits have perfected a secret version of the English language to use with their co-workers
10/28/2016 - China is letting Filipino fishermen return to a shoal it seized in 2012—for now
10/28/2016 - The data that show why you can never get cheap airfare during the holidays in the US
10/28/2016 - You can now get styled by a fashion-savvy algorithm
10/28/2016 - Customers are no longer willing to pay full price for clothing
10/28/2016 - A weird hexagon pattern on Saturn that’s as big as the Earth has changed color—and nobody knows why
10/28/2016 - The who, what, and when of the ugliest boardroom battle at India’s biggest business conglomerate
10/28/2016 - Prime is Amazon’s newest weapon to win India over
10/28/2016 - Xi Jinping is becoming a “core” Communist Party leader for a very different reason than his predecessors
10/28/2016 - A Rasputinesque mystery woman and a cultish religion could take down South Korea’s president
10/28/2016 - China’s model of economic development is becoming more popular in Africa than America’s
10/28/2016 - UBS struggles, MacBook makeover, fossilized dinosaur brains
10/28/2016 - UBS struggles, MacBook makeover, fossilized dinosaur brains
10/28/2016 - A hypothetical conversation with a Wells Fargo chatbot
10/28/2016 - What the ugly Tata-Mistry spat can teach India’s family-run businesses
10/28/2016 - The African leaders leaving the International Criminal Court actually have a chance to fix it
10/28/2016 - An Indian startup raised $30 million because millennials don’t even want to own furniture
10/27/2016 - People don’t like French food as much as they used to because French restaurants are pretentious
10/27/2016 - Alphabet cannot be stopped, even as its moonshots bleed cash
10/27/2016 - MacBook makeover, Pirates take Iceland, fossilized dinosaur brains
10/27/2016 - What is the TPP? President Obama explains it in laymen’s terms
10/27/2016 - Amazon Web Services is the financial life preserver that Amazon desperately needs
10/27/2016 - Apple’s prices for MacBook memory and storage are detached from reality
10/27/2016 - Everything Apple announced at its big Mac event today
10/27/2016 - Psychology can explain the mysterious, soothing power of IKEA and other megastores
10/27/2016 - At a post-Ailes Fox News, Megyn Kelly is negotiating equal pay
10/27/2016 - Witchcraft is the perfect religion for liberal millennials
10/27/2016 - A US prison says farming is no longer “meaningful” work for inmates
10/27/2016 - My bizarre weekend in Gilmore Girls’ real-life Stars Hollow blurred the lines between reality and fiction
10/27/2016 - Angola’s president will have to explain why he hired his daughter to head up the state oil company
10/27/2016 - In loving memory of Vine: Quartz picks the greatest Vines ever
10/27/2016 - An amateur fossil hunter stumbled upon a pickled 133 million year-old dinosaur brain in England
10/27/2016 - Latin America’s changing economy has a Colombian town rethinking the value of titles like “Dr.” and “Sir”
10/27/2016 - Twitter says it has a game plan—and it starts with laying off 9% of its workforce
10/27/2016 - “Mad Men” creator Matthew Weiner’s next show will be at Amazon
10/27/2016 - Vine is dead
10/27/2016 - The first-ever emoji designs have been recognized as contemporary art alongside Warhols and Pollocks
10/27/2016 - Toys left behind in Calais are a reminder of the childhood lost by migrant children
10/27/2016 - The economic theory behind why Americans spend more money on Halloween during presidential election years
10/27/2016 - Theresa May take note: The EU’s most ambitious trade deal was almost torpedoed by a small Belgian region
10/27/2016 - Sports fans in Africa will soon be able to access pretty much all American sports content
10/27/2016 - This is Donald Trump’s bizarre digital strategy for “voter suppression”
10/27/2016 - American elites need to stop mocking Trump fans and start finally listening to them
10/27/2016 - The polls didn’t miss Brexit and they won’t save Donald Trump
10/27/2016 - Line may have hit peak stickers
10/27/2016 - One airline is now letting you watch your checked suitcase travel in real time
10/27/2016 - Psychology can explain why wildly successful teams get tempted to the dark side
10/27/2016 - Asian Americans are the fastest-growing racial group in the US—and finding community in karaoke
10/27/2016 - Interactive: Is that parking lot as safe as you think?
10/27/2016 - Would Hillary Clinton appoint a “Team of Rivals”-style cabinet as president?
10/27/2016 - Kenyans have launched a campaign on Twitter to fix their roads
10/27/2016 - Los nuevos Mac, el embargo a Cuba, el “Banksy sirio”
10/27/2016 - The surprising strength of the UK economy may only be short-lived
10/27/2016 - The entire global edifice of borders, walls, visas, and travel restrictions is morally incoherent
10/27/2016 - Google’s former happiness guru developed a three-second brain exercise for finding joy
10/27/2016 - The usual last-ditch TV advertising push won’t reach a major chunk of this year’s undecided voters
10/27/2016 - With an unexpected profit, Deutsche Bank has a funny way of showing it’s in crisis
10/27/2016 - We’re liveblogging Apple’s big Mac event today
10/27/2016 - Is the collapse of productivity in the developed world really so close at hand?
10/27/2016 - Nigeria isn’t really open for business yet
10/27/2016 - A Chinese company reportedly involved in South China Sea dredging won a big project in the Philippines
10/27/2016 - Apple’s new laptops, violence in Venezuela, the Banksy of Syria
10/27/2016 - Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 recall hit quarterly profits hard, but the company predicts a turnaround in 2017
10/27/2016 - Africa’s presidents are struggling to meet their own ambitious anti-corruption targets
10/27/2016 - How to watch Apple’s big Mac event today
10/27/2016 - The Modi hangover: Why some American Hindus just can’t get enough of Donald Trump
10/27/2016 - And the award for “best corruption confession by a Chinese official” goes to….
10/27/2016 - Ratan Tata: An ageing business wizard back to save his empire, or a feudal lord unwilling to let go?
10/27/2016 - The Kenyan author who’s done more for literature than Bob Dylan, and should have won the Nobel
10/27/2016 - The one word that sums up India’s startup sector in 2016: unimpressive
10/27/2016 - Beijing pushed the Philippines too far on the South China Sea with just two little words
10/27/2016 - UK GDP, Tesla’s surprise, professional bridesmaids
10/27/2016 - UK GDP, Tesla’s surprise, professional bridesmaids
10/27/2016 - From blue-collar workers to curry kings, chronicling the stories of Indians in Europe
10/26/2016 - Research shows taking music lessons can speed up brain development in children
10/26/2016 - A step-by-step guide to hacking your brain so it can remember anything
10/26/2016 - Here’s what you need to know after today’s big Microsoft event
10/26/2016 - Donald Trump’s new hotel line won’t be named after him
10/26/2016 - Tesla’s surprise, Cold War redux, professional bridesmaids
10/26/2016 - Tesla turned its first profit in more than two years, and delivered a record number of cars
10/26/2016 - Joss Whedon’s moving new ad is an artful reminder that voting can be powerful and heroic
10/26/2016 - India’s middle class is Tim Cook’s next frontier
10/26/2016 - President Peña Nieto assures Mexicans he doesn’t wake up everyday thinking about “how to screw Mexico”
10/26/2016 - Hillary Clinton finally addresses Snoop Dogg’s influence on her style
10/26/2016 - A new home-delivery meal kit company designs your diet by analyzing your blood
10/26/2016 - Apple is reportedly bringing the playlist to TV
10/26/2016 - If you’re a really, really frequent flyer, you can now book a private jet on Delta
10/26/2016 - Lyft’s cofounder has his own vision for a self-driving taxi fleet
10/26/2016 - Good news: The hackers who broke the internet last week are less powerful than originally believed
10/26/2016 - 31 years later, National Geographic’s iconic “Afghan Girl” is arrested for getting a fake ID
10/26/2016 - “The Walking Dead” just proved it’s too big to fail
10/26/2016 - “Life’s not fair, right?”: Under Armour’s CEO is taking the market’s punishment in stride
10/26/2016 - A court will decide whether Facebook used you to violate the privacy of all your friends
10/26/2016 - Scientists definitively debunked the Patient Zero myth using advanced viral genome tracking
10/26/2016 - An Ivy League professor says there are only three types of friendships we make
10/26/2016 - The UK’s economy is poised to benefit from an increased focus on apprenticeships
10/26/2016 - Apprenticeships could be the time-tested solution for today’s skills gap
10/26/2016 - Grubhub isn’t a “startup,” but it’s the only food-delivery service with a real business
10/26/2016 - A rebel fighter is being hailed as “Syria’s Banksy”
10/26/2016 - “Is that really democracy?”: The Russian state media are telling a very different story about the US elections
10/26/2016 - Kobe Bryant was nearly late to his last NBA game because he was editing short stories
10/26/2016 - Can the media really rig the US presidential election?
10/26/2016 - The CEO of Christian Dior explains how to manage creatives
10/26/2016 - One in ten young Italians now live under the poverty line
10/26/2016 - Audi is quitting Le Mans for Formula E as it shifts its focus from diesel to electrics
10/26/2016 - Push notifications are driving us crazy—but there’s a way to solve the problem without going dark
10/26/2016 - Halloween costume ideas for the new global economy
10/26/2016 - The space industry’s new bet: putting an “app store” in orbit
10/26/2016 - Don’t do what you love for a career—do what makes you money
10/26/2016 - Psychology suggests that psychopaths can be changed by the power of love
10/26/2016 - This glitch is the most likely reason the European Mars lander failed
10/26/2016 - Interpreters say it’s nearly “impossible” to translate Donald Trump’s rhetoric into other languages
10/26/2016 - We finally know how much Nintendo made from Pokémon Go
10/26/2016 - The generation that grew up with Nike Dri-FIT is making dress shirts you could run a marathon in
10/26/2016 - Don’t vote for Hillary Clinton because you have to—vote for her because she’s a true progressive
10/26/2016 - La “Toma de Venezuela”, Santander en Brasil, piratas en Islandia
10/26/2016 - Practitioners of traditional Mayan medicine have a lot to teach modern doctors
10/26/2016 - The US has just plummeted down the rankings for gender equality
10/26/2016 - Music has been totally disrupted by Silicon Valley—yet it’s still run by the same two moguls
10/26/2016 - Tesla and Microsoft, Twitter’s business failure, Netflix’s “pharmacological” future?
10/26/2016 - Gambia is the latest African country to quit the ICC, dismissing it as the “International Caucasian Court”
10/26/2016 - Apple probably won’t compete with the Google Home and Amazon Echo
10/26/2016 - Check out this DUMB but EFFECTIVE investment strategy for 2016
10/26/2016 - Google just made a big move to distinguish its VR tech from everything else on the market
10/26/2016 - 99.9% of Americans will know a victim of gun violence in their lifetime
10/26/2016 - Not so easy: Despite Modinomics, India stagnates in World Bank’s ease of doing business rankings
10/26/2016 - Booted from Tata Sons, Cyrus Mistry doesn’t look like he’s going down without a fight
10/26/2016 - Denmark’s supermarkets are refusing to stock South African wines made by “slavery in the vineyards”
10/26/2016 - Pallonji Mistry—an Indian Irish billionaire’s journey from outsider to kingmaker to opponent at the Tata Group
10/26/2016 - The number of asylum seekers in Sweden dropped 80% last year
10/26/2016 - The mall that houses the “world’s saddest polar bear” is now holding wild animal parades
10/26/2016 - Your Instagram-worthy holiday photos are slowly ruining some of Asia’s ancient monuments
10/26/2016 - iPhone malaise, Venezuela rallies, luxury potato chips
10/26/2016 - iPhone malaise, Venezuela rallies, luxury potato chips
10/26/2016 - One of the world’s largest legacy tech companies is going all out to woo India’s startups
10/25/2016 - Long before he was elected president, Rodrigo Duterte let Beijing know the South China Sea was theirs
10/25/2016 - HG Wells made a series of utopian predictions 100 years ago and was right about nearly all of them
10/25/2016 - Despite Trump’s “rigged election” talk, more Americans trust their electoral system today than in 2008
10/25/2016 - It’s so dangerous being a bridesmaid in China that some brides are hiring professionals instead
10/25/2016 - Apple CEO Tim Cook says you won’t have to give up your privacy to have a great AI assistant
10/25/2016 - The world would be $1.1 trillion richer if it treated its young people more like Germany does
10/25/2016 - Apple’s sales and profit fell for the first time since 2001
10/25/2016 - Facebook is testing a way to live broadcast Snapchat-like filters
10/25/2016 - Texas just became a swing state
10/25/2016 - Apple’s iPhone malaise, Twitter’s paradox, Netflix hallucinogens
10/25/2016 - An American just won the UK’s biggest book prize
10/25/2016 - 11 skills that differentiate successful entrepreneurs from organizational leaders
10/25/2016 - The CFO of India’s largest e-commerce company resigned in the middle of peak demand season
10/25/2016 - The BRICS have given South African president Jacob Zuma enough cover to criticize the major credit-ratings firms
10/25/2016 - What the AT&T-Time Warner merger means for HBO
10/25/2016 - Your favorite messaging apps, ranked by privacy from best to worst
10/25/2016 - After 30 years, the Man Booker Prize is staying relevant by opening up to the rest of the world
10/25/2016 - Virtual assistants spend much of their time fending off sexual harassment
10/25/2016 - Scotland will let students design its new Nordic-style “baby boxes”
10/25/2016 - Barack Obama mocks a “mean tweet” from Donald Trump on “Jimmy Kimmel Live”
10/25/2016 - The fastest bicycle in the world can go 89 mph—but it doesn’t look like a bicycle anymore
10/25/2016 - Twitter is firing hundreds from its workforce again
10/25/2016 - Twitter is a cultural success and a business failure
10/25/2016 - Cameroonians are furious with their ‘absent’ president after a national tragedy
10/25/2016 - Apple’s most revolutionary product was predicted to fail, 15 years ago
10/25/2016 - Ugandan youth were arrested outside the US embassy trying to campaign for Trump
10/25/2016 - Trump’s bigotry has doomed his campaign. But his stance on Russia should’ve disqualified him months ago
10/25/2016 - A banished video of white missionaries dancing in Uganda shows the power of Africans on social media
10/25/2016 - Obamacare’s soaring premiums aren’t the disaster Donald Trump needs to win
10/25/2016 - The American Bar Association, fearing a libel suit, quashed a report calling Trump a “libel bully”
10/25/2016 - Opia, sonder, liberosis: The dictionary for all the emotions you feel but can’t express
10/25/2016 - A Matrix-like hallucinogenic pill may be the future of entertainment, says Netflix’s CEO
10/25/2016 - Al Shabaab has launched three attacks in Kenya and Somalia in the last 24 hours
10/25/2016 - The Election Day violence Trump supporters have promised is already happening
10/25/2016 - “No free work” is the wrong advice for creative people
10/25/2016 - The future of senior care could be paying your friends and family
10/25/2016 - Hello! It’s me, your Facebook friend who is apparently racist now
10/25/2016 - The single most important pitfall to avoid with legalizing marijuana
10/25/2016 - London’s overstretched main airport will finally get a new runway. Maybe. In a decade.
10/25/2016 - A lot of people in the US are suddenly identifying as “white”—and a lot of them support Donald Trump
10/25/2016 - America can’t trust public water, so it’s turning to private companies
10/25/2016 - Fresh off a bid to censor social media, the Nigerian senate is now live-streaming its sessions on Facebook
10/25/2016 - This metaphor about buying cheap toilet paper perfectly summarizes how you feel about voting this election
10/25/2016 - Duterte en Tokio, Maduro en el Vaticano, droides mineros en Marte
10/25/2016 - Our debt to Donald Trump
10/25/2016 - Time Warner chief executive Jeff Bewkes may be the smartest CEO in legacy media
10/25/2016 - The iPhone 7 Plus’ portrait mode still needs some work
10/25/2016 - This is why your Facebook updates sometimes appear in huge font
10/25/2016 - Establishment Republicans, cast afloat by the rise of Trump, are warming to the popular Obamas
10/25/2016 - The new “it girls” of fashion and music: ladies over 60
10/25/2016 - To make robots more human-like, we need to teach them how to be mind readers
10/25/2016 - Theresa May is so evasive, a psychologist had to invent a new term to describe her behavior
10/25/2016 - Forget grit, IQ, and culture fit. VCs say this is what it takes to succeed at a startup
10/25/2016 - Apple earnings, Twitter to slash jobs, America’s many ongoing wars
10/25/2016 - Iceland’s Pirate Party looks likely to take the country’s election next weekend
10/25/2016 - Why more people feel poorer, even if they’re not
10/25/2016 - The youngest woman ever to be elected to Hong Kong’s legislature is being targeted with sexual slurs
10/25/2016 - After acquiring Uber China, Didi Chuxing’s first major change is to stop foreigners from using it
10/25/2016 - From Starbucks to Zara, Cyrus Mistry’s mixed legacy in building Tata’s retail business
10/25/2016 - In pics: The Tata story in brick and mortar
10/25/2016 - The diaspora media movement shaping the coverage of Ethiopia’s protests
10/25/2016 - Why everyone from Maruti Suzuki to BMW is teaming up with India’s cab aggregators
10/25/2016 - The big challenges that dogged Cyrus Mistry’s four years at Tata Sons
10/25/2016 - Duterte in Tokyo, layoffs at Twitter, climate change warning from 1882
10/25/2016 - Duterte in Tokyo, layoffs at Twitter, climate change warning from 1882
10/24/2016 - At least 59 police cadets were killed and over 110 injured after a terrorist attack in Pakistan
10/24/2016 - HIV is growing so fast among Chinese youth that a university is selling testing kits in vending machines
10/24/2016 - Choosing work over love in your 20s is a great way to have awful relationships for the rest of your life
10/24/2016 - Apple Watch shoulders the blame for a sluggish smartwatch market
10/24/2016 - Tata chairman ousted, AT&T-Time Warner panned, Shakespeare co-author
10/24/2016 - If you have an iPhone 7 Plus, it’s a good time to update your operating system
10/24/2016 - A construction boom will force hotels to give you good deals for years to come
10/24/2016 - AI-enhanced security cameras will soon be able to catch you texting and driving
10/24/2016 - The Galaxy Note 7 fiasco isn’t bad news just for Samsung, it’s bad for the whole Korean stock market
10/24/2016 - Women successfully fought their way into the legendary Mavericks big-wave-surfing competition
10/24/2016 - The Internet of Things is totally unregulated, and that might have to change
10/24/2016 - Christopher Marlowe will finally get credit for co-writing some of Shakespeare’s plays
10/24/2016 - An investigation found Syrian child refugees in Turkey producing clothes for major brands
10/24/2016 - What to expect at Apple’s big Mac event
10/24/2016 - John Oliver blames “reckless, greedy” American drug companies for the country’s deadly opioid crisis
10/24/2016 - Research confirms screen time is hurting children’s school performance
10/24/2016 - Everything we know about the AT&T-Time Warner deal
10/24/2016 - The golden age of movies could spell doom for AT&T’s bid on Time Warner
10/24/2016 - The case for buying Portuguese bonds is made in Canada
10/24/2016 - MIT is using AI to create pure horror
10/24/2016 - T-Mobile is the real reason AT&T and Verizon are expanding into media
10/24/2016 - Big Soda is using Bernie Sanders’ image to fight a proposed soda tax and Sanders isn’t having it
10/24/2016 - A 1912 news article ominously forecasted the catastrophic effects of fossil fuels on climate change
10/24/2016 - The rise and fall of Cyrus Mistry, once Ratan Tata’s blue-eyed boy
10/24/2016 - Eric Trump posed for a picture with a woman in a “Latinas contra Trump” t-shirt
10/24/2016 - Thousands of migrants are being displaced as France dismantles the “Jungle” in Calais
10/24/2016 - The world’s worst authoritarian leaders have realized nostalgia is way more powerful than fact
10/24/2016 - The rare country where voters are less worried about immigration than about emigration
10/24/2016 - To compete with online shopping, retailers must embrace minimalism
10/24/2016 - Yes, it is possible for Trump and Clinton supporters to have productive (and calm) conversations
10/24/2016 - The night Donald Trump inspired me to stand up for myself against a creep in a bar
10/24/2016 - People love gyms like CrossFit and Pure Barre because they’ve made fancy fitness a status symbol
10/24/2016 - Tata Sons removes Cyrus Mistry as chairman, brings back Ratan Tata
10/24/2016 - Virtual reality is no longer the stuff of science fiction
10/24/2016 - Here’s how augmented reality is opening up a world of business opportunity
10/24/2016 - As Nigeria’s economy shrinks, its biggest airline is looking to expand
10/24/2016 - Rodrigo Duterte began his first state visit to Japan, the Philippines’ top investor, by snubbing the host
10/24/2016 - Digital disruption is an opportunity for companies to reshape their business
10/24/2016 - The new rule that could save the US from billions in bailouts
10/24/2016 - How digital business transformation extends beyond the IT department
10/24/2016 - Africa wasn’t “rising” before and it’s not “reeling” now
10/24/2016 - Will CETA be signed?, Venmo’s new rival, the iPod turns 15
10/24/2016 - A startup’s constellation of tiny satellites is now photographing a third of earth’s landmass every day
10/24/2016 - What to expect from Apple’s fourth-quarter earnings tomorrow
10/24/2016 - AI can learn from data without ever having access to it
10/24/2016 - The coming fast-fashion boom in the developing world spells big trouble for the environment
10/24/2016 - Air India flew 1,400 kilometres extra to shave hours off its Delhi-San Francisco flight
10/24/2016 - Everything we know about the great Indian debit card hacking
10/24/2016 - Documentary “Hooligan Sparrow” shows how dangerous it is to protest against rape in China
10/24/2016 - When an investment banker and an MIT graduate lived like India’s poor on $0.39 a day
10/24/2016 - A conclave in Beijing this week could shape Xi Jinping’s future. Here’s all you need to know
10/24/2016 - Spain gets a government, Hanjin exits Europe, the iPod is 15
10/24/2016 - Spain gets a government, Hanjin exits Europe, the iPod is 15
10/24/2016 - Going easy on cyber security could turn India’s technology growth story into a nightmare
10/24/2016 - After conquering the pantry, Ramdev’s Patanjali wants to take over your wardrobe next
10/23/2016 - A judge may hand VW control of the US electric car charging market
10/23/2016 - An epic battle between feminism and deep-seated misogyny is under way in South Korea
10/23/2016 - Salma Hayek is the latest woman to complain about Trump’s advances
10/23/2016 - AT&T-Time Warner, Spain gets a government, the iPod is 15
10/23/2016 - One chart that explains AT&T’s purchase of Time Warner
10/23/2016 - Bill Murray proclaims himself Cubs-fan-in-chief
10/23/2016 - The New Yorker is endorsing Hillary Clinton
10/23/2016 - More than 70 people were killed when a train derailed in Cameroon
10/23/2016 - The science behind why we dress up
10/23/2016 - Quiz: Science finds most men misread whether a woman is sexually interested. Do you?
10/23/2016 - The genius and stupidity of corporate America are on display when companies rebrand for new countries
10/23/2016 - In a highly indebted world, austerity is a permanent state of affairs
10/23/2016 - Science confirms rich people don’t really notice you—or your problems
10/23/2016 - Scientists explain how happiness makes us less creative
10/23/2016 - If your shampoo says “organic” on the label, it probably doesn’t mean anything
10/23/2016 - The scariest thing about the zombies on “Walking Dead” isn’t gory death—it’s eternal life
10/23/2016 - How much did Britain cover up its brutal campaign against Kenya’s Mau Mau?
10/23/2016 - “If you want to see Leslie Jones naked, just ask”: On SNL, the comedian strikes back at online trolls
10/23/2016 - Maritime archaeologists accidentally discovered 40 ancient shipwrecks at the bottom of the Black Sea
10/23/2016 - Africa’s missing presidents, Sankara’s files, Netflix’s servers
10/23/2016 - Donald Trump probably won’t like this “Saturday Night Live” debate satire, either
10/22/2016 - AT&T is expected to buy Time Warner in a deal worth over $80 billion
10/22/2016 - It’s not looking good for Europe’s mission to Mars
10/22/2016 - What total confidence looks like, in one photo
10/22/2016 - Four philosophy professors in the US support Donald Trump
10/22/2016 - The dream of a fully connected future is starting to look like a nightmare
10/22/2016 - This “smart crib” from MIT Media Lab-trained engineers is designed to quiet a crying baby in under a minute
10/22/2016 - As humans live farther from their roots, we are losing our emotional language for “home”
10/22/2016 - Kayak is quietly testing out its answer to Airbnb
10/22/2016 - Russia’s space program is great at launching rockets, but not much else
10/22/2016 - Weekend edition—Russia’s space woes, Shenzhen copycats, terrible ballot design
10/22/2016 - “What was the author trying to say?” is the worst question an English teacher can ask
10/22/2016 - A “sound bath” provides many of meditation’s benefits, without the discipline
10/22/2016 - African American or black—what’s the right term to use?
10/22/2016 - Neanderthals mated with European humans and it made their immune systems weaker
10/22/2016 - Wonder Woman has had it hard enough. Must she now be protested as a UN mascot, too?
10/22/2016 - Being moral means you can never do enough to help others
10/22/2016 - Greenland isn’t in a rush to fight climate change because it’s good for the country’s economy
10/22/2016 - We’ve had driverless cars for almost a hundred years
10/22/2016 - You will never see the “populist” Donald Trump in jeans or a t-shirt
10/22/2016 - Weekend edition—Russia’s failing space program, Shenzhen copycats, terrible ballot design
10/22/2016 - Weekend edition—Russia’s failing space program, Shenzhen copycats, terrible ballot design
10/21/2016 - Weekend edition—Russia’s space woes, Shenzhen copycats, terrible ballot design
10/21/2016 - Your worst reply-all mistake was never this bad
10/21/2016 - New York made it illegal to advertise your apartment on Airbnb for less than 30 days
10/21/2016 - An AT&T-Time Warner deal? Time Warner has seen this movie before
10/21/2016 - Yet another billionaire comes forward to say he thinks Donald Trump is a jerk
10/21/2016 - How to make the Nasty Woman, a Quartz cocktail
10/21/2016 - Infographic: Learn how chip technology makes card payments more secure
10/21/2016 - Slack’s growth is slowing, just as it faces Facebook Workplace
10/21/2016 - AT&T is reportedly in “advanced talks” to buy HBO’s parent company, Time Warner, for $110 a share
10/21/2016 - Quartzy: the game face edition
10/21/2016 - Quartzy: the game face edition
10/21/2016 - Trump’s blunders are giving Republicans a roadmap to the White House in 2020
10/21/2016 - Like Tupac, David Bowie and Prince are going to release new music long after they’re gone
10/21/2016 - The full video of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s remarks at the Al Smith dinner
10/21/2016 - In two weeks, Donald Trump has undone a decade of progress for sexual assault survivors
10/21/2016 - Call the drone busters, Chinese Kickstarter copycats, a simple way to solve the pension crisis
10/21/2016 - A massive attack took out a swath of the internet, affecting Twitter, Spotify, Github, and more
10/21/2016 - Astronomers built the largest map of “holes” in the universe to prove Einstein was right about gravity
10/21/2016 - Fear is often used to control us—but we can also use it to make better decisions
10/21/2016 - I spent 15 years confusing money with happiness. Here’s how I learned to stop
10/21/2016 - There’s a hidden cost to Bob Dylan’s Nobel win, says one of the world’s top publishing execs
10/21/2016 - The 10 worst countries in the world to be a young person are all in sub-Saharan Africa
10/21/2016 - Two years after fleeing Gambia, a teenage refugee is living the dream as a soccer star in Germany
10/21/2016 - A computer watched the debates. It thought Clinton was happy and Trump was angry and quite sad
10/21/2016 - We are eating the world’s wild mammals to extinction
10/21/2016 - The psychology of insiders and outsiders can explain why we have such a hard time agreeing on reality
10/21/2016 - Researchers are using 3D motion capture to document kung fu before it disappears
10/21/2016 - No Indians allowed: A Diwali party for elite expats in Mumbai wants the “locals” out
10/21/2016 - All of the questions Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump evaded during the three US presidential debates
10/21/2016 - There’s a simple, smart way to grow the US economy, and it was all but ignored during the presidential debates
10/21/2016 - Foul-mouthed Duterte demonstrated in Beijing he can be the perfect statesman (when he wants to be)
10/21/2016 - South Africa quits the International Criminal Court
10/21/2016 - Very Big Tobacco, Spanish Socialist summit, Trump’s nasty jokes
10/21/2016 - What reporting directly to Mark Zuckerberg taught this VC about leadership
10/21/2016 - Chinese consumers are spending like crazy in the Apple App Store
10/21/2016 - A new 3D printed hand simultaneously makes fingerprint scanners more secure and vulnerable
10/21/2016 - The patients who need opioids the most don’t seem to become addicted
10/21/2016 - The Olympics are facing a slow death, but there are ways to save them
10/21/2016 - Amal Clooney’s case against ISIL shows how impossible it is to prosecute for war crimes against women
10/21/2016 - A Kenyan artist’s powerful portraits of fictional characters honor the women who helped end British rule in the country
10/21/2016 - Dear Indian men, here’s the secret to talking to a woman: Be cool, bloody fool
10/21/2016 - Post-Brexit Britain must remember that India’s not the jewel in the crown of its empire anymore
10/21/2016 - China’s tech giants will shape international blockchain standards, with Beijing’s backing
10/21/2016 - There are 100 ways to wear a sari—how many do you know?
10/21/2016 - Spain’s Socialists summit, Nintendo’s quirky console, underwater diamond mining
10/21/2016 - Spain’s Socialists summit, Nintendo’s quirky console, underwater diamond mining
10/21/2016 - A leopard loitering around a Mumbai suburb got clicked by a biology professor
10/21/2016 - An impatient Patanjali launches a manufacturing blitzkrieg to take on India’s consumer goods giants
10/20/2016 - Positive psychology is an overlooked way to brighten your mood during dark times
10/20/2016 - Rodrigo Duterte’s break with the US threatens the Philippines’ largest domestic industry
10/20/2016 - Trump is booed for saying Clinton “hates Catholics” at a charity dinner with New York’s cardinal
10/20/2016 - Microsoft’s stock is trading at an all-time high
10/20/2016 - Ignore your email, cut the coffee, and other ways to stay focused at work
10/20/2016 - Nintendo’s quirky console, Haima vs. Hong Kong, underwater diamond mining
10/20/2016 - Sequoia Capital, under fire for its all-male leadership, named its first US female investing partner
10/20/2016 - What happens next to Trump, the Republican Party, and American politics? Five sad forecasts
10/20/2016 - The psychological conceit that explains how Trump can deny facts over and over with a straight face
10/20/2016 - Infographic: The encouraging progress of chip-enabled payment cards
10/20/2016 - Introducing “The American Desk”: Trump proposes a new division for the US Department of Commerce
10/20/2016 - Ads from the Trump campaign have been surprisingly positive lately
10/20/2016 - The US government wants airlines to treat passengers a tad more like human beings
10/20/2016 - A body language expert analyzes Trump’s awkward double finger-point
10/20/2016 - The UK will pardon thousands of gay and bisexual men convicted of “gross indecency”
10/20/2016 - The Trump Glossary: What he really means when he says “Mexicans,” “ISIS,” and “Rosie O’Donnell”
10/20/2016 - The rise of protectionism will not be good for stocks
10/20/2016 - Sweden gives its “fixer” citizens tax breaks for repairing, not replacing, what’s broken
10/20/2016 - A peaceful photo of an orangutan has a worrying backstory about global warming
10/20/2016 - The CEO of Africa’s most innovative mobile company warns his “clumsy” product needs to diversify or risk dying
10/20/2016 - Shiseido partnered with Microsoft to create a make-up filter for women who telecommute
10/20/2016 - The two most joyful people on the planet have written a book and it’s called “The Book of Joy”
10/20/2016 - The UK parliament voted to strip billionaire Topshop owner Sir Philip Green of his knighthood
10/20/2016 - MetLife is cutting ties with Snoopy after 31 years
10/20/2016 - The debates are done, but Clinton and Trump will meet again tonight at the Al Smith dinner
10/20/2016 - The real winner of the debate is Janet Jackson—her 1986 hit “Nasty” is blowing up after Trump’s jibes
10/20/2016 - Wall Street’s biggest investment banks say they just can’t help making so much money
10/20/2016 - The case for why men should wear makeup
10/20/2016 - Nintendo’s new console is coming out March 2017
10/20/2016 - Startups have a crazy new idea for saving money: Be nice to workers
10/20/2016 - The letter Barack Obama would leave in the Oval Office for president Donald Trump
10/20/2016 - “I announce my separation from the United States”: Duterte puts the Philippines in China’s corner
10/20/2016 - Kanye West blames the Apple-Tidal rivalry for keeping him and Jay Z from greatness
10/20/2016 - Donald Trump’s childhood in Queens can explain his obsession with borders
10/20/2016 - What comes after smartphones? Brain implants, maybe.
10/20/2016 - “Logan” looks like the most poignant, stripped-down superhero movie ever
10/20/2016 - “So, any other business?” Europe is refusing to talk about its biggest crisis
10/20/2016 - The truth behind all the hype about coconut oil
10/20/2016 - “They are trying to kill the truth”: A celebrated Turkish writer sends a letter from prison
10/20/2016 - Linguistics offers an unexpected explanation for Donald Trump’s constant manterruptions
10/20/2016 - The new season of “Black Mirror” on Netflix examines the menace of social media and virtual reality
10/20/2016 - China worked its way into the US presidential debate, even on the topic of abortion
10/20/2016 - The percentage of computing jobs in the US held by women is expected to shrink
10/20/2016 - All the incredibly important global issues that the next “leader of the free world” ignored during the debates
10/20/2016 - A member of the PayPal mafia says hiring for culture fit is completely overrated
10/20/2016 - Clinton and Trump together, Tesla’s self-driving vision, don’t shun Peter Thiel
10/20/2016 - The world’s most popular money tip came from a map-maker whose business got crushed by the Great Depression
10/20/2016 - A security breach has put millions of Indian debit card-holders at risk
10/20/2016 - Rodrigo Duterte’s war on drugs has killed thousands in the Philippines, but it’s winning praise from China
10/20/2016 - China’s internet was more focused on Chris Wallace than Trump or Clinton during the third presidential debate
10/20/2016 - The only way for young people in London to buy a house is to go deeper in debt for a long, long time
10/20/2016 - “When Expedia or does well in India, the money goes abroad. With MakeMyTrip, it stays here”
10/20/2016 - Why prime minister Narendra Modi should step in to save filmmaker Karan Johar
10/20/2016 - It’s possible that half of undocumented US immigrants have paid more taxes than Donald Trump
10/20/2016 - Hillary Clinton has an unfortunate way of talking about American Muslims
10/20/2016 - Hillary: “Donald thinks belittling women makes him bigger”
10/20/2016 - Lost Mars lander, final US debate, Malaysia hot dog ban
10/20/2016 - Lost Mars lander, final US debate, Malaysia hot dog ban
10/20/2016 - “It was the worst of times. Total disaster.” People imagine how Trump would interpret great works of literature
10/20/2016 - A “nasty woman” website already redirects to Hillary Clinton’s campaign site
10/20/2016 - Clinton and Trump finally had the policy debate we’ve been waiting for: Here’s a side-by-side summary of their positions
10/20/2016 - One in three questions at the 2016 presidential debates was personal and not about policy
10/20/2016 - It should not matter whether you went to IIT or some college no one’s heard of: LinkedIn India head
10/20/2016 - Hillary Clinton won the last presidential debate by finally just being herself
10/20/2016 - Hillary Clinton’s pantsuits for the presidential debates have been red, white, and blue
10/19/2016 - People actually are Googling “Donald Trump Iraq,” like Hillary Clinton suggested at the final debate
10/19/2016 - All of the things Trump has said are rigged
10/19/2016 - All the things Donald Trump said Hillary Clinton has ruined
10/19/2016 - It’s really quite weird that Donald Trump still cares about not winning an Emmy
10/19/2016 - Clinton: While I was working on the raid that got bin Laden, Trump was hosting “Celebrity Apprentice”
10/19/2016 - Moderator Chris Wallace was the real hero of the final US presidential debate
10/19/2016 - Trump committed a y-u-u-g-e blunder in the biggest moment of the debates
10/19/2016 - Donald Trump refused to say he will accept the US election result: “I will look at it at the time”
10/19/2016 - At the final presidential debate, Donald Trump steered every question he could back to ISIS
10/19/2016 - The science of why we find people with tattoos and white teeth attractive
10/19/2016 - “We have some bad hombres here”: Donald Trump elaborates on his immigration policy during the final presidential debate
10/19/2016 - How badly did Donald Trump lie about Hillary Clinton’s tax plan during the final debate?
10/19/2016 - “You’re the puppet”: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump spar about who’s the Russian stooge
10/19/2016 - Donald Trump started the debate by complaining about Ruth Bader Ginsburg
10/19/2016 - All of the questions Trump and Clinton faced at the final presidential debate of 2016
10/19/2016 - Hillary Clinton’s first remarks in the final debate target her potential Republican opponents in the US Senate
10/19/2016 - Tesla is adding full self-driving hardware to all its new vehicles—but won’t activate it yet
10/19/2016 - You can encourage more girls to pursue careers in science and technology by confronting a common bias
10/19/2016 - What you should know about immigration ahead of the third US presidential debate
10/19/2016 - Political bots are proving exceptionally effective at registering people to vote, especially for Democrats
10/19/2016 - In newly released 2008 footage, Trump says Clinton haters were “jealous as hell”
10/19/2016 - Lost Mars probe, final US debate, Malaysia hot dog ban
10/19/2016 - Half of the United States is registered in police facial recognition databases, and they’re completely unregulated
10/19/2016 - Twitter fired its new VR manager because of something he posted to Facebook years ago
10/19/2016 - Pakistan has banned all Indian content from its airwaves
10/19/2016 - Quartz’s debate drinking game—updated in real time so you know exactly when to drink
10/19/2016 - Chlamydia rates in the US are skyrocketing
10/19/2016 - You’ll soon be able to order food through Facebook
10/19/2016 - The star of the Pyongyang zoo is a chain-smoking chimp
10/19/2016 - Delta has a big decision to make: Should flight attendants still be required to wear heels?
10/19/2016 - The next 10 days will decide whether Airbnb lives or dies in New York City
10/19/2016 - Live: The last debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton
10/19/2016 - US military voters still favor Trump and Johnson, but only because most soldiers are men
10/19/2016 - Feminist writer Chimamanda Adichie is now the face of a drugstore makeup brand
10/19/2016 - Research suggests that half of US parents will take pay cuts for better family benefits at work
10/19/2016 - This was the year a third party candidate could have won the election
10/19/2016 - Salesforce uses Glassdoor like Yelp for billion-dollar buyout decisions
10/19/2016 - The world’s most luxurious pen digitizes your handwritten notes
10/19/2016 - Barack Obama has dropped a solid workout playlist
10/19/2016 - A scientist’s photo of a baby fish ended up winning first prize in a Nikon photo contest
10/19/2016 - All the things Julian Assange is doing now that Ecuador disconnected his internet
10/19/2016 - South African police have arrested more than 500 people during protests for free university education
10/19/2016 - What kind of First Gentleman might Bill Clinton be?
10/19/2016 - Apple is finally overhauling its computers
10/19/2016 - Internet shutdown could cost Ethiopia’s booming economy millions of dollars
10/19/2016 - Kate Middleton’s pretty blue suit has revived interest in a quiet fashion label favored by Princess Diana
10/19/2016 - Generation X’s rebellious nature helped it redefine adulthood, according to a new study from Viacom
10/19/2016 - CRISPR-based startups are rushing to IPO and don’t seem to care that we don’t know who officially owns CRISPR
10/19/2016 - How to watch the final US presidential debate on TV and online
10/19/2016 - LinkedIn promises to bring order and meaning to your useless endorsements
10/19/2016 - Half of young Americans would rather a giant meteor destroy the Earth than Trump become president
10/19/2016 - Google and Twitter are beating ISIL at its own game
10/19/2016 - Sociologists have identified the two kinds of people most likely to get ahead at work
10/19/2016 - Famed video game designer Shigeru Miyamoto did his best thinking in the Nintendo company bath
10/19/2016 - What happens when you elect a sexist to run your country? Ask Italian women
10/19/2016 - Designers have figured out how to make airsick passengers smile
10/19/2016 - Soccer managers are preparing for Brexit—in a video game
10/19/2016 - Everything you need to know about the court case that could stop Brexit from happening
10/19/2016 - Researchers have built molecular cages that defy the first thing you learned in science class
10/19/2016 - Got a drone problem? Call the drone busters.
10/19/2016 - Trump has invited Obama’s half-brother from Kenya to the final presidential debate
10/19/2016 - Entertainment used to be passive—now virtual reality is making it active
10/19/2016 - Stanford researchers just learned that an airbag for your head might be safer than traditional helmets
10/19/2016 - America’s lone-wolf terrorists are unpredictable in almost every regard—except one
10/19/2016 - Physicists are hiding a dark secret behind murky language
10/19/2016 - Hillary Clinton has a plan for America that you won’t hear about at tonight’s debate
10/19/2016 - The two most important questions that Chris Wallace should ask at tonight’s final presidential debate
10/19/2016 - Even one of the world’s richest airlines may not be able to operate in Nigeria for much longer
10/19/2016 - Millennials took Adderall to get through school. Now they’ve taken their addiction to the workplace
10/19/2016 - The drone-strike game “Killbox” plunges players into the most dehumanizing aspect of modern warfare
10/19/2016 - The subtle signals presidents send by whom they invite to their final fancy White House dinner
10/19/2016 - Final presidential debate, Tesla’s mystery product, hot tea sellers
10/19/2016 - China is about to win “joint exploration” of an energy sweet spot reserved for the Philippines
10/19/2016 - The world’s biggest nuclear fusion experiment may lead to endless clean energy
10/19/2016 - “I am Chinese”: Rodrigo Duterte explained the Philippines’ shift in the South China Sea to China’s CCTV
10/19/2016 - Chimamanda Adichie thinks Nigeria’s president Buhari has wasted a chance to “reshape Nigeria’s path”
10/19/2016 - Africans are having fun mocking the US presidential campaign with a dose of self-aware irony
10/19/2016 - Beijing loyalists blocked Hong Kong’s pro-independence lawmakers from taking their oaths by walking out
10/19/2016 - The mystery of Africa’s disappearing presidents
10/19/2016 - Londoners will be able to get a £1,000 bicycle for free, with a few small conditions
10/19/2016 - The details behind the Beijing property deal that nearly ensnared Donald Trump in Chinese corruption
10/19/2016 - India wants to clear the air around its controversial GDP numbers
10/19/2016 - Unlike the West, India and China embrace globalisation
10/19/2016 - China’s GDP, Tesla’s mystery product, Australia’s avocado feud
10/19/2016 - China’s GDP, Tesla’s mystery product, Australia’s avocado feud
10/18/2016 - Diamonds, salons, and henna: The lavish ways Hindu wives are fasting for the Karva Chauth festival
10/18/2016 - MakeMyTrip to buy Ibibo’s India arm to create one of the largest travel companies in the country
10/18/2016 - Samsung is setting up exchange booths at airports to keep its combusting Galaxy Note 7 phones off planes
10/18/2016 - Beijing is determined to keep defiant, pro-independence lawmakers out of Hong Kong’s legislature
10/18/2016 - Nothing gold can stay: Michelle Obama wore chainmail Versace for her final state dinner as first lady
10/18/2016 - A judge involved in El Chapo Guzman’s case was shot and killed
10/18/2016 - A top recruiter says there’s only one good way to answer that question about your biggest weakness
10/18/2016 - DiCaprio aids 1MDB probe, Tesla’s mystery launch, Australia’s avocado feud
10/18/2016 - A Pakistani tea vendor snapped by a passing photographer has become an internet sensation
10/18/2016 - Scientists think they’ve found why chocolates and wine cause migraines for some very unlucky people
10/18/2016 - One of India’s busiest train stations has become a porn hub
10/18/2016 - To get people to use less electricity, utility providers are employing guilt and peer pressure
10/18/2016 - The hate speech on Twitter reportedly steered Disney away from buying the company
10/18/2016 - Websites in Thailand have turned black and white to mourn King Bhumibol’s death
10/18/2016 - Trumpbots are drowning out other voices in a torrent of tweets
10/18/2016 - Lucasfilm is suing a real-life Jedi Lightsaber school
10/18/2016 - Travelers search for flights 48 times before actually booking one, Expedia says
10/18/2016 - Canadians have a super nice message for Americans: You guys are great
10/18/2016 - Read this new comic from Marvel, celebrating the beautiful heroism of a Syrian mother
10/18/2016 - The only way an algorithm can tell if you really like a song is by scanning your brain
10/18/2016 - Confirmed: Michelle Obama is the most popular person on America’s political stage
10/18/2016 - Microsoft claims its speech transcription AI is now better than human professionals
10/18/2016 - Concept albums by Beyonce, Frank Ocean, and Solange are changing the way millennials listen to music
10/18/2016 - Germany proves tuition-free college is not a silver bullet for America’s education woes
10/18/2016 - The strange logic to Peter Thiel’s support of Donald Trump
10/18/2016 - The musical AI is now working on its debut album(s)—and wants to do the Beatles better than the Beatles
10/18/2016 - We’re designing schools of the future with tools of the past—and it’s hurting our education
10/18/2016 - There’s a German word people use in times of despair, and it’s as apt today as it was in the 19th century
10/18/2016 - These CEOs made John Podesta’s purported list of possible running mates for Hillary Clinton
10/18/2016 - Autistic kids are thriving in “Shakespearean therapy”
10/18/2016 - One of the world’s most important diplomatic hubs is restricting the movement of diplomats
10/18/2016 - If not for Brexit, Burberry would be in even bigger trouble
10/18/2016 - C’est la vie: New data shows that Europeans work about an hour less a day than Americans
10/18/2016 - The conservative politics of beauty and thinness
10/18/2016 - Economists explain why newspaper endorsements may matter more this US presidential election
10/18/2016 - Burkina Faso wants France to declassify military files on Thomas Sankara’s assassination
10/18/2016 - A third US presidential debate: What’s the point?
10/18/2016 - “God will weep”: Rodrigo Duterte’s dark, twisted relationship with faith and religion
10/18/2016 - The rise of magic realism in TV reflects society’s increased frustration with reality
10/18/2016 - Why Airbnb thinks it’s worth more than $30 billion
10/18/2016 - Blockchain technology can help save the lives of millions of refugees by giving them a verified identity
10/18/2016 - Goldman Sachs earnings, Melania Trump’s “boy talk,” trainee exorcists wanted
10/18/2016 - Watch the maiden flight of a real-life jetpack
10/18/2016 - Modern slavery is still rampant in the countries that produce most of the world’s goods
10/18/2016 - Coming to you in an eight-part TV series: forced confessions by allegedly corrupt Chinese officials
10/18/2016 - Netflix’s new, brilliant strategy for China is to stay the hell out of the country
10/18/2016 - Would a giant coffee cup-shaped trash can prompt you to recycle?
10/18/2016 - India’s richest man still thinks he is “middle-class” at heart
10/18/2016 - An artist has painted mosques and churches across Kenya yellow to promote peace
10/18/2016 - Three-quarters of Britain’s prime ministers went to Oxford or Cambridge (but mostly Oxford)
10/18/2016 - The US is likely to remain cosy with Pakistan and there is little that India can do about it
10/18/2016 - Duterte woos China, Antares rocket launch, AI sitcom characters
10/18/2016 - Duterte woos China, Antares rocket launch, AI sitcom characters
10/18/2016 - Kashmir’s tech startups are dying a slow death as the curfew crosses 100 days
10/18/2016 - “It was seen as distasteful. Maybe that’s why David loved it.”—Inside Bowie’s private art collection
10/17/2016 - IITs are showing Indian institutions how to become more LGBT friendly
10/17/2016 - Melania Trump blames Billy Bush, NBC, and left-wing media for her husband’s “dirty” talk about groping women
10/17/2016 - Keegan-Michael Key forecasts denial, bankruptcies, and “existential misery” if Americans don’t vote
10/17/2016 - Overwork and stress are destroying us
10/17/2016 - Five common English sayings native speakers don’t know how to use
10/17/2016 - Bollywood star Priyanka Chopra apologized for wearing a t-shirt offensive to refugees
10/17/2016 - Activists are craftily playing on fears of the Arabic language to draw attention to terrorism hysteria
10/17/2016 - Netflix is taking over the globe
10/17/2016 - Netflix’s unchill growth, Duterte woos China, AI sitcom characters
10/17/2016 - Clinton’s new ad uses Biff from “Back to the Future” to remind Americans how to spot a bully
10/17/2016 - A major police organization has issued a formal apology to minorities for “historical mistreatment”
10/17/2016 - UNLV students have to meet a GPA minimum to attend the presidential debate in Las Vegas
10/17/2016 - Two years ago, this rocket exploded trying to reach the International Space Station. Tonight, it flies again.
10/17/2016 - Immigrants helped bump Germany’s fertility rate to its highest in 33 years
10/17/2016 - A handful of cranky people risk making air travel costlier and more polluting for everyone
10/17/2016 - “You better pray to God you don’t get stuck with a motherf—king Melania”: Nicki Minaj weighs in on her favorite first ladies
10/17/2016 - John Oliver vets Jill Stein and Gary Johnson not as spoilers, but as “legitimate potential presidents”
10/17/2016 - Germany wants Tesla to stop advertising its Autopilot feature because it’s “misleading”
10/17/2016 - Fewer people are visiting Donald Trump’s hotels and casinos. Was it something he said?
10/17/2016 - Apple is scaling back its autonomous car ambitions and focusing on creating self-driving software
10/17/2016 - We want diversity on boards. So why shouldn’t Facebook value Peter Thiel’s political views?
10/17/2016 - After the king’s death, prices for black clothes in Thailand are skyrocketing
10/17/2016 - A Canadian startup has a new plan for making Elon Musk’s futuristic Hyperloop a reality
10/17/2016 - Visualizing the major gap between media election coverage and what people are actually talking about
10/17/2016 - All the awful Trump news you can expect to break between now and Election Day
10/17/2016 - A survey asking about sexual orientation showed why you shouldn’t trust surveys about sexual orientation
10/17/2016 - It looks increasingly like Donald Trump will try to launch his own TV network after he loses the election
10/17/2016 - More Americans are graduating from high school than ever before
10/17/2016 - A new game styled after “Temple Run” depicts the hard lives of Angola’s peddler women
10/17/2016 - Running is a Zen koan. To run fast, first run slow
10/17/2016 - AI versions of your favorite TV characters will be programmed to star in brand new episodes
10/17/2016 - The wildly popular “power pose” theory is under fire—and that should have all of us worried
10/17/2016 - Getting real on diversity in tech: Three tactics that will actually make a change
10/17/2016 - Brexiters would rather trust the wisdom of ordinary people than the opinion of experts
10/17/2016 - Google and Facebook are doubling down on internet infrastructure with a new Pacific cable
10/17/2016 - Changing your mind doesn’t make you weak—it shows you’re confident enough to confront your biases
10/17/2016 - The gender pay gap for partners at big US law firms is an astounding 44%
10/17/2016 - Netflix is finally rolling out more servers so fewer Africans will “Netflix and buffer”
10/17/2016 - The heart of a Russian enclave of New York beats strong for Donald Trump
10/17/2016 - Startup employees now have a good way to sell their shares before an IPO
10/17/2016 - Posting on Facebook is now a crime under Ethiopia’s state of emergency
10/17/2016 - Mosul assault, China’s space mission, $3,000 pencils
10/17/2016 - Why Jamaica knows about Apple’s new products before the rest of the world
10/17/2016 - China’s latest pyramid scheme uses WeChat, fake royal money, and fear of foreigners to rob seniors
10/17/2016 - Your brilliant Kickstarter idea could be on sale in China before you’ve even finished funding it
10/17/2016 - The US plans to retaliate against Russia’s cyber-hacking campaign with a hack that Putin is sure to understand
10/17/2016 - The lesser-known entrepreneurs of India—soldiers’ wives
10/17/2016 - China’s latest space mission is the country’s most ambitious yet
10/17/2016 - Inequality is rising in Denmark, and negative interest rates are to blame
10/17/2016 - After 20 years of studying and exams, South Korea’s smartest graduates struggle to find a job
10/17/2016 - Bhopal gas leak: The world’s worst industrial disaster may finally get a memorial
10/17/2016 - Nigeria, we have a communication problem.
10/17/2016 - Finally, an Indian actor who refuses to fake her accent to please the West
10/17/2016 - China’s Wanda Group has hired the ex-head of Hong Kong Disneyland to help it crush Disney
10/17/2016 - China’s space mission, Tesla’s mystery product, $3,000 pencil sets
10/17/2016 - China’s space mission, Tesla’s mystery product, $3,000 pencil sets
10/17/2016 - Y Combinator has no problem with partner Peter Thiel funding Donald Trump
10/16/2016 - Tagore, not Dylan: The first lyricist to win the Nobel Prize for literature was actually Indian
10/16/2016 - Political scientist Richard Javad Heydarian on Rodrigo Duterte, US-bashing, and the South China Sea
10/16/2016 - A Democrat-led crowdfunding campaign raised $13,000 to rebuild the bombed GOP office in North Carolina
10/16/2016 - BRICS’s New Development Bank plans to lend $10 billion in the next five years
10/16/2016 - China’s rocket launch, Tesla’s new mystery product, $3000 pencil sets
10/16/2016 - A local Republican Party office was vandalized with fire and graffiti
10/16/2016 - Researchers have measured the cost of using a smartphone around your kids
10/16/2016 - The right way to respond to anyone brushing off Donald Trump’s sexual assault allegations as “he said/she said”
10/16/2016 - Donald Trump promised Indian Americans that the US will be “best friends” with India
10/16/2016 - Comedians explain the improbable economics of stand-up
10/16/2016 - Economics can explain why compliments make us feel weird
10/16/2016 - The American midwest is home to the country’s scrappiest tech startups
10/16/2016 - At the 11th hour, Peter Thiel decided to fund Donald Trump for president
10/16/2016 - In Harlem, murals are calling attention to the discrimination against the Baha’i faith in Iran
10/16/2016 - This is what work-life balance looks like at a company with 100% retention of moms
10/16/2016 - An ancient drought-friendly farming process could become the next organics
10/16/2016 - We will soon find out how much audiences truly care about the worlds of Star Wars and Harry Potter
10/16/2016 - Girl power, naira float angst, Africa’s slump
10/16/2016 - You can earn $10 more per night on Airbnb just by having a hair dryer
10/16/2016 - The simple, popular, and naive way to address the looming pension crisis
10/16/2016 - “I see my own kids four days a month, and I have no idea who they are anymore.”
10/16/2016 - Aerospace engineers found a way to predict with 100% accuracy where the cream ends up when you twist an Oreo
10/16/2016 - There’s already a waitlist for this $3,000 set of colored pencils
10/16/2016 - Don’t breathe a sigh of relief just yet—polls have been consistently wrong
10/16/2016 - “Saturday Night Live” skewers the most absurd moments of Trump and Clinton’s second debate
10/15/2016 - China has kept a Tiananmen Square protester locked up for 27 years—and now he’ll reportedly be released
10/15/2016 - Scientists believe a low-carb, low-fat diet can help your splitting migraines
10/15/2016 - Would you ditch your therapist for a “philosophical counselor”?
10/15/2016 - The secret to raising creative kids is easier than you think
10/15/2016 - Being the victimizer wasn’t working, so Donald Trump is now playing the victim
10/15/2016 - Move over, cats: Rabbit cafes are here to soothe your stress
10/15/2016 - Everybody panic: Jet-black iPhone 7s are back in stock today around the US
10/15/2016 - Weekend edition—Southeast Asian instability, physics of baseball, the “lipstick effect”
10/15/2016 - The most influential ethicist alive says the world is actually becoming a better place
10/15/2016 - Chimamanda Adichie has 15 suggestions for how to raise a feminist child
10/15/2016 - The 1,000-year-old legend behind a Japanese orbiter’s stunning photos of the moon
10/15/2016 - There are ways to let cities sprawl without destroying the environment and marginalizing the poor
10/15/2016 - An Icelandic MP breastfed her baby while addressing parliament
10/15/2016 - This robot sweats to keep cool
10/15/2016 - One small-town German mayor thinks refugees can save the economy
10/15/2016 - They’ve got history: A timeline of Donald Trump’s on-again, off-again relationship with NBC
10/15/2016 - Men can’t differentiate quotes from rapists and jokes in “lad mags,” studies have found
10/15/2016 - The country with the world’s best transparency law has a terrible record on transparency
10/15/2016 - There’s a clear way to know if you’re being inauthentic, according to psychologists
10/15/2016 - South Africa’s public protector has finished her seven-year masterclass on how to fight corruption
10/15/2016 - Dunkin’ Donuts is bringing its syrupy iced coffee to South Africa as the country weighs a sugar tax
10/15/2016 - Weekend edition—Southeast Asian instability, physics of baseball, the “lipstick effect”
10/14/2016 - The death of Thailand’s king symbolizes the beginning of a more dangerous era in Southeast Asia
10/14/2016 - Weekend edition—Southeast Asian instability, physics of baseball, the “lipstick effect”
10/14/2016 - Donald Trump says Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim is conspiring against him
10/14/2016 - It was cruel to build the legend of Ken Bone—and even crueler to tear it down
10/14/2016 - Airlines are putting fire-resistant bags on board to fight combusting phones
10/14/2016 - The US government has issued an emergency ban on flying with the Samsung Galaxy Note 7
10/14/2016 - The new CEO of Wells Fargo reassured Wall Street, but no one else
10/14/2016 - A black doctor accused Delta of bias after she was halted from helping a fellow passenger
10/14/2016 - Americans are so stressed about this election that the country’s leading psychological association published tips to help them get through it
10/14/2016 - Twitter’s stock is dropping after Salesforce stepped away
10/14/2016 - Tinder is A/B testing your face
10/14/2016 - Chris Christie is the second Trump surrogate in a week to face legal troubles
10/14/2016 - The observable universe has way more galaxies than we thought
10/14/2016 - Weirdly, JPMorgan Chase is now making money from litigation
10/14/2016 - Tesla is leaving its big luxury sedan rivals in the dust
10/14/2016 - Nigeria’s president says his wife ‘belongs in the kitchen’ after she criticized his leadership
10/14/2016 - Obama wants Americans to enjoy Cuban cigars and rum again
10/14/2016 - Quartzy: the locker room edition
10/14/2016 - American cows have been bred into milk machines, and it’s backfiring on farmers
10/14/2016 - Quartzy: the locker room edition
10/14/2016 - Trump could never be a loser, so he’s making himself a martyr instead
10/14/2016 - It costs US national parks almost $1 million a year each to keep looking natural
10/14/2016 - The conversation about Trump can’t end at outrage and condemnation
10/14/2016 - Galaxy Note 7 recall, Obama’s plan for Mars, 5G hype
10/14/2016 - Is your kid a fussy eater? Here’s how to fix it
10/14/2016 - What it’s like to be a woman when the US election needs a 24/7 trigger warning
10/14/2016 - How to parent your child through the final weeks of the US presidential election
10/14/2016 - Bob Dylan is reacting to his Nobel prize win exactly the way you’d expect him to
10/14/2016 - The world’s first commercial drone delivery service has launched in Rwanda
10/14/2016 - How a 20th-century hunting boom left the Amazon with “empty rivers” and 23 million dead animals
10/14/2016 - Post-Brexit UK is singling out Nigerians for putting strain on its healthcare system
10/14/2016 - Hillary Clinton sounds powerful when she speaks—and that’s exactly why some women won’t give her the vote
10/14/2016 - Psychology suggests that power doesn’t make people bad—it just reveals their true natures
10/14/2016 - A visual history of how presidential elections affect US financial markets
10/14/2016 - My balls-out fight against testicular cancer
10/14/2016 - Prince’s thousands of hours of secret music may be released after all
10/14/2016 - A world-famous urbanist says New York is becoming a “gated suburb”
10/14/2016 - Nigeria’s president Buhari is not in control of his government, says his wife
10/14/2016 - Nigeria is disputing reports it released Boko Haram militants for the freedom of 21 Chibok girls
10/14/2016 - Verizon’s warning to Yahoo doesn’t mean the end of the deal, but a discount may be in the works
10/14/2016 - The cost of electronic access to US court filings is facing a major legal test of its own
10/14/2016 - Kenya is forcing all government employees to fly on its struggling national carrier
10/14/2016 - Wells Fargo’s awkwardly timed earnings, Thailand mourns, “male privilege” classes
10/14/2016 - After five deaths this year, Hong Kong’s Filipino domestic helpers will no longer have to clean windows
10/14/2016 - More than half the world doesn’t understand this basic financial principle
10/14/2016 - Dubai plans to outdo itself by building the world’s tallest tower
10/14/2016 - Yao Ming has renamed Shanghai’s basketball team after a social media platform
10/14/2016 - Russia’s Rosneft is reportedly making a big play for India’s oil and gas sector
10/14/2016 - An open letter to Mark Carney and all UK immigrants: Strike against Brexit!
10/14/2016 - Poland needs to admit it is putting women in mortal danger with its restrictive abortion law
10/14/2016 - Even the European parent of Hindustan Unilever is now worried about slow growth and Patanjali
10/14/2016 - Ladakh’s tourism boom is slowly changing the age-old way of life in a corner of the Indian Himalayas
10/14/2016 - Want to be a great inventor? You’ll need a big ego
10/14/2016 - Parisian injection rooms, China’s inflation, dictator flight tracker
10/14/2016 - A new experiment for India’s humble postman: delivering custom-made weather reports to farmers
10/13/2016 - Donald Trump’s campaign strategy is straight out of the Chinese Communist Party’s playbook
10/13/2016 - I’m no China cheerleader, but Hong Kong lawmakers’ use of a racial slur was offensive and unnecessary
10/13/2016 - China’s marriage rate is plummeting because women are choosing autonomy over intimacy
10/13/2016 - You can make your email feedback sound less critical with one word
10/13/2016 - Wells Fargo earnings, Thailand in mourning, Grey Poupon rap battle
10/13/2016 - A wayback machine on Hillary Clinton’s website compares what she and Donald Trump have been up to, by year
10/13/2016 - “Every one of them words rang true”: The best Bob Dylan lyrics about reading, writing, and literature
10/13/2016 - Jay-Z, Patti Smith, and other widely anthologized lyricists deserving of a Nobel prize in literature
10/13/2016 - The day we knew that people don’t care about books anymore
10/13/2016 - The detectives of “Law & Order: SVU” will take on a Trump-inspired character—days before the US election
10/13/2016 - Women have told us for years that Donald Trump grabbed them. Why do we only believe it when he says it?
10/13/2016 - Ken Bone’s hustle shows how fast internet celebrities are cashing in
10/13/2016 - Read the letter the New York Times sent Donald Trump’s lawyer in response to his libel claim
10/13/2016 - America’s favorite undecided voter is the newest face of Uber’s luxury cars
10/13/2016 - Playwright, Nobel Prize winner, and unapologetic jester Dario Fo has died at age 90
10/13/2016 - It took a fraud as simple as Wells Fargo’s to bring down the CEO of a big US bank
10/13/2016 - “This is not normal”: Michelle Obama rebukes Donald Trump on behalf of all women
10/13/2016 - A Nigerian matchmaker finds love for the HIV-positive
10/13/2016 - Bob Dylan is a subtle master of the English language
10/13/2016 - Silicon Valley favorite Soylent is asking customers to throw away its food bars after bouts of illness
10/13/2016 - An alarming new study furthers the case for avoiding anti-depressants when pregnant
10/13/2016 - Facebook is ramping up its counterterrorism strategy
10/13/2016 - Trump shows his respect for a “Women for Trump” poster
10/13/2016 - Literary scholars love Bob Dylan because his lyrics echo the ancient Greeks
10/13/2016 - Bob Dylan’s greatest work of fiction is himself
10/13/2016 - How does a TV network follow a surprise hit like “Mr. Robot”? It makes something even weirder
10/13/2016 - South Africa’s student protests have become scenes of teargas, arrests, and burning buildings
10/13/2016 - We’re live from San Francisco for The Next Billion, our forum on the mobile world
10/13/2016 - New York just made the case that two former Uber drivers should be treated as employees
10/13/2016 - Driverless cars are already at work, you’re just not riding in them
10/13/2016 - Automation is revolutionizing everything from construction sites to taxi cabs
10/13/2016 - There’s a new outlet for your social activism, ice bucket not required
10/13/2016 - The New York Public Library has adopted a very unusual sorting system
10/13/2016 - Queen Elizabeth is recruiting teenagers to design the trophy for a $1.2 million engineering prize
10/13/2016 - Thailand mourns its king, the longest-reigning monarch in the world
10/13/2016 - Diplomatic spat: An angry Polish official said the French “learned from Poles how to eat with a fork”
10/13/2016 - A slideshow of the Obama years is reminding Americans what it means to be presidential
10/13/2016 - Designers manipulate our internet behavior through the cunning use of color
10/13/2016 - Getting my book rejected 24 times made me realize what American culture gets wrong about failure
10/13/2016 - Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Colin Kaepernick criticism is a reminder that even liberals can get too comfortable
10/13/2016 - Hillary Clinton is gaining momentum—and she’s seizing the moment to make her agenda even more progressive
10/13/2016 - Bob Dylan has won the Nobel prize in literature
10/13/2016 - Photos: Thailand’s King Bhumibol Adulyadej, dead at 88
10/13/2016 - “Locker room” language encourages rape culture, even if it stays private
10/13/2016 - Boko Haram has released 21 kidnapped Chibok girls—a sign they might all be coming home
10/13/2016 - Donald Trump’s conspiracy theories are making his supporters paranoid—and dangerous
10/13/2016 - Photos of vintage airline seats suggest you could, indeed, have pulled up the armrest and groped someone
10/13/2016 - Unilever is treating the UK just like a Latin American nation with a dodgy currency
10/13/2016 - In the future, cities may finally solve problems that have stumped the world’s biggest nations
10/13/2016 - An Oxford linguist on the dangers of dismissing comments about sexual assault as “locker-room talk”
10/13/2016 - Is it even possible to sell “luxury” on Amazon?
10/13/2016 - Nobel for literature, Trump in more trouble, a gold medal for Olympic fly-fishing?
10/13/2016 - Want to go to Mars? Be prepared for irreversible damage to your brain
10/13/2016 - There are 14 necessary components to the creative process, scientists say
10/13/2016 - How to get into Oxford, according to Oxford
10/13/2016 - Inside the secret, backroom deals big brands make to vie for control over grocery stores
10/13/2016 - Risky celebs: Your love for Bollywood could cost you your computer
10/13/2016 - South Africa is heading for a train crash if its finance minister is forced out
10/13/2016 - How Narendra Modi’s surgical strike turned into a monumental farce
10/13/2016 - Titan: The world’s fifth-largest watchmaker now wants to sell women’s clothing
10/13/2016 - Zimbabwe’s Mugabe has decided a thriving economy is more important than black empowerment
10/13/2016 - Independent Scotland, China’s falling exports, supersonic mice
10/13/2016 - Ethiopia has finally admitted to the deaths of more than 500 anti-government protestors
10/13/2016 - Brexit, banks and US polls: The Indian IT sector’s big-bang quarter may end with a whimper
10/13/2016 - Updated: All the times Donald Trump has been accused of sexual harassment, assault, or inappropriate behavior
10/12/2016 - Beijing said Facebook and Google are welcome back to China as long as they “respect China’s laws”
10/12/2016 - Photos: Thais pray for gravely ill King Bhumibol Adulyadej
10/12/2016 - Rodrigo Duterte may hand China the strategic piece it needs to take control of the South China Sea
10/12/2016 - In praise of a president who offered America eight dignified years free of sex scandals
10/12/2016 - I know John Podesta has had a rough couple of days—but he is wrong about risotto, and someone needs to tell America
10/12/2016 - Wells Fargo’s CEO is out, Scotland talks independence, supersonic mouse squeaks
10/12/2016 - Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf is retiring after failing to contain fake-account scandal
10/12/2016 - Video: This watch lets you “feel” time
10/12/2016 - Yes, Trump has shed evangelical voters–but not all of them
10/12/2016 - The US government has been funding AI for 50 years, and just came up with a plan for its future
10/12/2016 - Donald Glover’s “Atlanta” brilliantly plays with race and class in TV commercial parodies
10/12/2016 - Scientists built a bee’s paradise to learn how we can help save the insects
10/12/2016 - Saturn at its most beautiful and awe-inspiring
10/12/2016 - Facebook is under fire for censorship again, this time for blocking an image of a mammogram
10/12/2016 - “I can’t sell the film”: A star of “The Birth of a Nation” understands why people are boycotting it
10/12/2016 - The world’s first “bionic Olympics” just happened in Zurich
10/12/2016 - Watch: Russia’s top diplomat isn’t sure what to make of “so many pussies” around the US presidential campaign
10/12/2016 - $40 to hold a newborn, and other hidden charges new parents face
10/12/2016 - These are the books Hillary Clinton has been borrowing from the library
10/12/2016 - UN high commissioner for human rights says a Trump presidency would be “dangerous”
10/12/2016 - A pharmacy says it’s charging a 7% “man tax” to close the gender gap
10/12/2016 - In case you weren’t paying attention, Donald Trump has always been a predator
10/12/2016 - “Anyone and everyone can wear makeup”: Meet CoverGirl’s first cover boy
10/12/2016 - The gender gap starts with girls spending 160 million more hours on household chores
10/12/2016 - Malawians have taken to social media to find their president missing in the US
10/12/2016 - The prison industrial complex is bankrolling efforts to keep pot illegal
10/12/2016 - Don’t be fooled: The GOP’s rejection of Trump is about political expediency, not morality
10/12/2016 - Africa’s growing internet addiction suggests a new way to understand the problem
10/12/2016 - How do you sell a $6,000 bag your customer can’t touch?
10/12/2016 - Trying to avoid assault and harassment is taking more out of you than you realize
10/12/2016 - Amazon’s cheap new music streaming service is a great deal—if you love other Amazon things
10/12/2016 - Sid and Nancy and me
10/12/2016 - You missed Donald Trump blaming five innocent black men of a decades-old crime they didn’t commit
10/12/2016 - Facebook and Twitter led law enforcement to the doorstep of minority protestors
10/12/2016 - All this talk of “inner cities” is missing a bigger problem affecting the African-American middle class
10/12/2016 - The UK could become a leader in AI ethics—if this EU data law survives Brexit
10/12/2016 - The complete guide to Donald Trump using women as political props
10/12/2016 - Silicon Valley CEOs are buying biohacking implants off eBay to get ahead
10/12/2016 - Gender stereotypes have made us horrible at recognizing autism in women and girls
10/12/2016 - Ivory Coast is changing a controversial nationality rule for its presidential candidates
10/12/2016 - It’s healthier to be sad sometimes than happy all the time
10/12/2016 - For many Brits, the pound is already worth less than one euro
10/12/2016 - Innovation guru Clayton Christensen’s new theory is meant to protect you from disruption
10/12/2016 - The Japanese practice of ‘forest bathing’ is scientifically proven to improve your health
10/12/2016 - Programmers really hate open floor plans
10/12/2016 - Elon Musk’s OpenAI is using Reddit to teach AI to speak like humans
10/12/2016 - A ‘just-add-water’ kit to make instant drugs and vaccines could fix health care access in rural areas
10/12/2016 - This man has spent 35 years compiling entries for a 132,000-word online slang dictionary that you can search for free
10/12/2016 - China’s military veterans have taken to the streets to protest because they can’t find work
10/12/2016 - Superstar musicians are coming together to drop 30 anti-Trump protest songs in 30 days
10/12/2016 - No law prevents Trump from whipping his crowds into an angry fury with unsubstantiated claims of a stolen election
10/12/2016 - Amazon joins the streaming wars, Obama blasted Trump, fireproof boxes for Galaxy Notes
10/12/2016 - With 15% of its population undernourished, India still has a serious hunger problem
10/12/2016 - The Galaxy Note 7 fiasco will cost Samsung at least $2.3 billion in lost profits
10/12/2016 - Lonely Shanghai seniors now have to buy something if they want to cruise all day in Ikea’s cafeteria
10/12/2016 - Dawn’s Cyril Almeida is only the latest victim of Nawaz Sharif’s dangerous game with the Pakistani army
10/12/2016 - China’s newest bankers discover the “golden rice bowl” isn’t so attractive anymore
10/12/2016 - A Nigerian woman has turned to YouTube to keep her native language alive
10/12/2016 - A gullible nation of maids and banana sellers: How many Chinese see the Philippines
10/12/2016 - Chetan Bhagat: “I’ve been told by women that I understand them better than many men”
10/12/2016 - The most expensive delay for Indian Railways: unfinished projects worth $65 billion
10/12/2016 - Apple in Shenzhen, Eurozone production, retro Indonesian toys
10/12/2016 - A busted fake escort racket reveals the murky world of India’s male sex work industry
10/12/2016 - Apple is opening a research and development center in Shenzhen, China’s hardware mecca
10/11/2016 - A conservative tweetstorms why she’s done with GOP leaders who refuse to unendorse Trump
10/11/2016 - Believe your eyes: Trump really is blowing up the Republican Party
10/11/2016 - Chinese dating shows are changing traditional views on love and marriage
10/11/2016 - Trump surrogate Joe Arpaio, Arizona’s “tough sheriff,” is facing federal charges of racial profiling
10/11/2016 - “For me, education was power”: Michelle Obama pledges to spend her life working to keep girls in school
10/11/2016 - Journalistic and economic value are, unfortunately, not correlated. For now.
10/11/2016 - Eurozone production, Americans on mars, child-free museums
10/11/2016 - The key to SMART manufacturing is tapping into the IoT Information Value Loop
10/11/2016 - What to make of Wikileaks’ latest information trove on Hillary Clinton
10/11/2016 - How connected enterprises will need to navigate Industry 4.0
10/11/2016 - The new approach to philanthropy harnesses data to spark productivity
10/11/2016 - In corporate philanthropy, data might be worth more than money
10/11/2016 - Sports scientists say Trump’s “locker-room talk” is just as misogynistic as real college locker rooms
10/11/2016 - Donald Trump’s campaign is now offering an “exclusive limited edition black card”
10/11/2016 - Turning insects into bio-processing machines could be the solution to feeding our future colonies on Mars
10/11/2016 - Amazon is planning a line of tiny grocery stores
10/11/2016 - “Why would we ever want to lose that?” Richard Branson on the diversity and openness of pre-Brexit Britain
10/11/2016 - The Trump camp’s biggest misstep yet: picking a fight with Beyoncé
10/11/2016 - Are heavier baseball players better hitters? Basically, no, says physics
10/11/2016 - Barack Obama’s plan for the US to go to Mars is six years old and still a work in progress
10/11/2016 - The problem with smart homes, summed up in two tweets about an iKettle
10/11/2016 - Africa is in a slump for the first time in two decades
10/11/2016 - The surprising, delightful architecture of Soviet era bus stops
10/11/2016 - After record labels and tech giants, now startup accelerators want a piece of the music business
10/11/2016 - The US has passed a law to make baby changing stations available in men’s bathrooms
10/11/2016 - How to trade a Trump presidency
10/11/2016 - Students need to develop two key habits to have a fruitful college experience
10/11/2016 - Donald Trump is now blaming Paul Ryan for his failing presidential campaign
10/11/2016 - Facebook’s Workplace is coming for the last part of your life that it doesn’t dominate
10/11/2016 - The Uber economy looks a lot like the pre-industrial economy
10/11/2016 - A political historian explains why Trump’s tape could destroy the GOP
10/11/2016 - Linguistics explains why Trump sounds racist when he says “the” African Americans
10/11/2016 - While the US works to make college more accessible, the UK is warned it has too many graduates
10/11/2016 - One tech CEO’s ingenious idea to get workers to stop feeling guilty for going to the doctor
10/11/2016 - Is the auditor of tomorrow an engineer?
10/11/2016 - What is the role of the auditor in the age of AI?
10/11/2016 - Is the auditor of tomorrow an engineer?
10/11/2016 - What is the role of the auditor in the age of AI?
10/11/2016 - South Africa’s currency tanks—again—as the finance minister faces fraud charges
10/11/2016 - Why we’d all love Donald Trump’s “clean coal,” and why we can’t have it
10/11/2016 - Samsung has finally killed the Galaxy Note 7
10/11/2016 - Photos: Nairobi’s jacaranda season is a reminder of the city’s beauty—and the need to protect it
10/11/2016 - It took a British satirical magazine to perfectly encapsulate the difference between the 2008 and 2016 US elections
10/11/2016 - Earnings season again, Apple v. Samsung redux, bye to cheap lobster rolls
10/11/2016 - Investors in Africa’s tech sector will win by solving real world problems, not just the digital ones
10/11/2016 - Samsung will recall more than 190,000 Galaxy Note 7 phones in China—and consumers are angry
10/11/2016 - This chart of Nobel Prize winners shows liberal-arts degrees aren’t worthless
10/11/2016 - The plunging pound is the only thing standing between Britain and a “hard Brexit”
10/11/2016 - Inspired by the Swiss, Indian Railways is rolling out luxury coaches with glass ceilings
10/11/2016 - Low on jobs, weak on industrial production, and ballooning bad loans. What’s India celebrating?
10/11/2016 - The ultimate efficiency hack: Have kids
10/11/2016 - Apple v. Samsung encore, help for Haiti, tiptoeing elephants
10/11/2016 - Decoding the “millions” sold by Flipkart, Amazon and Snapdeal in the festive season sales
10/11/2016 - A controversial Indian university wants to expand its education empire to the US
10/10/2016 - China reimagines the US presidential debate as a romantic karaoke session between Clinton and Trump
10/10/2016 - Stop using your Galaxy Note 7 immediately and turn it off, Samsung tells customers
10/10/2016 - We can all put aside our partisan differences for a moment and agree that this Trump-Clinton “Dirty Dancing” duet is the best thing to come out of the debate
10/10/2016 - Syrian refugees captured a suspected terrorist for German police
10/10/2016 - Apple v. Samsung encore, the Nobel prize for economics, and underwear rent payments
10/10/2016 - What Donald Trump promised to do as president are impeachable offenses
10/10/2016 - Donald Trump has stolen feminism’s big moment
10/10/2016 - Women hated Donald Trump’s bullying debate performance
10/10/2016 - The answer Hillary Clinton should have given when asked what she respects about Donald Trump
10/10/2016 - Warren Buffett to Trump: I’ve been paying taxes since age 13, not trying to avoid them like you
10/10/2016 - White Americans need to stop assuming Native American culture belongs to them, too
10/10/2016 - The boring truth about the out-of-control 2016 election? It’s the least volatile in years
10/10/2016 - Top Republican Paul Ryan told his party to give up on a Donald Trump presidency
10/10/2016 - Trump and Clinton don’t like Obama’s TPP trade deal, but American farmers are trying to save it
10/10/2016 - Debate organizers saved Bill Clinton from having to shake hands with his sexual assault accusers
10/10/2016 - Even the US military is looking at blockchain technology—to secure nuclear weapons
10/10/2016 - If you can’t afford your rent, some landlords will accept your used underwear instead
10/10/2016 - It’s possible to “pay federal tax” like Donald Trump says and not pay federal personal income taxes
10/10/2016 - The Nobel Prize in economics goes for explaining how we cope with the fact that you just can’t trust people
10/10/2016 - To fight climate change, institute three-day weekends
10/10/2016 - Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump agree on one thing: Hedge fund managers should pay more taxes
10/10/2016 - MIT scientists are creating a lighter, warmer wetsuit inspired by beavers
10/10/2016 - Donald Trump keeps calling inner cities “hell” but their real problem is gentrification
10/10/2016 - Trump just gave the world a masterclass in the persuasion tactic known as “pacing and leading”
10/10/2016 - Young startups are struggling as the tech industry celebrates another record-breaking quarter
10/10/2016 - Facebook paid the UK nearly a thousand times more tax in 2015 than in 2014
10/10/2016 - This is what happens when we build walls and fences to keep people out
10/10/2016 - Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is testing a fundamental rule of geopolitics
10/10/2016 - A ferocious Trump-Clinton debate, Haiti digs out, an Icelandic penis museum
10/10/2016 - A South African graphic novel series wants to change how Africans think of superheroes
10/10/2016 - Under Ethiopia’s state of emergency, the Oromo protest gesture may be officially banned
10/10/2016 - Tensions rise between South Korea and China after Chinese tourists are denied entry to Jeju island
10/10/2016 - Nigeria’s case study on how not to float your currency
10/10/2016 - Aiyo! The English language just usurped my all-purpose south Indian word and sucked the life out of it
10/10/2016 - What are Myntra’s plans for its “cheap acquisition” Jabong?
10/10/2016 - India’s most famous graffiti artist is sticking giant snails around Bengaluru
10/10/2016 - Trump-Clinton debate, Haiti digs out, bee smarts
10/10/2016 - Who won the debate? Who cares, we all lost
10/10/2016 - Cheap oil is really spoiling India’s remittance party this year
10/10/2016 - Samsung will suspend production of the Galaxy Note 7 as replacement phones continue to explode
10/10/2016 - All the questions Trump and Clinton faced at the second presidential debate of 2016
10/10/2016 - Melania Trump’s “pussy-bow” shirt at her husband’s second presidential debate was “not intentional”
10/10/2016 - Three cheers for the real hero of the presidential debate: Ken Bone
10/10/2016 - Donald Trump agrees: Hillary Clinton is “a fighter”
10/9/2016 - Donald Trump also disagreed with his running mate during the presidential debate
10/9/2016 - “You are a psychopath”: An actress’s post on Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte has gone viral
10/9/2016 - Trump asked Muslims to be more Islamophobic in the second presidential debate
10/9/2016 - China has complicated feelings about Japan winning so many Nobel Prizes
10/9/2016 - The leaked email behind Hillary Clinton’s mid-debate reference to Steven Spielberg’s Abraham Lincoln biopic
10/9/2016 - Trump was aggressive against Clinton but failed to land the knockout punch he needed
10/9/2016 - Donald Trump threatened to prosecute Hillary Clinton if he’s elected president
10/9/2016 - Trump answered a question about his lewd comments with a rant about ISIL
10/9/2016 - Hillary Clinton’s first punch was against bigots of all stripes
10/9/2016 - US presidential debate moderator Martha Raddatz was the grownup journalist this election needs
10/9/2016 - Donald Trump really can’t stop looming over Hillary Clinton
10/9/2016 - Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton did not shake hands at the start of their second debate
10/9/2016 - Who is Juanita Broaddrick, and what is her rape accusation against Bill Clinton?
10/9/2016 - Donald Trump has chosen the nuclear option
10/9/2016 - Billy Bush has been suspended from the “Today” show for his role in the Trump tape
10/9/2016 - ‘The Apprentice’ producer is trying his best to keep Donald Trump’s racism under wraps
10/9/2016 - Trump and Clinton face off, Haiti digs out, Samsung can’t win
10/9/2016 - Andrzej Wajda, Poland’s leading film director, has died at 90
10/9/2016 - Quartz’s debate drinking game—updated in real time so you know exactly when to drink
10/9/2016 - Trump’s tape makes “October surprises” of recent elections seem quaint
10/9/2016 - Trump will get a pass from some voters because his comments show he’s a “real man”
10/9/2016 - A casting director’s advice on how Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump should audition for president
10/9/2016 - Live: The town-hall debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton
10/9/2016 - Polls show that Trump’s vulgar video has done very little to sway voters
10/9/2016 - Ethiopia has declared a state of emergency for the next six months
10/9/2016 - The dangerously common excuse that lets men like Trump get away with indefensible behavior
10/9/2016 - Chimamanda Adichie says Beyonce’s kind of feminism isn’t her kind of feminism
10/9/2016 - The designers behind Fitbit’s trackers invented a tiny device to stop you from impulse shopping
10/9/2016 - Since the very first picture book, parents have insisted on using animal sounds to explain life to children
10/9/2016 - “The worst day of my life”: Tim Kaine explains how the Virginia Tech shooting impacted his views on gun control
10/9/2016 - Bees are capable of learning and teaching new skills, just like humans
10/9/2016 - Everything has changed for Trump as he faces a must-win debate tonight
10/9/2016 - #AfricanLivesMatter, #GandhiFalls, #FeesMustStillFall
10/9/2016 - We’re getting closer to clothing made entirely by robots
10/9/2016 - A simple trick to deal with manterrupters like Donald Trump
10/9/2016 - The secret to a seriously good bottle of Champagne? Not taking it too seriously
10/9/2016 - Watch: Alec Baldwin went on Saturday Night Live as Donald Trump to “apple-gize”
10/8/2016 - Republican party officials asked vendors to halt work on Trump’s “Victory” project
10/8/2016 - Yes, Trump’s boasts about groping are different from his general vitriol
10/8/2016 - Women don’t need to be “wives and daughters” to deserve respect from Donald Trump
10/8/2016 - These are the rules of the US presidential town hall debate
10/8/2016 - In US history, only two VP candidates were withdrawn: one’s health was called into question and the other died
10/8/2016 - Republican party lawyers are desperately working to dump Donald Trump from the ticket
10/8/2016 - Mike Pence would not be a better candidate for women than Donald Trump
10/8/2016 - Here’s a running list of all the Republicans withdrawing their support for Donald Trump
10/8/2016 - The Nobel Peace Prize must update its definition of peace for the 21st century
10/8/2016 - A Freudian theory, now backed up by neuroscience, explains why so many fear clowns
10/8/2016 - There’s still a way to take Trump off the ballot—but it’s too late to matter
10/8/2016 - Donald Trump’s video is exactly what we mean when we talk about rape culture
10/8/2016 - Donald Trump’s apology was extremely unapologetic
10/8/2016 - Don’t just listen to Donald Trump boast about sexual assault. Listen to the women who’ve accused him
10/8/2016 - Too many women have experienced what Donald Trump bragged about
10/8/2016 - Eritrean workers can now sue a Canadian mining company for using them as ‘slave labor’
10/8/2016 - Sailing around the world for eight years with three kids taught us to live without structure
10/8/2016 - A Canadian college will teach students how to grow pot
10/8/2016 - We aren’t “left” or “right” any more; we are either for globalization or against it
10/8/2016 - How to watch the second US presidential debate on TV and online
10/8/2016 - Weekend edition—Politics’ new divide, the map of the internet, industrial agriculture
10/8/2016 - Photos: Instagram designed its new office as a blank canvas to spark employees’ creativity
10/8/2016 - It’s way more fun and less stressful to be a dad than a mom, researchers have confirmed
10/8/2016 - Why Bruce Springsteen’s depression revelation matters
10/8/2016 - The simple reason you should move your money to an online bank
10/8/2016 - Undecided voters are as scared as the rest of us, and other insights from a trove of data on swing voters
10/8/2016 - A desert farm is growing tomatoes on seawater and solar power
10/8/2016 - There’s a word in Japanese for the literary affliction of buying books you don’t read
10/8/2016 - The king of England gave his wife this house to forgive her for shooting his best hunting dog
10/8/2016 - Ivanka Trump’s shoe collection may be moving from “made in China” to “made in Ethiopia”
10/8/2016 - An airline asks: How many travelers will pay to avoid screaming children?
10/8/2016 - Weekend edition—Politics’ new divide, the map of the internet, industrial agriculture
10/7/2016 - Republicans are distancing themselves from Donald Trump as his candidacy seems to be threatened
10/7/2016 - Weekend edition—Politics’ new divide, the map of the internet, industrial agriculture
10/7/2016 - A lightweight drone is investigating Hurricane Matthew by flying into the eye of the storm
10/7/2016 - Newly released video shows Trump’s public misogyny is matched by private vulgarity and sexual predation
10/7/2016 - The open US accusation of hacking by Russia signals a war of nerves not seen since the Cold War
10/7/2016 - The darkly ironic 1939 letter nominating Adolf Hitler for the Nobel Peace Prize
10/7/2016 - Even Obama has trouble making it out of the house in the morning
10/7/2016 - Google waived a €100,000 bill for a 12-year-old kid who mistakenly advertised his band with AdWords
10/7/2016 - Wall Street is panicking about claims of a massive conspiracy to hike US chicken prices
10/7/2016 - Fifty years of Category 5 hurricanes in the North Atlantic
10/7/2016 - What the New York Times should have considered before putting bodies of African migrants on its cover
10/7/2016 - Rudy Giuliani’s daughter is casting her vote for Hillary Clinton
10/7/2016 - Women won the biggest cash prize in architecture for designing remarkable Muslim spaces
10/7/2016 - These are the two biggest-selling artists you’ve probably never heard of
10/7/2016 - The diamond industry is aiming its new ads at millennials who aren’t that into marriage
10/7/2016 - Donald Trump’s history with town halls suggests Sunday night’s debate will be a disaster for him
10/7/2016 - What Hurricane Matthew looks like on the ground as it arrives in Florida
10/7/2016 - Amazon’s wacky, ham-handed “The Tick” is exactly the superhero we deserve
10/7/2016 - What is the difference between a founder and a leader?
10/7/2016 - How to convince your iPhone you really didn’t mean to type “duck” or “ducking”
10/7/2016 - These five myths about international stocks might make you miss investment opportunities
10/7/2016 - Citizens of DR Congo will have to wait two more years to choose a president
10/7/2016 - Five myths of international investing
10/7/2016 - The US is turning its nose up at white liquors, so white liquors are turning brown
10/7/2016 - How Clinton and Trump can spin the latest US jobs report to their advantage
10/7/2016 - Google’s latest self-driving car crash landed its test driver in the hospital
10/7/2016 - In retrospect, Tim Kaine’s debate was a masterful lesson in campaign strategy
10/7/2016 - Facebook Messenger for emerging markets, defense of US airports, London housing and the global super-rich
10/7/2016 - Modern America and Depression-era America have an awful lot in common
10/7/2016 - Messy people are tapping into a kind of genius the tidy don’t understand
10/7/2016 - The scariest thing about a Donald Trump presidency is what Paul Ryan would do with it
10/7/2016 - Americans are spending a fortune on finding happiness—and becoming less happy in the process
10/7/2016 - A rescue beagle turned US government worker has reached his mandatory retirement age
10/7/2016 - How I learned to live forever
10/7/2016 - On Sunday night, Trump needs a huge, beautiful win, but all Clinton has to do is not lose
10/7/2016 - Congratulations! You suck! The awards no one wants to win
10/7/2016 - How to recruit great people: A comprehensive slide deck from one of the early investors in BuzzFeed
10/7/2016 - China’s soccer fans are protesting in the streets after their national team lost to Syria
10/7/2016 - Asian stereotypes persist across America because we are still viewed as foreigners in our own land
10/7/2016 - Traffic deaths in the US have seen the biggest increase in 50 years—and nobody knows why
10/7/2016 - The age of self-acceptance is making us all a little delusional
10/7/2016 - The complete guide to winning the millennial vote this election
10/7/2016 - The two questions one of the world’s best musicians asks about everything
10/7/2016 - The new ideals
10/7/2016 - Trump’s obnoxiousness is pure New York—but his problem is he can’t control it
10/7/2016 - Sources say Postmates has struggled to raise money to fund its on-demand deliveries business
10/7/2016 - The only difference between the next generation of smartphones will be their AI assistants
10/7/2016 - The race to create the holy grail of domestic robots: a laundry-folding machine
10/7/2016 - People are working themselves to death in Japan and the government is finally taking it seriously
10/7/2016 - Amid tensions with China, Singapore is ramping up its military training facilities in Australia
10/7/2016 - The Nobel Peace Prize has gone to Colombia’s president for his peace deal with rebels, even though it failed
10/7/2016 - Hurricane Matthew hits Florida, US payrolls day, brain-boosting yawns
10/7/2016 - New research finds sweatshops may be a necessary evil in the development of economies
10/7/2016 - James Bond is now endorsing a 50-year-old Indian pan masala brand
10/7/2016 - The British pound suddenly plunged 6% in the middle of the night
10/7/2016 - 100-year-old portraits of Ellis Island immigrants in glorious fashions from around the world
10/7/2016 - Africa is in the middle of a hotel building boom that still won’t be enough for all its tourists
10/7/2016 - Just a fraction of airwaves put on sale by the Indian government has raised $9.9 billion
10/7/2016 - Why Samsung’s stock price just hit an all-time high, even as the Galaxy Note 7 keeps exploding
10/7/2016 - Can India’s favourite beauty treatment save the Taj Mahal from decay?
10/7/2016 - A free online Kiswahili-Chinese dictionary is helping Chinese learn one of Africa’s most spoken languages
10/7/2016 - Monster hurricane, greener airlines, long yawns
10/7/2016 - After killing over 330 in Haiti, Hurricane Matthew makes its way to Florida
10/7/2016 - Nothing wrong if Indian startups imitate the Amazons and Ubers of the world, says Google India head
10/7/2016 - A new Bruce Lee biopic portrays the martial arts legend as little more than a white guy’s sidekick
10/7/2016 - Forget dealing with Modi, Nawaz Sharif’s trickiest task is picking Pakistan’s next army chief
10/7/2016 - India has an efficient leader and the country’s a beacon of hope—but the good times may not last
10/6/2016 - Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte’s thin skin and bombast is threatening the peace in Southeast Asia
10/6/2016 - EU parliament fistfight, Walmart shifts focus, long yawns
10/6/2016 - The prime minister of Norway was caught playing Pokemon Go in parliament
10/6/2016 - What is the difference between a founder and a leader?
10/6/2016 - The UN has landed an historic deal to curb airplane emissions
10/6/2016 - A skyscraper in San Francisco is sinking—and taking down property values along with it
10/6/2016 - Facebook will spend $250 million getting people to make games for virtual reality
10/6/2016 - “A Trump presidency would be a threat to animals everywhere”: The Humane Society endorsed Hillary Clinton
10/6/2016 - We finally know how Mark Zuckerberg is going to make VR social
10/6/2016 - Chad Republic has just fined Exxon Mobil $74 billion—almost seven times its GDP
10/6/2016 - Humans aren’t special—apes can guess what others are thinking, too
10/6/2016 - Hillary Clinton is crushing Donald Trump among Asian Americans
10/6/2016 - Lesbian culture is being erased because investors think only gay men (and straight people) have money
10/6/2016 - Is there a limit to how long humans can live?
10/6/2016 - The Elena Ferrante saga is a cautionary tale about the double lives we lead online
10/6/2016 - Is the world ready for sweatpants at the office?
10/6/2016 - Wanted: artificial neural networks that can tell turtles from tuna, conservation-mindedness a plus
10/6/2016 - Techniques from improv comedy can teach you how to be a better leader
10/6/2016 - Donald Glover created a hit TV show by not really trying to make a TV show at all
10/6/2016 - “I’m nervous, I’m nervous, I’m nervous”: A child’s reaction when Donald Trump walks into a classroom
10/6/2016 - Governments blow billions by shutting off the internet to block cheating students and cheap phone calls
10/6/2016 - Five unusual do-gooder jobs that prove it’s possible to combine pleasure with public service
10/6/2016 - LinkedIn will tell employers you want a new job (and claims your boss won’t find out)
10/6/2016 - Amazon Prime for US customers now includes access to 1,000 free ebooks
10/6/2016 - In the US, it’s probably about to get easier to be prosecuted for insider trading
10/6/2016 - At taco trucks in Texas, a campaign to register voters is both practical and symbolic
10/6/2016 - The chance to succeed Ban Ki-moon at the UN went to the best man for the job
10/6/2016 - Harvard research highlights six ways to trick your brain out of procrastination
10/6/2016 - Twitter’s stock is falling like a dead bird on reports that potential suitors aren’t bidding
10/6/2016 - The dumb registration laws that keep millions of Americans from voting
10/6/2016 - America’s obsession with multiracial beauty reveals our ongoing bias against blackness
10/6/2016 - Protests on South Africa’s university campuses aren’t going away anytime soon, nor should they
10/6/2016 - The party that fought for Brexit has sunk to a shocking new low—a violent fight between members in the European Parliament
10/6/2016 - Why is Human Rights Watch unbothered by the derailment of Colombia’s historic peace deal?
10/6/2016 - The creators of Siri sold their new company to Samsung
10/6/2016 - In sadness and shame at their country’s turn against foreigners, some Brits are turning to poetry
10/6/2016 - Citizens of the world, beware: The British government doesn’t think you should exist
10/6/2016 - A new aerospace industry fellowship for women aims to address the field’s gender inequality
10/6/2016 - Three steps to reinventing your career—even if you’re not sure what you want to do next
10/6/2016 - Intimacy for rent: Inside the business of paid cuddling
10/6/2016 - The Nobel Peace Prize process is so absurd that Trump was supposedly a nominee
10/6/2016 - How to make work meaningful
10/6/2016 - ISIL’s foreign fighters are surprisingly well-educated, according to the World Bank
10/6/2016 - Ghana is taking down a statue of Gandhi from its oldest university
10/6/2016 - Teaching AI how to be sarcastic is totally the easiest thing ever
10/6/2016 - When the Netflix generation goes to the movies, they want artisanal cocktails and a meal
10/6/2016 - What have cats ever done for us? What haven’t they?
10/6/2016 - Watch: The future of affordable housing might be in solar-powered shipping containers
10/6/2016 - The pioneer of lithium-ion has been denied a Nobel yet again, and battery researchers are not happy
10/6/2016 - Nigeria, fallen on hard times, is selling two presidential jets to “cut waste”
10/6/2016 - Winning a Nobel Prize will still make you famous, but it used to make you richer
10/6/2016 - What would happen if felons could vote in the US?
10/6/2016 - Map of the Internet, Theranos shuts down blood labs, MacBook-scented candles
10/6/2016 - Kenyan journalists have been dealing with a violent run-up to next year’s elections
10/6/2016 - Chinese whispers in the Pakistani establishment: Do something about these terrorists!
10/6/2016 - Thailand’s detention of Joshua Wong shows how deeply some Southeast Asian nations are in China’s orbit
10/6/2016 - Scientists have finally pinpointed when humanity migrated out of Africa
10/6/2016 - African countries are facing the world’s worst teacher shortage
10/6/2016 - KFC’s parent company is blaming tensions in the South China Sea for its choppy performance
10/6/2016 - The taxman from Thane: Call centres near Mumbai made $150,000 a day blackmailing Americans
10/6/2016 - Bill Gates: Four ways the next US president can foster an innovation economy
10/6/2016 - More and more Indians with loans against property are failing to pay back on time
10/6/2016 - A passenger plane was evacuated after a replacement Samsung Galaxy Note 7 caught fire
10/6/2016 - The real architect of India’s economic reforms wasn’t Manmohan Singh
10/6/2016 - A new UN chief, smoking Samsung, self-tying shoes
10/6/2016 - Marico: How an old-school Indian consumer company is tackling the age of e-commerce and Patanjali
10/5/2016 - 31% of Chinese tourists pack instant noodles when they travel
10/5/2016 - Drone photos reveal the dazzling geometry of everyday roads and intersections
10/5/2016 - A new UN chief, India’s tax scammers, Macbook-scented candles
10/5/2016 - Major league baseball is testing the limits of how fast a human can throw a small, round object
10/5/2016 - The world’s largest carbon-capture power station will soon open—on schedule and within budget
10/5/2016 - Photos: Hurricane Matthew’s deadly path through the Caribbean and toward the US
10/5/2016 - I thought Nike’s self-lacing sneakers were a gimmick. Then I tried on the Nike Mag, and now I want a pair
10/5/2016 - Tax loopholes allow Apple, Nike, and others to avoid US taxes that could pay for Obamacare six times over
10/5/2016 - All of the things we learned from Fox News’ racist “Chinatown” segment
10/5/2016 - What will our roads look like when driving goes digital? This infographic explores the future of the car
10/5/2016 - More than 10,000 refugees have crossed the Mediterranean trying to reach Italy in the last 48 hours
10/5/2016 - The Polish pro-abortion protests caused the government to rethink a total ban
10/5/2016 - From gemstones to folktales: inspirations of three female artists
10/5/2016 - 3D-printed rhino horns will be ready in two years, but will they save the rhinos?
10/5/2016 - Ethiopia emerges from national mourning with more protests and internet shutdown
10/5/2016 - A look at the impact of federal funds rate increases over the last 30 years
10/5/2016 - What does the rising federal funds rate mean for portfolios?
10/5/2016 - Gawker founder Nick Denton: The internet “has brought all the poisons to the surface”
10/5/2016 - Trump and Pence both think practice is for chumps
10/5/2016 - At an unusual auction in London, collectors were willing to spend thousands of pounds for plastic £5 notes
10/5/2016 - NASA captured dramatic footage of Hurricane Matthew from space
10/5/2016 - An American artist is moving Rosa Parks’s house from Detroit to Berlin to save it from demolition
10/5/2016 - TED is gathering elite thinkers for a “provocative event” in Tanzania next year
10/5/2016 - Obama, the Tourist-in-Chief, is checking things off his travel bucket list
10/5/2016 - A psychologist has honed a subliminal tactic to get what you want before you’ve asked for it
10/5/2016 - The work that won this year’s Nobel Prize in chemistry—in terms a high school student would understand
10/5/2016 - Google’s idea of a cheap smart home is still really quite expensive
10/5/2016 - Britain’s most hated bank is rolling out a robot teller that shows empathy
10/5/2016 - Unlimited vacation sounds too good to be true—because it is
10/5/2016 - Pence is to Kaine what Milhouse is to Milhouse
10/5/2016 - New York’s most glorious co-working space reopens to the public
10/5/2016 - Millennials need to ditch their parents’ outdated career ladders and embrace job-hopping
10/5/2016 - Europe is thinking of giving all its 18-year-olds free InterRail tickets for backpacking holidays
10/5/2016 - Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail didn’t cure my depression—but it did change my life
10/5/2016 - These beautiful photos reveal the internet is hiding in plain sight
10/5/2016 - Where your data flows on the internet matters, and you have no control over it
10/5/2016 - Childhood trauma doesn’t just live in our bodies, it ages them
10/5/2016 - This map shows the explosive growth of underwater cables that power the global internet
10/5/2016 - Murky international laws threaten to break up the internet as we know it
10/5/2016 - The internet has been quietly rewired, and video is the reason why
10/5/2016 - How do you make a map of the internet?
10/5/2016 - Almost all human wrongdoing traces back to our desire to fit in
10/5/2016 - The story of the humble latex, which laid the foundation for the global web
10/5/2016 - Tracing the byzantine maze of the companies that have come to control America’s internet
10/5/2016 - How countries like China and Russia are able to control the internet
10/5/2016 - Why your internet probably doesn’t come through a satellite, but maybe will one day
10/5/2016 - People who feel the pain of sad songs may be better at feeling the pain of other human beings
10/5/2016 - It won’t be long before all our plastics come from plants instead of oil
10/5/2016 - A good sense of humor is a sign of psychological health
10/5/2016 - How the company behind League of Legends rebuilt its own internet backbone so that it’s faster for gamers
10/5/2016 - Yahoo reportedly helped the US government spy on all its users’ emails, as they came in
10/5/2016 - Crowdfunding could be huge in Africa but regulatory laws need to catch up
10/5/2016 - An iconic record store has resorted to selling pot because no one buys albums anymore
10/5/2016 - Watch Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin test the last-ditch escape system on its tourist spacecraft
10/5/2016 - The fundamentalz of financial analysis, according to rappers
10/5/2016 - What happened when a global software company scoured its salary data for possible gender bias
10/5/2016 - HBO is thirsty as hell for a “Game of Thrones” spinoff
10/5/2016 - This was, hands down, the best US vice presidential debate I’ve ever seen
10/5/2016 - May’s day, fact-free VP face-off, restricting voting to smart people
10/5/2016 - Powered by the Gray Euro, one in five vacation days in Europe are by tourists aged 65 and over
10/5/2016 - Airlines are now rewarding flyers for Airbnb stays
10/5/2016 - The challenges women face in corporate America are curbing their ambitions
10/5/2016 - Consultants using PowerPoint presentations in poor countries won’t stop climate change—education will
10/5/2016 - The value of motorcycle public transport will more than double in Africa
10/5/2016 - Will automation play spoilsport to Narendra Modi’s “Make in India” dreams?
10/5/2016 - A bespoke suit from one of Italy’s finest tailoring families includes a six-night stay at their villa
10/5/2016 - (Updated: Fake, says publisher) “Anita Raja” says she is Elena Ferrante and asks to be left alone.
10/5/2016 - All your chats and social media posts can now be used against you in court in China, a new law says
10/5/2016 - Work-life balance? What’s that, asks the Indian employee traveling 8 hours a day
10/5/2016 - Governance is improving across Africa, but not in enough of its biggest countries
10/5/2016 - Facebook is interpreting your likes a bit too literally
10/5/2016 - US VP debate, Pakistan’s parliamentary session, bees with feelings
10/5/2016 - Mike Pence is the presidential candidate Republicans wish they had
10/5/2016 - Western brands are erecting “gender walls” to conform to Saudi Arabia’s strict gender rules
10/5/2016 - For a few votes more, India’s politicians are destroying their army’s reputation
10/5/2016 - Vice presidential debate: Mike Pence was not asked a single question about his decades-long assault on LGBT rights
10/5/2016 - Tim Kaine and Mike Pence both used the Bible to say opposite things
10/5/2016 - Mike Pence won the debate, as long as facts don’t matter to you
10/4/2016 - Military spending by the US has declined, but it still dwarfs that of any other nation
10/4/2016 - Why don’t Democrats fight back harder when Republicans blame them for the economic crisis?
10/4/2016 - Mike Pence’s attempt to dismiss “that Mexican thing” has turned into a hashtag of inspiring stories
10/4/2016 - This is the moment when Tim Kaine sold himself as a potential vice president
10/4/2016 - The vice presidential debate’s key question: Does Mike Pence know Donald Trump said those things?
10/4/2016 - Trump’s running mate totally discarded his policy on Vladimir Putin
10/4/2016 - Tim Kaine’s lapel pin in the vice presidential debate honors his son and the military
10/4/2016 - Mike Pence ignores Obama’s legacy on immigration, insists Clinton wants “open borders”
10/4/2016 - Hong Kong’s pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong has been “blacklisted” from Thailand
10/4/2016 - Google drops a new smartphone, Pakistan’s parliamentary session, bees with feelings
10/4/2016 - Apple’s new fingerprint patent hints at a future iPhone with no home button
10/4/2016 - More than 40% of Americans have no idea who the vice-presidential nominees are
10/4/2016 - Interactive: The systems that keep us healthy are getting smarter
10/4/2016 - A dystopian data center just became the most glamorous runway in fashion
10/4/2016 - Facebook’s new Marketplace is already flooded with illegal guns, drugs, sex, and wildlife
10/4/2016 - Is the way you eat indicative of larger trends?
10/4/2016 - Everything Google announced at its massive hardware event today
10/4/2016 - Flint’s new public health crisis: people are getting sick because they’re afraid to wash their hands
10/4/2016 - Two companies are about to control a quarter of the world’s luggage market
10/4/2016 - New technology lets you transmit passwords through your body
10/4/2016 - Startups are driving the cost of genetic testing so low that everyone can be tested for lethal diseases now
10/4/2016 - Man who livestreamed his child’s birth is now suing the media for sharing the video
10/4/2016 - A massive new study says the contraceptive pill is linked to depression—and teens are most at risk
10/4/2016 - An Oxford University professor explains this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics in terms a high-school student would understand
10/4/2016 - Who is Mike Pence? The “evangelical Catholic” charged with defending Trump against Tim Kaine tonight
10/4/2016 - Nike is releasing its self-lacing sneakers from Back to the Future II through a frenzy-inducing raffle
10/4/2016 - Bruce Springsteen’s depression revelation is heartening—but people of color need mental health heroes, too
10/4/2016 - Gender identity, and other reasons Colombians rejected their peace deal that had nothing to do with the peace deal
10/4/2016 - Baidu’s new smartphone keyboard lets you type sentences with just one tap (and a murmur)
10/4/2016 - Photos: What half a billion tourists on the move look like during China’s Golden Week
10/4/2016 - This is turning into the nightmarish year of the referendum
10/4/2016 - A big Dutch bank is replacing 5,800 people with machines, at a cost of $2 billion
10/4/2016 - Uber’s self-driving cars are already getting into scrapes on the streets of Pittsburgh
10/4/2016 - A satirical travel advisory for Africans visiting the US hits close to home on two continents
10/4/2016 - A candidate for Missouri state representative has accused another incoming lawmaker of rape
10/4/2016 - There’s a scientific strategy to help you vote for president when you don’t like any of the candidates
10/4/2016 - Mike Pence will have to flip-flop all night to square Trump’s views with his own at the vice presidential debate
10/4/2016 - The vice presidential debate features two candidates with radically different views on women
10/4/2016 - America’s choice of vice president matters more this year than it ever has
10/4/2016 - Luke Cage takes on the ultimate villain: America’s toxic black male stereotypes
10/4/2016 - Whose fault is Donald Trump?
10/4/2016 - How to watch today’s big Google event
10/4/2016 - How Arundhati Roy avoided the successful young fiction writer’s dreaded curse
10/4/2016 - Scientists find that bees on sugar behave optimistically
10/4/2016 - The disappearance of tenure-track jobs is a recipe for useless research and weak teaching
10/4/2016 - The complete guide to getting your money’s worth out of streaming music
10/4/2016 - Europe’s fight over data privacy has a silver lining—a cloud-computing boom
10/4/2016 - The US hotel industry is going after Airbnb for its “arrogance”
10/4/2016 - It’s dangerous for all of us when food companies are also tech startups
10/4/2016 - Google’s new phones, LVMH buys Rimowa, Trump-induced anxiety
10/4/2016 - A quarter of all Nobel prizes in medicine have been for research on the smallest unit of life
10/4/2016 - Urjit Patel’s debut: India’s first monetary policy committee gets to work with an interest rate cut
10/4/2016 - British 30-somethings have the lowest home ownership rates in half a century
10/4/2016 - VP debate moderator Elaine Quijano is one of the US’s 36 million second-generation immigrants
10/4/2016 - India and Pakistan are deliberately and dangerously turning the general public into war-mongering psychos
10/4/2016 - A traveling telescope is getting children in Kenya interested in science and technology
10/4/2016 - The Syrian government is trying to distract you from the ruin of Aleppo with “Game of Thrones”-themed tourism
10/4/2016 - The UK military wants your ideas for how to build swarms of attack drones
10/4/2016 - Yoga, kung-fu, and marathons: Indian entrepreneurs are working out as hard as they work
10/4/2016 - IMF’s outlook, Google’s new smartphones, dirty-car fine
10/4/2016 - What does an Indian city sound like? The answer is hauntingly beautiful
10/4/2016 - Hate speech factory 4chan is dying, and Twitter and Reddit should be paying attention
10/4/2016 - Indian startups are now more willing than ever to acquire and get acquired
10/3/2016 - China at the IMF, Google’s new smartphones, Putin keeps his plutonium
10/3/2016 - We will have gender equality when a woman with five kids from three husbands is running for president
10/3/2016 - How to watch the vice presidential debate on TV and online
10/3/2016 - It wasn’t grades or test scores that got eight-year-old Jordin Phipps accepted to college
10/3/2016 - Facebook’s latest attempt to reach developing markets is a pared-down Messenger app
10/3/2016 - Donald Trump’s charity has been banned from operating after breaking New York state law
10/3/2016 - Clad in black, Polish women refused to go to work to protest a proposed abortion ban
10/3/2016 - Paris mayor says don’t let a little thing like Kim Kardashian’s $10 million robbery put you off visiting
10/3/2016 - Scientists rigged together a GoPro and heart-rate monitor to measure your racial bias
10/3/2016 - People are suing Apple over the most annoying problem with the iPhone: “touch disease”
10/3/2016 - Did Donald Trump have even bigger business losses than his leaked 1995 tax return says?
10/3/2016 - The Cubs built the best team in baseball by scouting for soft skills
10/3/2016 - Scientists gave squirrels fitness trackers and found that males are lazy and females do all the work
10/3/2016 - Elena Ferrante’s unmasking is a story about denial of consent—just like the work that made her famous
10/3/2016 - A drone accidentally photographed newlyweds who found a secret oasis in Hong Kong’s skyline
10/3/2016 - “Humanity at its worst”: John Oliver takes on the “bad apples” in the US police
10/3/2016 - Nigeria doesn’t know exactly how much oil it produces, but is pretty sure $17 billion is missing
10/3/2016 - Alec Baldwin’s dead-on impression of Donald Trump on SNL transcended parody
10/3/2016 - Syria’s currency crisis means big trouble for Bashar al-Assad’s war efforts
10/3/2016 - Europe’s lurch to the right is bad news for women’s autonomy over their bodies
10/3/2016 - MIT researchers are 3D-printing customizable padding for robots
10/3/2016 - Toyota is releasing a chatty robot that sits in your car’s cupholder
10/3/2016 - Ethiopia is in a state of national mourning after 52 Oromo protesters were killed in a stampede
10/3/2016 - Silicon Valley tech bros want to trick us into thinking capitalism is revolutionary
10/3/2016 - Hillary Clinton’s favorite world leader is Angela Merkel
10/3/2016 - These are the EU’s reported plans to break up Google’s monopoly powers
10/3/2016 - Alexander Hamilton and the new Supreme Court term
10/3/2016 - After Trump and Clinton’s fiery first debate, will anyone care when their low key running mates face off?
10/3/2016 - To take control of your email inbox, think about it like your IRL mailbox
10/3/2016 - The Nobel Prize in medicine goes to Yoshinori Ohsumi, for his research on how cells recycle their own parts
10/3/2016 - A combination of machine learning and game theory is being used to fight elephant poaching in Uganda
10/3/2016 - What to expect from Google’s big smartphone event on Oct. 4
10/3/2016 - Almost every US tech IPO in 2016 is performing above its offering price
10/3/2016 - Obama’s words of advice to Cuba: don’t try US-style capitalism
10/3/2016 - Turkey is deporting Nigerian students from schools it claims were linked to the July coup attempt
10/3/2016 - This little girl perfectly summarized the awful gender-specific choices for children’s clothing
10/3/2016 - There’s one main difference between Chinese and Mexican immigrants who come to the US illegally
10/3/2016 - The closer Brexit gets, the worse the pound performs
10/3/2016 - Supreme Court’s new term, Colombians vote against peace, Elena Ferrante revealed?
10/3/2016 - Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte is threatening to kick the US off his nation’s military bases
10/3/2016 - China’s Consensus Net, a website for open intellectual discussion, has suddenly shut down
10/3/2016 - The best monsoon rains in three years could boost India’s GDP by $22 billion
10/3/2016 - 589 million Chinese tourists will spend $72 billion in just seven days celebrating “Golden Week”
10/3/2016 - “Get out, the Pakistanis are coming”: For millions along India’s border, war has already begun
10/3/2016 - Sticky online advertisements haunt India’s internet users
10/3/2016 - Brexit’s official date, Trump’s tax scandal, bathing in potholes
10/3/2016 - The desperation of Indian housewives in the United States of America
10/2/2016 - The 2016 Nobel Prize winners in medicine, physics, chemistry, peace, economics, and literature
10/2/2016 - “Hillary has always been a champion for children:” LeBron James endorses Hillary Clinton for president
10/2/2016 - Colombians have rejected the peace deal that was supposed to end 52 years of civil war
10/2/2016 - Trump’s tax scandal, Colombia’s “no” to peace, bathing in potholes
10/2/2016 - Over a billion people have been lifted out of poverty since 1990, but the next billion will be harder
10/2/2016 - Another Indian Army camp was attacked in Kashmir—the second time in two weeks
10/2/2016 - One of Amazon’s top executives is going to work in Italy’s public sector—for free
10/2/2016 - In honor of breast cancer awareness month: 11 things not to say to women who’ve had breast cancer
10/2/2016 - We now know when the UK is set to leave the EU
10/2/2016 - Robin Williams suffered from a common form of dementia that many people don’t know about
10/2/2016 - Historically speaking, the Tesla deaths are not out of the norm
10/2/2016 - The right to vote should be restricted to those with knowledge
10/2/2016 - In photos: A burlesque guide to making it through chemo
10/2/2016 - “I was nearly date raped”
10/2/2016 - This robot can entertain children for hours without any adult supervision
10/2/2016 - All hail Virgin’s innovative, forward-thinking, collaborative initiative: No email
10/2/2016 - In defense of those US airports that are getting bashed for being “third-world”
10/2/2016 - An Asian-American rock band’s lawsuit might actually save the Redskins’ racist trademark
10/2/2016 - Only an American would think up this ridiculous scheme to get Londoners to talk to each other on the Tube
10/2/2016 - Sculptures made with shrapnel that killed Ukrainians
10/2/2016 - Traveling Africans, bushmeat angst, Somalia’s tourists
10/2/2016 - Bedlam: The story behind the London mental hospital that came to mean hell on earth
10/1/2016 - Donald Trump’s catch-22: To sue the New York Times for publishing his tax returns, he’d have to admit they’re his
10/1/2016 - Those guys who accidentally disarmed a bomb in Manhattan really should have known it was a bomb
10/1/2016 - Alt-right trolls are using these code words for racial slurs online
10/1/2016 - The strange, rare medical condition that leads people to insist they don’t actually exist
10/1/2016 - The Chinese yuan has officially joined the IMF’s elite currency club
10/1/2016 - The reason we can’t agree on what’s factual is that “facts” don’t exist
10/1/2016 - AT&T’s CEO urges employees to confront racial tensions, and explains the problem with “all lives matter”
10/1/2016 - He fled Uganda, grew up in a refugee camp, loved cooking and soccer. And then he was shot by American police
10/1/2016 - HBO’s “Westworld” is a fascinating workplace drama disguised as a sci-fi Western mashup
10/1/2016 - Uganda is giving free Wi-Fi across Kampala every night but only for access to ‘good’ websites
10/1/2016 - Nvidia taught a self-driving car to drive like a human without telling it how
10/1/2016 - Japan’s male politicians are experiencing pregnancy to urge dads to do more housework
10/1/2016 - Weekend edition—Shimon Peres, the bushmeat risk, child cobalt miners
10/1/2016 - Aliens probably look even weirder than we think
10/1/2016 - Janet Yellen’s terrible week signals more about the state of US politics than the US economy
10/1/2016 - It’s not just you: Psychology reveals why clowns are so creepy
10/1/2016 - A feminist group will fly anti-Trump banners over five college football games today
10/1/2016 - With the death of Shimon Peres, what Israel lost was not its moral compass so much as the fiction of one
10/1/2016 - South Africa is an ideal setting for a new children’s book promoting diverse family structures
10/1/2016 - Asian manufacturers are adding more robots than the rest of the world combined
10/1/2016 - To improve gender equality at work, change the language of job posts
10/1/2016 - The world’s first non-rectangular soccer field
10/1/2016 - Will Russia’s military exercises with Pakistan mar its long-term relationship with India?
10/1/2016 - Weekend edition—Shimon Peres, the bushmeat risk, child cobalt miners